Chapter 28 The Lady of the Turtle Spirit

At the same time, in the cave deep in the earth!

The golden air mass cracked like an eggshell.

Rays of golden light directly penetrated the earth and illuminated the entire heaven and earth.

In the golden light, a woman wearing a robe and surrounded by misty fairy aura was slowly opening her eyes.

"what happened?"

"Is there any treasure underground here?"

"If such a dazzling golden light is really a treasure, then it would be a great opportunity to get this treasure!"

"Old monkey, do you want to go down and take a look?"

The golden light filled the air. The dragon, the white ape, the tiger demon, and the old man with sheep's horns were instantly attracted by the golden light, and they all looked at the ground in unison.



The subordinates of the tiger demon on the ground roared and stared at the ground beneath their feet.

"Is something going to happen again?"

"Why did light suddenly appear underground?"

"Is there anything good down there?"

"Is there something better down here than the sun and moon in the sky?"

"Even if there are good things, we can't get them. Let's not talk about the people above and the tiger demon that just came. Even these monsters brought by the tiger demon can trample us to death. .”

"Damn it, are you going to come here and watch like this and get nothing?"

People on the ground were also instantly attracted by the golden light.

They also know that neither the sun nor the moon in the sky nor the new treasures appearing underground can be obtained by them.

They even knew that staying here would be very dangerous.

However, he still didn't want to leave.

Most people have an unspoken thought that remains deep in their hearts.

The idea is that if these strong men fighting for the treasure are all seriously injured in the end, they might have a chance.

Even a few geniuses in the training team also have this idea.

The members of the field team did not have such thoughts, but they also had reasons why they could not leave.

Because the geniuses in the training group don’t leave, they can’t leave.

Another most important reason is Lin Mo.

If Lin Mo was just a loser who entered the training team through a relationship, even if there was an order to protect the training team, they would not be able to treat Lin Mo equally. They could only protect Lin Mo as much as possible when he was in danger, and forget about it if they couldn't protect him.

But now that they know Lin Mo's true strength, their mentality has changed.

They feel that Lin Mo has such strength now, and he will definitely be stronger in the future!

He should be able to play a big role when facing an invasion in the future.

Only such people are worthy of their protection.

Although Lin Mo's strength did not require their protection, they still wanted to stay.

Because they thought that maybe at some point, they would use their bodies to block an attack, which might turn Lin Mo's situation into a favorable situation.

in the sky.

Lin Mo didn't know what these field team members were thinking.

The moment the golden light appeared, Lin Mo was also attracted, but then he realized that this was an opportunity.

The dragon, the white ape, the tiger demon, and the old man with ram's horns were all attracted by the golden light.

Now is the best time to take away the sun and the moon!

Although they must have retained some of their attention and were still paying attention to the sun and the moon, once they made any move, they would definitely be noticed.

But don't miss this opportunity, never again!

Even if there is danger, you must act!
Now that their attention has been distracted and they have missed this opportunity, it is impossible to get the sun and moon in a one-on-one battle!
As for there being better treasures underground?
Lin Mo didn't think about it, and he didn't intend to take it away.With his current strength, it is enough to take away the sun and the moon this time!
"Hunting Qi!"

Lin Mo used his supreme magical power.

In the blink of an eye, Lin Mo appeared next to the sun and the moon.

"Boy, are you courting death?"

"Death to me!"



The dragon, the white ape, the tiger demon, and the old man with ram's horns suddenly noticed and shouted angrily.

Immediately afterwards, they attacked Lin Mo at the same time.

"You continue to fight, I won't accompany you anymore!"

Before Lin Mo could finish his words, he had completely disappeared along with the sun and the moon.


Just after Lin Mo disappeared, four powerful attacks collided with each other.

The demonic beasts and people on the ground who had not become immortals were all shaken to the ground, feeling as if their heads were about to burst.

"Go and chase him back. How can we four heavenly beings let a little earthly immortal take away the treasure right under our noses?"

Jiaolong was furious and felt extremely humiliated.

"Wrap this place up for me!"

The tiger demon had the same idea as the dragon, and planned to chase Lin Mo back, but the treasures underground were taken away by others, and he ordered his demon beasts to surround the plain.

"His aura has disappeared. If we want to catch him back, the four of us need to work together and chase him from different directions!"

The old man with sheep's horn narrowed his eyes slightly and said.

As he spoke, he raised his hand to create a golden halo, covering the entire plain. He was also afraid that the treasures underground would be lost.

"I'll chase eastward!"

The white ape bared his teeth and said while chasing towards the east.

The dragon and the tiger demon looked at each other and chased from different directions.

Although they had a grudge against the White Ape, an Earth Immortal actually took away the treasure right under their noses. This anger had exceeded their hatred for the White Ape.

The white ape can be beaten to death later!
But that human must die first!

The old man with sheep's horn was the last to set off, heading south, and his speed was faster than the other three.


After they left, a woman suddenly appeared where the sun and moon were.

"The breath of Qingping Sword, and the traces left by the use of Hunyuan Qi?"

The woman carefully felt everything around her, a smile appeared on her lips, and she murmured:
"The Qingping Sword is Master's treasure of enlightenment. Even I have never seen it a few times. Master once said that Qingping Sword is the treasure of Jiejiao.

Also, this Hunyuan Qi cannot be taught to me personally. I didn’t learn it at the beginning, so my master could only teach me another magical power.

Now, this person not only contains the aura of Qingping Sword, but also has learned the master's Hunyuan Qi. He should be the master's direct disciple, and he is very liked by the master, and his understanding is far better than mine!

I don't know how many years have passed, but now I can see my master proudly and meet a good junior brother. It's really a blessing! "

In addition, Holy Mother Turtle Spirit also sensed the aura of the Sun and Moon Pearl.

She had some doubts in her heart. Wasn't the Sun and Moon Pearl taken away by the guide?Why are you back?

However, because she wanted to see Lin Mo sooner, she could only suppress this doubt first.


Then, the Holy Mother Turtle Spirit moved, stepped out of the plain, carefully sensed Lin Mo's aura, and headed south!

And where she just passed, all the monster beasts surrounding the plain were blown away.

The golden halo created by the old man with ram's horns completely collapsed.

(End of this chapter)

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