Douluo II: Four Spirits of Martial Arts

Chapter 243 God Test Rewards

Chapter 243 God Test Rewards

The moment the flame lion disappeared, the majestic voice sounded again.

"Pass the Anger God Test, increase your soul power level by 5 levels, and gain the power of anger."

Following the majestic voice, a divine light emerged and then entered Yuhao's body.

But before Yuhao could react, his vision blurred. When he had vision again, he found that he was back in his own spiritual sea.

"Yuhao, what happened to you just now? Why can't you suddenly feel your soul consciousness all of a sudden?"

Tianmeng Bingcan's voice sounded, and it could be heard from his tone that Tianmeng Bingcan was very nervous.

This is normal. After all, Yuhao's promotion to god is very close, and he can gain eternal life through it, so he doesn't want any accidents to happen at this stage.

Hearing Tianmeng Bingcan's worry, Yuhao smiled faintly and said:

"Brother Tianmeng, I'm fine. I just took my first divine test."


Hearing Yuhao's words, Tianmeng Bingcan was immediately startled, and then said:

"What are you talking about? You just took the first divine test? What was the result?"

In fact, when Tianmeng Bingcan asked this question, he felt a little stupid.

After all, Yuhao seemed very calm at this moment, and then he heard him say:

"Don't worry, Brother Tianmeng, I passed the first divine test."

As he spoke, Yuhao looked up at the seven boulders above his spiritual sea. No, it should be said to be six boulders now.

As he passed his first divine test, the red boulder representing "anger" had disappeared.

And the chain on the second purple boulder has also disappeared.

Seeing this scene, the corners of Yuhao's mouth raised slightly, but he did not directly touch the second purple boulder to conduct the second divine test.

Because after passing the Angry God Test, he received a reward.

So first he has to check his rewards.

After thinking about it, Yuhao thought and his consciousness returned to his body.

The moment his consciousness returned to his body, Yuhao noticed the changes in his body.

He felt that the soul power in his body was rising crazily.

In just a few breaths, he felt that his soul power had reached a bottleneck.

Yuhao's own soul power level is level 55. After adding 5 levels, he directly reaches level 60, and can directly add a sixth soul ring.

At the same time, in addition to the increase in soul power level, he also felt that the soul power in his body had a special ability attribute.

That is, as long as he becomes angry, he can make his soul power boil, thus exerting power far beyond the soul power level.

"It seems that this is the power of anger."

Yuhao touched his chin and said.

Although the effect of the power of anger is simple, the effect it exerts is not simple at all.

With Yuhao's current soul power, he can definitely exert the power of soul power of the seventh ring and above.

This may be insignificant compared to Yuhao's other abilities.

But don't forget that Yuhao will not stay in the realm of the Sixth Ring Soul Emperor forever.

It will be different when he breaks through the Title Douluo, the Ultimate Douluo, and uses the power of anger.

Even after he was promoted to a god, the power of anger would play a greater role.

It can be said that this is an ability that the stronger Yuhao's own ability is, the greater its effect will be.

"Yuhao, judging from your condition, you must have passed a divine test."

Electrolux's voice sounded.

Compared to Tianmeng Iceworm, Electrolux could see through Yuhao's current state in an instant. This is normal, after all, Electrolux is a real god now.

Naturally, Yuhao would not hide anything about Electrolux. He nodded with a smile and said:

"The Angry Divine Test is for me to defeat a flaming lion that is almost at the level of a Super Douluo. It is not difficult at all."

Electrolux smiled and said:

"That is indeed not difficult for you, but in addition to the improvement of your own abilities, it seems that you also got a good thing."

Hearing what Electrolux said, Yuhao was slightly startled, then turned around and found that at some point, the original sin spirit representing anger had arrived in front of him.

Yuhao had a feeling that as long as he gave orders, the original sin spirit in front of him would obey them unconditionally.

This made Yuhao feel happy. After all, he had seen the strength of the seven original sin spirits summoned by the old ghost Zhongli, which was comparable to the Ultimate Douluo.

Even if his Angry Original Sin Spirit Body is not as good as Old Ghost Zhongli's, he should still be able to exert the strength of a Super Douluo.

This can be considered a good helper for Yuhao.

After giving the angry spirit a few simple instructions, Yu Hao thought, and the angry spirit returned to the Sword of Seven Sins.

Not only it, but the other six Seven Sins spirits that had been summoned before also returned to the Seven Sins Sword.

However, because Yuhao has not passed the other seven sins divine examinations, he has no way to control the other six seven sins spiritual bodies for the time being.

However, this made Yuhao a little confused.

"The old ghost Zhongli can obviously summon the seven original sin spirits to fight, so why hasn't he become a god yet?"

In the previous battle, the old ghost Zhongli summoned the seven original sin spirits.

Yuhao passed the Angry God Test and was able to command angry spirits. Old Ghost Zhongli was able to summon the seven original sin spirits, which should mean that he passed the Seven God Tests.

But he obviously hasn't become a god yet.

Yuhao was puzzled, so he didn't think much about it.

Anyway, as long as he continues to pass other divine tests, he will eventually understand everything.

Afterwards, Yuhao didn't waste any time. After arriving in the sea of ​​​​spirits, he started his second divine test.

"Second test: laziness"

The majestic voice sounded, and an enlightenment suddenly appeared in Yuhao's mind.

Yuhao pondered slightly and said to himself:

"I didn't expect that the second divine test "Sloth" would be like this. It seems that I am going to go on an overseas expedition."

After saying that, Yuhao stood up alone.

The reason why Yuhao said this is because the content of the "Sloth" divine test is to purify all the creatures infected by the seven sins emotions on the Seven Sins Island.

This is definitely not an easy task.

First of all, just going to the Seven Sins Island is extremely difficult.

The so-called Island of Seven Sins is the island where old ghost Zhong Li discovered the Sword of Seven Sins. Because of the Sword of Seven Sins, the creatures on the island became prisoners of the Seven Sins.

Yuhao's mission is to purify these prisoners.

Although Yuhao has never been to the Seven Sins Island, the God of the Seven Sins has given him guidance, allowing him to vaguely sense the location of the Seven Sins Island.

"Hey, can't it be simpler and more direct like the Angry God Test?"

Yuhao sighed softly and couldn't help but say.

But even though he said that, he was still preparing to go to the Island of Seven Sins.

After all, he is determined to become a god.

 Chapter by chapter.



(End of this chapter)

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