Chapter 172 Attacks!

After hearing Qian Duoduo's method, Mr. Song frowned and said:
"Duoduo, according to you, our college must invest a lot of financial resources in order to seal Ma Xiaotao?"

Although Mr. Song is not from the soul guidance system, he has never been exposed to soul guidance devices before.

But she also understood how expensive an eighth-level soul tool was.

"Although our Shrek Academy has a lot of money, we can't waste it on just one student."

Hearing Mr. Song's words, Qian Duoduo lowered his head in embarrassment.

Xian Lin'er on the side couldn't help it anymore, stood up and retorted:
"What is a waste? Xiaotao is a core disciple of our college's inner court. She once represented our college in the Soul Master Elite Competition. How can it be called a waste when resources are used on her?"

"Hmph, she represented our college in the Soul Master Elite Competition, but what about the result?"

Mr. Song snorted coldly, with a gloomy look on his wrinkled face, and said:
"As a result, our Shrek Academy won the second place. Second place. She lost the glory that our academy has maintained for thousands of years!"

"That's not Xiaotao's fault."

Xian Lin'er said angrily.

After all, they all knew that in that game, a peerless genius who was rarely seen in ten thousand years appeared in the Noumenon Academy. However, the three-ring soul master had the combat power of the seven-ring soul saint, and even had a 10-year-old soul ring.

Facing an opponent of this level, no matter which generation of the Shrek Seven Devils they belong to in the academy, they will definitely come back defeated.

"It's a mistake to lose!"

Mr. Song shouted.

She is completely a stubborn old woman who judges the outcome based on success or failure.

Xian Lin'er was so angry that her chest kept rising and falling, and her fingers were trembling slightly.

Qian Duoduo on the side saw this and immediately comforted him:
"Lin'er, calm down."

Xian Lin'er snorted coldly and sat down.

Anyway, she made up her mind and would never let anyone hurt Ma Xiaotao.

Even her mother.

Not to be outdone, Mr. Song then asked Qian Duoduo:
"Duoduo, let me ask you again, can this eighth-level soul tool be able to seal Ma Xiaotao's current power?"

"Absolutely no problem."

Qian Duoduo said with certainty.

"Then what if Ma Xiaotao's power increases to another level."

Elder Song asked again.

"This...should be no problem."

Qian Duoduo's tone was obviously a little unsure.

"Humph, don't say anything if you're not sure."

Mr. Song snorted coldly and continued:
"The current growth rate of Ma Xiaotao's strength is extremely terrifying, even if our Shrek Academy is willing to pour resources into her and create an eighth-level soul guide every once in a while."

"But when Ma Xiaotao's power exceeds the seal range of the eighth-level soul guide, is it possible that we will have to develop a ninth-level soul guide specifically for him?"

Mr. Song's words were like arrows, which made Qian Duoduo shut his mouth and Xian Lin'er's expression became extremely gloomy.

Yes, we can still seal Ma Xiaotao now, but what should we do when Ma Xiaotao's strength grows and reaches the point where she cannot be sealed.

"So I suggest that Ma Xiaotao be eliminated now to avoid causing trouble in the future."

Mr. Song suggested again.

"No, the worst case scenario is that Xiaotao's training will be abolished so that she will not be able to break through for the rest of her life."

Xian Lin'er still objected.

This aroused Mr. Song's dissatisfaction, but just when she was about to say something more, her expression suddenly changed.

Not only her, Xian Lin'er, Mr. Zhuang and others also changed their expressions and said:
"No, a Titled Douluo is coming!"

The next moment, the figures of several people disappeared.


In Shrek Academy, two figures wrapped in black robes stood in the sky.Looking at Shrek Academy below, I couldn't help but snorted.

Following the hum, a powerful pressure was suddenly released downwards.

When the students below felt the pressure from above, except for those whose soul power level reached the sixth-ring Soul Emperor or above, the rest knelt down involuntarily.

After all, the two major titled Douluo unleashed their momentum with all their strength, and it was indeed not something that ordinary students could contend with.

At this moment, a loud shout sounded.


Accompanied by loud shouts, several trainees flew out from the inner courtyard and came to the sky above Shrek Academy to confront the two black figures in the sky.

The two leaders were none other than Mr. Song and Mr. Zhuang.

Behind them were the two titled Douluo, Xian Lin'er and Qian Duoduo.

The four titled Douluo clearly show how deep the foundation of Shrek Academy is.

"If you dare to come to our Shrek Academy and act wild, you are seeking death!"

Mr. Song looked at the two figures in front of him coldly and said sternly.

On the other hand, Elder Zhuang stretched out his hand to stop Elder Song and said, "Who are you two? Why did you come to our Shrek Academy and attack our students?"

As he spoke, Mr. Zhuang released a soft light from his body, which offset the pressure released by the two men.

"Jie Jie Jie, who are we?"

One of the men in black robes let out a ferocious laugh. The next moment, he lifted off his clothes and transformed into a terrifying monster with a huge body and a rotten stench all over his body.


That's right, the person who came was none other than the Sixth Elder of the Holy Spirit Sect.

Standing next to Abomination was the third elder of the Holy Spirit Sect.

After seeing the fifth elder directly releasing the martial soul's true form, the third elder was not prepared to hide his strength. He waved his sleeves and a soul cannon appeared on his arm.

The third elder is not only a titled Douluo, but also a ninth-level soul master.

The moment he took out the soul guide cannon, the third elder completed charging the soul guide cannon.

However, the third elder did not aim the muzzle at Mr. Song, Xian Lin'er and others, but blasted downwards.

Following a blazing white light, the soul guidance cannon fired a barrel-thick soul guidance ray, aiming directly at the students of Shrek Academy below.

Seeing this scene, Mr. Song, Mr. Zhuang and others' expressions changed drastically.


Xian Lin'er shouted loudly, her whole body burned with green flames, and she flew downwards.

At the same time, the fifth elder also released his soul skills towards Mr. Song and others.

"Evil Soul Master, damn it!"

After sensing the auras of the third elder and the fifth elder, Mr. Song's face turned cold, and he immediately released his martial spirit and charged towards the two of them.

Qian Duoduo and others also entered the fighting state.

However, at this moment, a powerful aura erupted from the other direction of Shrek Academy.

"not good!"

Mr. Song's expression changed drastically and he said:
"This is a plan to lure the tiger away from the mountain. Mr. Zhuang, Duoduo, you stop these two guys, and I will deal with the people over there."

"You go on your own."

Mr. Zhuang responded.

Mr. Song nodded slightly, turned around and flew towards another place.

 I was hit by the cold wind today and my head hurts. There is only one chapter left. Dear book friends, please forgive me.

(End of this chapter)

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