Douluo II: Four Spirits of Martial Arts

Chapter 149 Goodbye Xue Wuhen

Chapter 149 Goodbye Xue Wuhen

The next morning, a young man walked out of the Xingluo Hotel and ran straight to the streets of Xingluo City.

The young man walked aimlessly on the street, occasionally glancing at the shops on both sides of the street, which looked no different from ordinary shopping.

Until he saw a grocery store with a snow wolf head hanging on it, his eyes suddenly lit up and he murmured to himself:
"So it's here."

With that said, the young man walked into the grocery store.

This grocery store is not big, only about ten square meters. There are various soul beast bones and furs on the walls and shelves.

On the counter, there was a short man with a mustache sitting. He looked listless and did not look like a serious business person at all.

Seeing the young man entering the door, the man with the mustache glanced at him and said weakly:
"See for yourself, prices are all marked, no haggling is accepted."

"Claw, you can't make any money like this."

The young man said with a smile.

When he heard what the young man said, the originally listless man immediately stood up, took a careful look at the young man in front of him, his eyes were filled with doubts, and he immediately asked:
"Who are you and why do you know my name?"

Yes, this short man with a mustache is the paw of the Snow Wolf Mercenary Group. After Xue Wuhen decided to follow Yu Hao, he asked him to come to Xingluo City to buy a shop and wait for Yu Hao's contact. .

It's just that it's been a long time since Paw didn't wait for Yu Hao to come, so it became so listless.

But just now, the man in front of him said his name, and his claws thought it was Yu Hao.

After all, no one in this Xingluo City would know his real name.

But after several glances, Claw didn't see even a trace of Yuhao in the young man in front of him.

The young man smiled faintly, and then his face became illusive, finally revealing a face with very familiar claws.

"Boss Huo!"

That's right, it's Yuhao.

And the reason why he was able to look like a strange young man was naturally because of his second soul skill "simulation".

Today's simulation is that even the titled Douluo can't tell the difference clearly when standing in front of him.

"Boss Huo, you're finally here."

Paw hurriedly walked to Yuhao, with a miserable look on his face, and said:

"You have no idea how bored I am these days."

Yuhao smiled faintly, waved his hand, and continued:
"Okay, I see all your achievements. Is Xue Wuhen in Xingluo City?"

"Boss is also in Xingluo City. Boss Huo, come with me."

Zhao said, pulling Yuhao out to find Xue Wuhen.

Looking at the unattended grocery store, Yuhao tilted his head and said:

"Why don't you close the shop first?"

"No need, the things inside are not valuable."

Paw waved his hand, not worried at all about the items in the store being stolen.

Seeing this, Yuhao shook his head, not knowing what to say.


Led by his claws, Yuhao arrived at a villa.

Looking at the exquisitely decorated and unique small villa, Yuhao smacked his lips and said:
"Before, I was worried that you would have a bad life. Looking at it now, I was worrying too much."

"Okay, okay, actually, this is where the boss lives. Normally, other brothers and I don't come here."

He scratched his head with his claws and explained.

Yuhao didn't pay attention and motioned his paw to knock on the door.

Not long after the doorbell rang, the door of the villa was opened, and a handsome young man appeared in front of Yuhao. It was none other than Xue Wuhen.

But next to him, there were two beauties with scantily clad clothes and extremely hot bodies.

Looking at their eyes that were about to thicken and the red lip marks on Xue Wuhen's face, it was not difficult to imagine the relationship between the three of them. "Paw, didn't I tell you, don't come to me if you have nothing to do? You didn't see me busy with business."

Hearing Xue Wuhen's words, Zhao's face showed a hint of embarrassment, and then whispered:

"Boss, look who's coming from behind."

Because it was his paw that pressed the doorbell, Xue Wuhen did not see Yu Hao behind him at first.

After he saw Yuhao's appearance clearly, his blurred eyes suddenly widened, and the expression on his face also changed, and he exclaimed:
"Huo, Boss Huo!"

Yuhao walked forward, glanced at the two beauties next to Xue Wuhen with a smile, and said:
"Captain Xue, you are well and well. Look at you like this, you look very cool."

"Uh... Hehe, Boss Huo, I'm just bored and wanted to chat with these two beauties."

Xue Wuhen scratched his face, then winked at the two beauties beside him and said:

"Don't you think so?"

"Yes, yes, we are just chatting."

These two beauties were not without eyesight. They knew that the young man in front of them definitely had a good background, so they immediately covered Xue Wuhen.

Yuhao, on the other hand, just smiled. He didn't care at all about what Xue Wuhen and the others did in private, as long as he completed what he told them to do.

"Okay, send these two beauties away, I have something to tell you."

"Come on, come on."

Xue Wuhen agreed immediately and whispered in the ears of the two beauties, and then the two beauties left with a smile, not forgetting to give Xue Wuhen a wink before leaving.

"Boss Huo, please come inside."

"Yeah, yes, wipe the lipstick on your face."

Yuhao nodded, and then pointed at the hickey on Xue Wuhen's face.

With that said, he walked into the villa, leaving traces of Xue Wuhen frantically wiping his face outside.


Not long after, the brand new Xue Wuhen reappeared in front of Yuhao. After pouring him a cup of tea, he sat down and asked:

"Boss Huo, tell me what we need to do."

Yuhao took a sip of tea and said calmly:
"I came to you. There is indeed something I need you to do for me, but it may be dangerous."

"Danger? When we were in the frozen forest, we were in danger every moment."

Xue Wuhen chuckled lightly, not caring at all about the danger Yu Hao said.

"The danger in this matter is different from the danger you had before."

Yuhao did not relax and said in a deep voice:

"Do you know the Holy Spirit Cult?"

"The Holy Spirit?"

Xue Wuhen and Zhao's faces were full of doubts, and they obviously didn't know about this organization.

Yuhao waved and motioned for the two of them to come over.

Then he told them the origin of the Holy Spirit Cult and what he needed the two of them to do.

After listening, even Xue Wuhen, who had experienced many lives and deaths, showed a solemn look on his face.

Just because what Yuhao asked them to do this time was indeed dangerous. Once exposed, his end might be worse than death.

And Yuhao didn't rush him, he just drank tea quietly.

He also wanted to see whether this person who relied on him and wanted to do something big had the courage.

 Chapter two, chapter two, a little late.

(End of this chapter)

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