Cutting out trash?Did you know that Ten Thousand Immortals are coming?

Chapter 32 Supernatural Power: The Kingdom of Buddha in the Palm of Your Hand

Chapter 32 Supernatural Power: The Kingdom of Buddha in the Palm of Your Hand
Lin Mo had just finished refining the ninth innate restriction in the Sun and Moon Pearl, and when he heard the roar of dragons and tigers, he slowly opened his eyes.

Seeing the four streaks of light rushing towards him at great speed in the distance, Lin Mo finally remembered that there were pursuers behind him.

No wonder, I always feel like I forgot something small.

It turns out I forgot about them!
Four immortals!

If he had not met the Turtle Spirit Holy Mother and Duobao Tathagata, Lin Mo would not have dared to let down his guard.

but now……

Lin Mo looked at the Holy Mother Turtle Spirit, then at the Tathagata Duobao, with the corners of his mouth raised slightly.

One senior sister and one senior brother.

The senior sister is a golden immortal, and the heaven and earth here are transformed into her tortoise shell.

Although the senior brother is an incarnation, he is the incarnation of a quasi-sage. Even if he does not have the full strength of the original deity, he still surpasses Daluo Jinxian.

Golden Immortal, plus the incarnation of Quasi-Saint.

Not to mention four immortals, if there are thousands of immortals, I can be safe and sound.



Within a few breaths, four streams of light rushed over. The streams of light dispersed, revealing the four demons.

"Boy, hand over the treasure quickly. I'm showing kindness. Maybe I can spare you some torture and help you die faster."

Jiaolong looked at Lin Mo and said coldly.

"Are these two the helpers you found? You don't think that if you find two more people, you can compete with the four immortals, do you?"

Bai Yuan noticed the Turtle Spirit Holy Mother and Duobao Tathagata beside Lin Mo, and said disdainfully.

"What nonsense? An Earth Immortal dares to seize the treasure in front of us. He really doesn't know how to live or die."

The tiger demon showed its fangs and said with a ferocious expression.

The old man with Yangjiao sensed the cultivation of the Turtle Spirit Holy Mother and Duobao Tathagata, but found nothing, and immediately frowned.

what happened?

Why do these two people look like they have no cultivation?
The Holy Mother Turtle Spirit looked at the four demons and raised her hands slightly, preparing to suppress them directly.

"Junior sister, wait!"

Seeing this, Duobao Tathagata opened his mouth to stop him, then turned his head and said to Lin Mo:

"Junior brother, I am taking this opportunity to demonstrate to you the magical power I have learned. This magical power is: The Kingdom of Buddha is in the palm of your hand. You should keep an eye on it."

"Okay, thank you brother!"

Lin Mo heard his voice transmission, nodded slightly, and responded in a low voice.

Duobao Tathagata looked at the four demons, with a kind smile on his face, and slowly said:
"You are here because of the treasure, but you must know that fighting and killing will harm Tianhe. Why don't we make a bet? As long as you win, the treasure will be yours. We can also leave it to you to do whatever you want. Do you think it's feasible? ?”

"What bet?"

Hearing this, the old man with Yangjiao frowned slightly and asked.

He and the other three demons originally planned to take action directly, but Duobao Tathagata's voice seemed to have some special power.

After they heard Duobao Tathagata's words, they became curious and wanted to see what tricks Duobao Tathagata wanted to play?
"Bet on whether you can fly out of my palm. You can set a time limit. As long as one of you flies out of my hand within the time limit, you will win!"

Duobao Tathagata said with a compassionate smile.

"Haha, it flew out of your hand?"

When Jiaolong heard this, he immediately laughed.

Does flying out of the palm count as a win?
This man's hand is not as big as one of his own dragon scales.

You can't even accommodate four immortals, so why are you saying that if one of the four flies out, you win?

This is a really big joke.

"I'm afraid you are dizzy. Your palm is so big that we can't stand on it at all."

White Ape also bared his teeth and smiled.

This guy is so interesting!
Just talk nonsense.

You can stop killing him for a while and keep him for fun.

It's usually boring, but if you tease it, it should be very interesting.

"It doesn't matter, just stand up. If after standing up, your body is not in my hand at all, how about I lose?"

After Duobao Tathagata heard what White Ape said, he nodded with a smile and continued:
"How about it? Do you want to bet?" "Bet, if you don't bet, wouldn't you be a fool?"

When the tiger demon heard this, he immediately spoke.

Jiaolong and Baiyuan also nodded.

The old man with Yangjiao always felt that something was wrong, but there seemed to be a voice in his heart, telling him that he could bet, and he finally nodded in agreement.

"Then you set a deadline."

Duobao Tathagata slowly spread his palms and said with a smile.

"Ten breaths. If we fly out within ten breaths, we will win!"

Jiaolong casually mentioned a deadline.

Anyway, as soon as he gets up there, he loses, and it doesn't matter if there is a time limit or not.

The white ape, the tiger demon, and the old man with ram horns didn't express any opinions.

"Come on then!"

Duobao Tathagata smiled and motioned them to come to his palms.

Hearing this, the four demons flew towards his palm.

"what happened?"

"What about people?"

"Why are you missing?"

"What method is this?"

However, when they got close to the palm of Duobao Tathagata, they found that Duobao Tathagata was missing.

Not only was Duobao Tathagata missing, but the surrounding environment seemed to have changed as well.

The earth became white, and there was nothing all around.

"You can start now. You only have ten breaths of time. As long as one of them can fly out of my hand, you will win."

At this time, a vast sound like thunder sounded in the sky.

Immediately afterwards, the face of the Tathagata Many Treasures appeared. His compassionate face was boundless and spread across the entire sky.

"What's going on? Did he make us smaller?"

"Is this his palm?"

"What should I do? This person's methods are a bit weird!"

The dragon, the white ape and the tiger demon were all panicked.

The old man with Yangjiao frowned slightly and said:
"No matter what, let's get out of here first. We are immortals. Even if we become smaller, our speed will not slow down. If this is really his palm, we should be able to fly out directly."

After saying that, the old man with Yangjiao used all his strength and chose a direction to fly away.

Seeing this, the other three demons quickly followed the old man with sheep horns and flew in the same direction.

However, after flying for a few breaths, they still couldn't see anything, and the surroundings were still empty.

The four demons were shocked and did not dare to stop, so they could only continue flying with all their strength.

The time of ten breaths is coming soon.

"The deadline has expired. You have lost. Please stay here for now!"

The voice of Tathagata Duobao came from the sky!

The next moment, the earth began to tremble, and five huge pillars suddenly stood up from the sky.

Then, these five huge pillars crashed down to the ground.

Everything around him became pitch black as the five pillars fell!
"no, do not want!"

"let me out!"

"Hey, you're courting death!"

"Let me go!"

The four demons looked at the dark world and shouted one after another.

Immediately afterwards, they attacked all around with all their strength, but to no avail.

And the world became pitch black, but Duobao Tathagata turned his hands into fists.

(End of this chapter)

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