Cutting out trash?Did you know that Ten Thousand Immortals are coming?

Chapter 3 Become a disciple of Jiejiao, a direct disciple of Tongtian

Chapter 3 Become a disciple of Jiejiao, a direct disciple of Tongtian

Encountered in a milk tea shop.

Chen Xiaoyun looked at the sects that appeared in surprise. too much.

And there are actually four golden sects.

She really didn't expect that such a spectacular scene would appear when Lin Mo made the choice.

"This is too powerful, four golden sects!"

"I wonder what he will choose!"

"Four golden sects, if you choose any of them, you will have a bright future."

"This brother will definitely be a big leg in the future!"

Everyone in the milk tea shop was talking. They wished they could go there now and ask for his contact information so that they could hug him later.

But because of the city-wide announcement just now, they didn't dare to move.

The Department of Emergency Operations has proven their strength.

I heard that someone came to contact the genius from Yan City when he was choosing.

All those who came into contact with him have now been locked up and are being investigated closely.

That's just the two golden sects that appeared during the selection.

Now four golden sects have appeared!
If we have to contact someone even though the whole city has been notified, the consequences will be really serious.

"Honey, don't be in a hurry to choose. I have already reported your situation. We currently don't know anything about the new sects that have emerged."

"Baby, wait for me to come over and let's discuss what to choose. The headquarters is holding a meeting to learn about the new sect from all aspects."

"Baby, don't be impatient. These sects won't disappear even if you delay the selection for a while. We must discuss it."

The old man from the operations department sat in the car and directly used the city's reporting channel to shout to Lin Mo from a distance.

"Quick, hurry up!"

After the shouting, the old man patted the main driver's seat and asked the driver to speed up.

In a milk tea shop.

Lin Mo listened to the shouting in the air, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

Such a hoarse and experienced voice, every word is a "treasure".

This feeling really makes my hair stand on end.

As for the content of the shouting, Lin Mo didn't intend to listen at all.

My goal has already been set!


This is the only option.

What is golden or not?

Which of the four golden sects can be compared with Jie Jiao?
Lin Mo stood up and walked towards the huge door where Jiejiao was.

When he pressed his hand on this ordinary and ancient door, Lin Mo heard a voice coming from behind the door.

“Cultivating one’s moral character and cultivating one’s nature are all free immortals, and all the lakes and seas are connected to the sky.

The five shapes follow my mind, and the six Tao and Bagua are destined to me.

Since ancient times, a sword for a sword, divided into two to release the sweetness.

The road is full of heroes, the road is in the middle, and the green palace is filled with good words. "

"In the past, I had friendship with Tongtian, but I brought Jiejiao down and became a saint in vain. However, my Jiejiao disciples are still there, and thousands of immortals can come to court again!

Disciple, you are the only one among all sentient beings to be my disciple. I feel comforted that I will appoint you as my personal disciple. Anyone who I teach will protect you and achieve the fruits of the Great Way. "

The voice was as rich as a big bell, filled with majesty and at the same time showing concern and love in its words.

Lin Mo was pleasantly surprised when he heard this.

He actually became the direct disciple of Lord Tongtian.

According to the descriptions of those who entered the sect before, they were not necessarily accepted as disciples by the master, but most likely by some elders in the sect.

It's like someone who worshiped in the Dragon Palace, but was accepted as a disciple by the Dragon King and Prince of the Dragon Palace.However, when he became a disciple of Jiejiao, the leader of Tongtian Cult actually accepted him as his direct disciple, making him the same generation as the Golden Spirit Mother and the others.

"Holy crap, did I read that right? What did he choose?"

"Am I blind? He chose a gray sect?"

"It seems to be Jiejiao? That sect that appears when everyone chooses. Why did he choose such a rubbish?"

"Isn't there something wrong with this brother's mind? He didn't choose among the four golden sects, but he actually picked such a piece of rubbish."

"I must not have woken up. Wake up quickly. How could someone choose a golden sect at will, but end up choosing a gray piece of trash?"

Everyone in the milk tea shop was dumbfounded when they saw Lin Mo choose a gray sect.

Four golden sects!

Five Village Views!
Lingshan Daleiyin Temple!

West Kunlun!
Although the latter two have never appeared before, Tianting and Wuzhuangguan have appeared many times!
Whether it is Tianting or Wuzhuang Temple, according to those who are disciples, these two sects are very powerful, and they are also golden. The latter two are definitely not different.

If you choose with your eyes closed, you can’t go wrong just choosing one of the four.

Why choose a gray trash sect!
Chen Xiaoyun looked at the appearance of so many sects and four golden sects for a long time before she came back to her senses.

However, when she saw Lin Mo choosing to become a disciple, she did not stop him.

She knew that Lin Mo would not change what had been decided easily, and she was willing to believe in Lin Mo's choice.

It doesn't matter if he's wrong, because she will always stand behind him.

Later, when Lin Mo finished making his choice, each sect began to disappear like a dream bubble.

Lin Mo raised his head slightly and saw the three Buddhas in high positions at the Great Leiyin Temple in Lingshan. The shadow of the Buddha in the middle seemed to smile at him.

Heaven's clairvoyance and wind-proof ears were originally very majestic, but they bent down the moment before they disappeared.

"Have you finished choosing? Who was choosing just now?"

A few minutes after all the sects disappeared, an old man ran in in a hurry.

When everyone's eyes were focused on Lin Mo, he immediately understood that the person who had just chosen the sect was Lin Mo.

At the same time, personnel from the operations department also quickly entered and took away the miscellaneous people one by one.

"Yun Yatou, you are here too. He...what did he choose?"

After the old man saw Chen Xiaoyun next to Lin Mo, he couldn't wait to ask.

Since its establishment, the Operations Department has formulated a strategy to recruit potential talents across the country.

Those from the golden sect are geniuses, but those from the purple sect are also geniuses.

After Chen Xiaoyun chose Yuegong, she was directly picked up by the Operations Department. Then she met the old man and agreed to the Operations Department's recruitment.

After coming out of the operations department, she had time to make an appointment with Lin Mo here.

Therefore, Chen Xiaoyun actually knew this old man and knew that he was the top commander of the East China Sea Operations Department.

"He chose interception."

Chen Xiaoyun looked at Lin Mo, then at the old man who rushed in front of her, and spoke in a low voice.

"Jie Jiao? I don't see Jie Jiao among the four golden sects!"

I was confused for a while, then realized what I was doing and shouted loudly:
"What? Are you right? You said he chose interception?"


As long as an individual makes a choice, that interception will appear?

Which sect the operations department has identified as the most rubbish?

The old man suddenly felt that the sky was dark and the ground was dark, and shadows appeared in front of his eyes.

"Mr. Ren, are you okay?"

The people around him immediately supported him.

"Is everything okay? Can I be okay?"

Mr. Ren took a few deep breaths, pushed away the person who was supporting him, then looked at Lin Mo and said with a sad face:

"Baby, ancestor, why? Didn't you say that you should discuss it before making a choice? You just have to choose. Aren't the four golden sects not enough for you to choose from? Why should you choose a piece of rubbish!"

(End of this chapter)

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