Cutting out trash?Did you know that Ten Thousand Immortals are coming?

Chapter 26 Fierce battle, snatching the sun and moon

Chapter 26 Fierce battle, snatching the sun and moon

Along with a roar, the huge dragon's tail slammed into the ground, causing dust to rise all around.

First, Lin Mo reached out to hold the sun and moon, then the dragon appeared, and then Zixiao Divine Thunder struck off the dragon's tail.

It all happened so fast.

When everyone below saw this scene, their eyes widened and their faces were full of shock.

"Is that a dragon? Who is this person? Why is he so strong!"

"What a powerful attack, where did this guy come from!"

"Is this a genius who joins the Golden Sect?"

"The aura exuding from this dragon is so terrifying. It feels like it could kill us with one slap. This person actually broke his tail with one blow?"

"I just heard that this dragon said that this person is an Earth Immortal? Did I hear it correctly? Didn't it mean that even the geniuses of the Golden Sect have not become immortals yet?"

At the same time, while these people were discussing.

The dragon in the sky endured the pain and rushed towards Lin Mo, roaring angrily:

"Cut off my dragon's tail. Today I will crush your body to ashes, bite your soul into pieces bit by bit, and make you suffer all kinds of torture!"

Although the purple sky thunder that Lin Mo had just unleashed was so powerful that it cut off his dragon tail.

But Jiaolong felt that he was just careless and didn't expect that an Earth Immortal could unleash such a powerful attack.

Although the attack just now was powerful, it was not impossible to dodge.

He is in the realm of a heavenly immortal, and now he is dealing with an earthly immortal with all his strength. This little earthly immortal has absolutely no power to resist.

The revenge of the docked tail will definitely torture him to the point of death!

The dragon was very fast and appeared behind Lin Mo in an instant.

The huge dragon claw grabbed directly at Lin Mo.

This claw came suddenly, and in an instant, the huge claws had already wrapped Lin Mo.

The dragon's sharp claws closed, preparing to capture Lin Mo in his claws.

The people below were shocked and staring at the sky with concentration.

But they didn't see clearly when the dragon appeared behind Lin Mo, nor did they see the dragon take out its claws.

After the sharp claws wrapped around Lin Mo, they realized that they had the same idea in their minds.

It's over, this person is dead!
However, at the same time that everyone's thoughts appeared, Lin Mo directly used Hunyuan Qi, and his figure disappeared instantly.

Jiaolong closed his sharp claws, but did not capture Lin Mo. He just held it empty.

"What about people?"

"Did you see where the people went?"

"That person disappeared?"

"what happened?"

The people below didn't realize that Lin Mo was missing until they saw the dragon holding the sky.

They looked around for Lin Mo, but found that Lin Mo seemed to have completely disappeared and could not be found at all.

The dragon in the sky became even angrier when it realized that Lin Mo had not been captured, and was also looking for Lin Mo.


Suddenly, he felt something strange behind him, and when he turned around, he let out a dragon roar.

The roar of the dragon was deafening, and it contained terrifying power.

Lin Mo, who appeared behind the dragon, retreated in the face of the dragon's roar. While retreating, he also slashed out with the flying fire sword in his hand!

A stream of flowing fire sword energy emerged from the flying fire sword!
The sword energy is swift and unstoppable!
Cut it directly on the dragon's horn.

There was only a "click" sound, and half of the dragon horn fell off.

Lin Mo had already appeared a thousand meters away, using his own power to recover the injuries he had suffered from the dragon's roar, and thought to himself:

The dragon's roar was extremely powerful. Fortunately, he retreated in time and only suffered some shock!
After Lin Mo recovered briefly, he looked at Jiaolong's furious look and prepared to continue attacking him.



At this time, a whistling wind suddenly came from behind.Lin Mo frowned slightly and immediately used Hunyuan Qi to dodge.

Just as Lin Mo's figure disappeared, the half-cut mountain peak hit the spot where Lin Mo had just stayed.

"Haha, I thought it was too late, but I didn't expect that you, a loach, were so useless that you were held back by an Earth Immortal and couldn't get the sun and moon!"

A white ape soared into the sky, caught half of the mountain peak in the air, and looked at the dragon with mockery in its eyes.

And he didn't care that Lin Mo escaped his attack, because the attack just now was just a random attack on his part.

"Dead monkey!"

Jiaolong seemed to have a problem with the white ape. When the white ape appeared, Jiaolong didn't even look for Lin Mo. Instead, he focused all his anger on the white ape.

"What? Have you thought of two tricks? I'd be happy to accompany you, but you can't even deal with an Earth Immortal. I advise you not to seek death!"

Bai Yuan looked at Jiaolong and smiled disdainfully.

After saying that, he flew directly towards the bead-sized sun and moon.

"this is mine!"

Seeing this, Jiaolong roared and went to stop the white ape.

But the white ape was faster than him. In a blink of an eye, he had arrived next to the sun and the moon, and he was about to hold the sun and the moon with his hands.


Suddenly, Lin Mo revealed his figure and slashed out with a sword!
The sharp flowing fire sword energy directly slashed at Bai Yuan's hand.

Bai Yuan instantly felt a burning pain coming from the back of his hand, and he suddenly retracted his hand.

"you wanna die!"

The next moment, he directly raised half of the mountain peak on his shoulders and smashed it towards Lin Mo.

"Qingping Sword Qi!"

Lin Mo mobilized the Qingping Sword Seed in his body and attached the sword energy to the Flying Fire Sword.


A sword was slashed out, and the flowing fire was surrounded by cyan sword energy.

The two sword energies merged together, exuding a very strong killing aura.


The gorgeous and bright sword energy collided with the half of the mountain peak in the white ape's hand.

In an instant, half of the mountain peak in White Ape's hand was chopped into rubble!

Bai Yuan looked at Lin Mo with some surprise in his eyes.

He didn't take Lin Mo seriously at first, but he didn't expect Lin Mo to be able to smash his mountain.

The mountains are indeed just ordinary mountains!

But inside the mountain peak, he injected [-]% of his own power!
This sword not only chopped the mountain into pieces, it also chopped off [-]% of its own strength!

Is this human being really just an earthly immortal?
White Ape had thousands of thoughts in his mind, but his hand movements were not slow at all. When he saw the mountain shattered, he immediately punched Lin Mo!
A fist shadow like a mountain suddenly fell from the sky!

Lin Mo also immediately controlled the sword energy that had not dissipated and slashed at the white ape's fist shadow!

The sword energy is about to collide with the white ape's fist shadow.

The dragon's roar suddenly sounded!
While Lin Mo and Bai Yuan retreated, they controlled their sword energy and fist shadow respectively, and struck in the direction of the sound!


The three attacks collided with each other and immediately caused a roar.

The residual power generated by the battle directly shook those in the Mortal Transformation Realm a hundred meters away from the ground back to the ground.

These people fell to their knees one by one, blood pouring from their mouths!

And those who were originally jumping on the ground and had relatively low strength in the Mortal Realm were even knocked unconscious by the shock!

In the sky above, when Jiaolong faced the attack from Lin Mo and Bai Yuan, he decisively retreated a long distance.

Nowadays, with the sun and moon as the core point, Lin Mo, White Ape, and Jiao Long are forming a tripartite force.

(End of this chapter)

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