Douluo II: Four Spirits of Martial Arts

Chapter 161 The Arrival of the Son

Chapter 161 The Arrival of the Son

After hearing this roar, Nangong Wan's expression changed drastically and he shouted.

"Not good! Go back!"

After saying that, he flew quickly towards the rear.

The Holy Spirit Elder reacted quickly, grabbing the Great Holy Spirit next to him and flying to the side.

As for Xue Wuhen and Nana, although they also realized that something was wrong, they were not seven-ringed soul saints after all, and they had no ability to fly at all.

The next moment, the ground trembled and the mountains shook, as if there was an earthquake, causing the earth to crack.

Xue Wuhen and Nana, who were about to escape, couldn't dodge and fell into the cracks in the ground one after another.

With the strength of the two of them, it is impossible to escape from it.

High in the air, looking at the ground below covered by dust and mist, the Holy Spirit Elder slapped his thigh suddenly and sighed softly:

"It's over, it's over, I forgot to rescue the messenger."

Because the incident happened suddenly, Elder Holy Spirit didn’t think much about it at the time.

But at the next moment, the dust mist below stirred, and a dragon head that was half skull and half carrion poked out of the dust mist.

The dragon head let out a roar, and the next moment, a pair of huge broken bone wings unfolded, bringing out the corpse dragon's huge body of nearly a hundred meters.

The corpse dragon fanned its huge dragon wings and brought up gusts of wind.

And under those two huge dragon claws, they were holding two people, none other than Xue Wuhen and Nana.

At this moment, Xue Wuhen's face was pale and he had lost his previous calmness.

Because he had just experienced the feeling of being on the edge of life and death.

Nana on the other side was not much better than him.

However, Nana quickly regained her composure, looked up, and found a man in black standing on top of the huge and terrifying dragon head.

The man wore a mask with a white gold edge, covering his face. He exuded a cold, deathly aura, and it seemed that just by being close to him, he could feel the call of death.

"Is this the Son of Light that Xue Wuhen talks about? But what does this guy have to do with light? The Son of Death is almost the same."

Nana couldn't help but swallow her saliva and didn't dare to look at the man in black again.

And this man in black is none other than Yu Hao.

However, because his original face was already known to the world, he deliberately used simulated soul skills to change his appearance and figure, and even put on a mask.

There is only one purpose, and that is to sneak into the Holy Spirit Cult.

Yuhao glanced around and his eyes fell on Nangong Wan.

Although Yuhao didn't know Nangong Wan at this moment, the latter exuded an extremely powerful and evil aura, even stronger than the average titled Douluo.

Yuhao understood that the guy in front of him was definitely a high-ranking member of the Holy Spirit Religion.

Thinking of this, Yuhao couldn't help but glance at Xue Wuhen, who was caught by the dragon's claws, and thought to himself:
"Xue Wuhen, you caught a big fish for me this time."

Afterwards, Yuhao directed the corpse dragon to fall towards the ground.

On the other side, when Yu Hao glanced over, the Holy Spirit Elder and the Great Holy Spirit both felt their hearts tremble, as if their souls had been seen through.

Even Nangong Wan's face froze, unable to see through the strength of Yu Hao opposite him.

After seeing Yuhao's whereabouts, he also flew to the ground.

Because he wanted to confirm whether Yuhao was the reincarnation of the Holy Emperor.

After standing on the ground, Xue Wuhen recovered from the panic.

Turning to look at Yu Hao above, Xue Wuhen had a look of doubt on his face.

Because although the figure in front of him is wearing a mask, his face cannot be seen.

But based on his figure alone, Xue Wuhen could tell that this guy was definitely not Boss Huo.

"What's going on? Could it be that Boss Huo has found an ally?" Xue Wuhen thought to himself.

At this moment, Yu Hao waved slightly, and something emerged from Xue Wuhen's arms, which was the token he had given to the latter before.

"Snow Wolf, why did you come so late?"

Although the voice was different from Yuhao's, Xue Wuhen was happy in her heart.

Because only Yuhao knew that he also had the title "Snow Wolf".

Xue Wuhen reacted quickly and immediately fell into his role.

"Young Master, please calm down. The main reason is that these people don't believe what my subordinates say. For this reason, I will not hesitate to take out the token given by the Young Master."

Saying that, Xue Wuhen knelt down and worshiped.

When Yuhao heard this, he turned to look at Nangong Wan and the others.

Seeing Yu Hao looking over, Nangong Wan was just thinking about what to say, when she saw Yu Hao opposite him suddenly releasing his martial spirit.

Gray spiritual power was seen escaping from Yuhao's eyes, and a gray shadow slowly emerged behind him.

At the same time, a gray soul ring that had never appeared before appeared around Yuhao.

"A ring?"

When they saw Yuhao's weird martial soul and soul ring, Nangong Wan and the other three were stunned.

But the next moment, the expressions of the three people changed drastically at the same time.

Because Yu Hao on the opposite side slowly raised his right hand and at the same time recited an obscure spell in his mouth.


With Yu Hao's finger, a huge gray six-pointed star magic circle suddenly appeared in front of him, and then two huge black vines ejected from the magic circle, heading straight towards the Holy Spirit Elder behind Nangong Wan.

When Nangong Wan saw this black vine, Nangong Wan's first reaction was to avoid it.

After dodging away, I realized that the black vine man was heading towards the Holy Spirit Elder.

But it was too late for him to rescue him at this time. The Holy Spirit Elder had been entangled by two black vines, and purple barbs grew on the vines, which penetrated into the Holy Spirit Elder's body, absorbing his energy as if consciously. blood.


Seeing this, Nangong Wan shouted loudly, and then released his martial spirit.

After releasing his martial spirit, many small arms grew under Nangong Wan's ribs, and black carapace appeared on his back.

This is Nangong Wan's martial spirit, Tian Centi, the top evil martial spirit.

However, before Nangong Wan could go to the rescue, a huge figure stood in front of him.

It's the corpse dragon.

The corpse dragon is the strongest creature summoned by Yu Hao from the Gate of the Dead, and its aura strength has reached the level of a top eight-ring soul master.

And because it was transformed into a giant dragon corpse, it was strong enough to withstand the Titled Douluo.

Even Nangong Wan didn't dare to say that he could be defeated firmly.

The corpse dragon roared and then rushed towards Nangong Wan.

Nangong Wan originally didn't want to fight with Yuhao, but when he saw the corpse dragon rushing over, he had no way to dissuade him. He could only find a way to get rid of the corpse dragon first.

As the soul power surged, Nangong Wan's seventh soul ring lit up, and instantly transformed into a hundred-meter centipede, fighting with the corpse dragon.

On the other side, the Holy Spirit Elder saw that he could not break away from the black vine, so he threw his Holy Spirit flag to the Great Holy Spirit.

"Hurry up and save me!"

 Chapter [-], Chapter [-], thank you all book friends for your support, thank you, see you tomorrow!

(End of this chapter)

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