Douluo II: Four Spirits of Martial Arts

Chapter 90 The soul will eventually replace the soul ring

Chapter 90 The soul will eventually replace the soul ring
Hearing Long Aotian's question, Yuhao was a little surprised, and then glanced at the others.

I found that they were all looking at me expectantly.

In the past few days, Zhenyue, Long Aotian and others also learned about the special existence of souls from Jin Peng.

This group of young geniuses from the Noumenon Sect are full of curiosity about this soul that has self-awareness and can fight independently.

Then I heard that my young master had an extremely powerful soul.

That’s why they came together to block Yuhao’s door.

Yuhao smiled and then said:

"In my opinion, souls are superior to soul rings in all aspects, and will definitely replace soul rings in the future, because except for the 10-year soul ring, other soul rings can only provide one soul skill, but souls are different. It can provide multiple soul skills."

"Of course, some people will say that it would be enough to just hunt one more soul beast. It is indeed possible, but hunting soul beasts is dangerous, and you may not necessarily be able to find a soul beast that suits you."

Having said this, Yuhao looked at Zhenyue, Long Aotian and others.

The genius disciples of the Noumenon Sect also nodded in approval.

"And more importantly, souls have self-awareness. On a larger scale, it can ease the relationship between soul beasts and humans, and when applied to individual humans, it can increase their combat effectiveness."

"Imagine that there is a soul beast that has the same mind as you and can release its own soul skills to help you fight. Will you become stronger?"

After hearing this, several people's faces showed expressions of excitement.

"Young Master, I will add a fifth soul ring soon. Can you help me get a soul ring?"

Gu Tong spoke at this time.

Gu Tong is now a level 48 soul sect. With his talent, I believe it won't take long for his soul power level to reach level 50.

Seeing Gu Tong say this, others also spoke one after another, saying:
"I want it too. I also need a soul that can help fight. It's better to be more beautiful."

"There's still me, there's still me, although it will take me a long time to add a soul ring."


Facing everyone's requests, Yuhao waved his hand to signal them to quiet down, and then said:
"Souls are not easy to possess. First you need to find a soul that suits you, and then both parties need to be willing to complete the contract."

"Is it so difficult?"

Long Aotian frowned slightly and continued:
"In that case, the soul is hard to come by."

"From now on, it should be like this, but our Noumenon Sect will cooperate with the Star Dou Forest in the future. By then, you should all be able to find the soul that suits you."

Yuhao replied.

After hearing this, everyone showed joy.

But at this time, Wei Na suddenly spoke and said: "Since souls are so hard to find, why do we say that souls will eventually replace soul rings."

Yes, even though the soul is superior to the soul ring in all aspects, there is no way to compare the difficulty of obtaining it between the two.

In response, Yuhao glanced at Wei Na and said:

"Because with the development of soul masters, soul beasts will continue to be hunted. Now you can still see ten thousand-year soul beasts, and even 10-year soul beasts, but wait until 1000 years or 1 years later."

"Perhaps even ten-year soul rings and hundred-year soul rings will be a luxury by then."

Yu Hao's words were actually mentioned many years ago, but soul masters need to develop, and hunting soul beasts is inevitable.

"It may be very difficult to obtain souls now, but its emergence has indeed changed the soul master system. I believe that with development, soul technology will continue to be improved, and in the end, artificial souls may be invented. By then, not only will humans not have to hunt soul beasts, but they will also be able to completely achieve peace between humans and soul beasts.”

I don’t know whether they were shocked by what Yuhao said about “artificial souls” or “peace between humans and soul beasts”, but Wei Na and others were speechless at this moment.

After a long time, Wei Na slowly said: "Artificial soul? Is this possible?"

"Human beings ten thousand years ago did not believe that such a powerful weapon as a soul guide would exist."

Yuhao shrugged and said calmly.

As a time traveler who understands the development of the plot, Yu Hao knows that humans will really invent artificial souls ten thousand years later.

Seeing that everyone was still stunned, Yuhao clapped his hands and said loudly:
"Okay, don't think about what will happen in ten thousand years. Anyway, you will definitely not be here by then. You should first think about how to win today's game."


Arriving at Xingluo Square, there was already a sea of ​​people here, even twice as many as during the round robin.

When they saw the Noumenon Academy team led by Yu Hao, a burst of cheers erupted from the audience.

"Noumenon sect! Noumenon sect!"

"Huo Yuhao! Huo Yuhao!"


Because of the strong performance of Yuhao and Noumenon Sect, they have gained a group of fans.

Today, their opponent is none other than Zhengtian College, who had dealt with Yuhao before.

The knockout rounds involve team battles and individual battles.

The first day was a team battle, so all members of both teams appeared.

"It's not that enemies don't meet."

Looking at the seven members of the Zhengtian Team who were glaring at him, Yuhao raised the corners of his mouth slightly, and then his eyes fell on the man with an indifferent expression at the front of the Zhengtian Team.

He is the captain of the Zhengtian team, Ye Wuqing.

When Yuhao glanced over, Ye Wuqing also looked over. The two looked at each other, their eyes seemed to have a fierce collision in the air, and the atmosphere suddenly became solemn.

The last time, Yuhao played at Zhengtian College and defeated eight students from Zhengtian College in a row at the level of a second-level soul master, including Yu Mengdi, a regular member of the soul master elite competition.

Since then, Yuhao has become famous in one battle, causing the Noumenon Sect and Shrek Academy to compete for him.

However, Zhengtian College suffered ridicule from people because of this, and even affected the enrollment rate in the coming year.

However, Zhengtian College also had a fig leaf, and that was Ye Qingqing, who had not returned from his trip at that time.

They believed that if Ye Qingqing were here, he would definitely be able to defeat Yuhao.

Later, after Ye Qingqing returned, he also wanted to challenge Yuhao and regain face for his college.

It's a pity that Yuhao was taken away by the Noumenon Sect at that time and had no time to talk to Ye Wuqing.

The next time they meet is in this Soul Master Elite Competition.

Originally, in Ye Wuqing's heart, when he saw Yuhao again, he must avenge his past shame and regain his position for Zhengtian College.

But after watching the match between Yuhao and Noumenon Academy, his self-confidence was hit hard and he couldn't imagine why a three-ringed soul master could have such great strength.

But for the honor of Zhengtian College, he decided to fight.

Even if we fail to win in the end, we still have to save some face for Zhengtian College.

 Chapter three is here, thank you for your support, thank you.

  see you tomorrow!
(End of this chapter)

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