Cutting out trash?Did you know that Ten Thousand Immortals are coming?

Chapter 23 The Repayment of the Grace of Saving Life

Chapter 23 The Repayment of the Grace of Saving Life

outside the canyon.

Lin Mo held the sword behind his back, turned around and led Zhao Yanfei into the depths of the canyon.

After the two came to the crowd, Zhao Yanfei sat cross-legged on the ground and continued to recover from her injuries.

Lin Mo looked at Chen Xiaoyun and asked worriedly:
"Are you okay?"


Chen Xiaoyun jumped directly into Lin Mo's arms, hugging Lin Mo tightly and not letting go.

Lin Mo injected his own power into Chen Xiaoyun's body. After careful inspection, he found that although she had been injured, her injuries had almost recovered, and she was relieved.

Zhao Yanfei was recovering from her injuries and felt very sad when she saw Lin Mo and Chen Xiaoyun hugging each other.

When could Xiaoyun hold me like this?

Although she was equally grateful to Lin Mo, Zhao Yanfei still had no intention of giving up the idea of ​​letting Chen Xiaoyun be with her.

But she couldn't stop the two from hugging each other. She could only close her eyes unwillingly and kept thinking in her heart:

Out of sight, out of mind.

The others looked at Lin Mo and looked at each other for a moment, not knowing how to talk to Lin Mo.

After all, everyone thought Lin Mo was a waste before, and they all mocked Lin Mo.

But now it was Lin Mo who came back with the seriously injured Zhao Yanfei and showed amazing strength to save everyone.

At this moment, Lin Mo was standing in front of everyone. They still felt unbelievable about Lin Mo's powerful strength in their hearts, and they also had many doubts about Jie Jiao.

In addition, Lin Mo eliminated the monsters and beasts so that they could survive, and everyone's hearts were filled with gratitude.

"I didn't expect you to be so strong. If it weren't for you this time, we would all have died here."

In the end, it was Chen Yu who took the initiative to speak to Lin Mo with complicated feelings.

"Lin Mo, thank you."

"I will never forget the life-saving grace."

"Lin Mo, thank you very much this time."

"I looked down on you from the bottom of my heart before, I'm sorry."

"Whoever dares to look down on you in the future will be the first to be spared."

Others looked at Lin Mo and spoke one after another to express their gratitude.

"It's just a hands-on effort."

Lin Mo looked at everyone and responded with a calm smile. At the same time, he gently patted Chen Xiaoyun's back to comfort him.

"For me, it's a piece of cake, but for us, this is a real life-saving grace. This is the fourth-grade Immortal Zhiying Blood Vine that we discovered together. You can take it."

After Chen Yu heard Lin Mo's words, he took out the Yingxue Vine, thought for a while and continued to add:
"Don't get me wrong, we are not saying that using these fourth-grade immortal plants will completely repay your kindness. It's just that these fourth-grade immortal plants are the best thing we can come up with now. We will always remember your life-saving grace and will return it in the future. I will repay you."

This Ying Xue Vine was discovered by everyone together, and it was originally on Zhao Yanfei's body.

It's just that Zhao Yanfei needed to break out of the encirclement, and it was difficult to break out of the encirclement with the fourth-grade immortal plant, so she left it to Chen Yu, who was second only to her in strength, for safekeeping.

At this moment, Chen Yu took out the fourth-grade immortal plant and handed it to Lin Mo. No one else had any objections.

Zhao Yanfei heard Chen Yu's words. Although she closed her eyes, she nodded slightly and agreed with Chen Yu's actions.

Although this dead green tea is a little too green, there is still no problem in dealing with others.

Lin Mo looked at Chen Yu, then glanced at everyone's reactions, and said with a smile on his lips:
"In this case, I will accept this thing. You don't have to think about repaying it in the future. Let's just settle everything."

Since everyone is willing to give, there is no reason not to refuse.

As for repaying the favor in the future, although these people may indeed think so now, they are not sure what they will think in the future.

Just listen to this and Lin Mo has no intention of repaying the favor.After Chen Yu heard Lin Mo's words, he handed over the Yingxue Vine in his hand without saying anything firm about what he would do in the future.

Whether you will repay or not in the future, it is useless to say it now, you still have to show it with actions.

Lin Mo took the Yingxueteng with a slight smile, and then said to Chen Xiaoyun:
"Stop hugging me and put your things away first."

"I don't want it, it's yours."

Chen Xiaoyun shook her head in Lin Mo's arms and said softly.

"You are so strange. I just asked you to put it away and didn't say I would give it to you. You are not my wife, so why should I give it to you!
The little girl is so young, how can she only think about good things every day? "

Lin Mo heard her words and pretended to be confused to tease her.

"Ah, you hate it."

Chen Xiaoyun heard what he said, grabbed the Yingxue Vine directly, raised her head to reveal her smooth chin, glared at Lin Mo and said:

"Just to tease me, believe it or not, I ate it secretly and didn't leave any for you."

"Whatever you want, I prepared this for my future wife. If you eat it secretly, then you have to compensate yourself and become my wife."

Lin Mo looked at her and said with a smile.

After saying that, Lin Mo turned around to see if there was any gain from the corpses of the monster beasts.

After Chen Xiaoyun heard Lin Mo's words, her face turned red instantly.

Although the two were childhood sweethearts who grew up together and naturally came together, they rarely said such blatant words.

Especially in front of so many people.

Chen Xiaoyun's heart was beating rapidly. She lowered her head and followed Lin Mo out of the canyon, but her steps were a little unnatural.

"Fourth-grade Immortal Zhi, he is so willing to give up!"

"Xiaoyun is good to him, and he is good to Xiaoyun. She is such a talented and beautiful woman!"

"This is my childhood sweetheart!"

"The world has changed, and many people's hearts have also changed. It's great that the two of us can still go on as always!"

Everyone looked at Lin Mo and Chen Xiaoyun and started talking.

Chen Yu did not speak, but looked at Chen Xiaoyun with a hint of envy in his eyes.

Fourth-grade immortal plant!

This is a good thing to improve your strength.

Faced with such a fairy plant, many people would fight.

Strangers will kill each other, and relatives will turn against each other.

But Lin Mo gave it to Chen Xiaoyun so lightly.

It was as if there was no distinction between the two of them.

Zhao Yanfei opened her eyes, looked at the backs of the two people, and thought angrily in her heart:

Humph, it’s just a fourth-grade immortal plant, and I can give it to him as long as he likes it. Let alone a fourth-grade immortal plant, even if it’s a first-grade immortal plant, I will try my best to get it for her!

outside the canyon.

When Lin Mo and Chen Xiaoyun walked out, they saw dense pits and monster beast corpses on the ground.

And among the corpses of these monster beasts, several people were busy looking for something.

These people are the members of the field team behind the monster beast, as well as the genius from the training team.

(End of this chapter)

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