Chapter 5 Entering Jinao Island

[The geniuses of the two golden sects in Yan City were surpassed, and a heaven-defying existence appeared in Donghai City. Four golden sects appeared during the selection, and more than 50 other levels of sects. There is no doubt that this is the strongest genius in the Dragon Kingdom! ! ! 】

[Latest news, genius or fool?The existence of Donghai City went against the will of heaven and gave up the four golden sects and chose a gray sect to intercept the teachings. 】

[A strong man who could stand at the top in the future died immediately. Before the genius could rise, he fell into the endless abyss. Why did he choose a rubbish sect? 】

Various social channels have video footage of those sects appearing when Lin Mo made his choice, and the fact that he chose to intercept the disciples was also widely known in a very short period of time.

Under the video or post, countless people expressed their incomprehension, and there were also people who were gloating about the misfortune and ridiculing it.

"Why not choose the Golden Sect? Let alone four. If you give me just one, I will kneel down and choose."

"He gave up the golden sect and chose a gray garbage sect. What on earth was this person thinking!"

"When I was choosing, there was also an interception. Am I also a genius after rounding it off?"

"I didn't choose a good golden sect, but I chose a rubbish Jiejiao."

"The golden sect and the rubbish sect, even a blind man knows how to choose!"

"Is this the so-called genius? It's so funny. There is a golden sect and I didn't choose, but I chose a rubbish disciple."

"Genius, I think you are a fool. If you really think you have potential, you can do whatever you want. If you choose the wrong sect, you will regret it in the future."

"Haha, you are a genius. He chose a rubbish sect like Jie Jiao. When he meets me in the future, he will have to call me daddy. I chose the red sect Dragon Palace."


"Kurotsuchi, I found a very interesting two-player game. Can you play it with me for a while?"

Lin Mo sat on the sofa at home, looked at the message sent by Chen Xiaoyun, and understood what she was thinking.

She probably didn't want to see those comments online.

But he had already seen those remarks. Lin Mo was not affected by them in any way and just regarded them as a joke.

At this time, Chen Xiaoyun made another video call.

"Why don't you reply to my message? Don't you want to play games? How about I go find you, buy some snacks, and let's watch a movie?"

After the video was connected, Chen Xiaoyun couldn't wait to speak.

As you can see from the video, she was already standing at the door of her house putting on her shoes.

"Okay, I've seen the comments on the Internet. I'm fine. Stop fussing and go get some rest."

The corners of Lin Mo's mouth raised slightly, revealing her thoughts.

"Is it really okay?"

Chen Xiaoyun looked at Lin Mo seriously and asked.

"Do you think something is wrong with me?"

Lin Mo asked with a smile.

"It seems like everything is fine. That's fine. As long as you're fine."

Chen Xiaoyun confirmed that Lin Mo was really fine, and the worry in her heart disappeared.

Then, after the two chatted for a few words, they hung up the video.

At this time, the setting sun emerged.

The sky darkens very quickly, and night gradually falls on this world.

After Lin Mo had a simple dinner, he sat on the bed and a panel appeared in his mind.

After everyone becomes a disciple, their own panel will appear.

The panel is roughly divided into two sections.



Inheritance means that you can enter the master's door and learn.

In the store, you can buy items unique to the division.

The stores of each sect are different, which means that the things that everyone can buy are also different.

Just like in Jie Jiao, those powerful innate and acquired magic weapons can only be purchased by those who join Jie Jiao.

Currently, the only person who has joined Jiejiao is Lin Mo.

The upper right corner of the entire panel also records the current Tao value.By consuming Dao points, you can enter the master's door to learn and buy things in the store.

After everyone becomes a disciple, they all have 100 Tao points.

The Dao value required to enter the master's school is also 100 points.

This means that everyone is given a chance to learn.

With a thought in his mind, Lin Mo consumed the 100 Tao values ​​and chose inheritance.

"Wow hoo hoo!"

The next moment, Lin Mo came to an island, and waves of waves came to his ears.

This island is Jin'ao Island!

The Dojo of the Master Tongtian.

The whole island looks like a giant turtle, prostrate on the sea surface, and is surrounded by bursts of fairy energy. The golden light flows among the fairy spirits, presenting a strange scene.

There are fairy trees and spiritual plants on the island, which exude a unique fragrance, making people feel peaceful and intoxicated.

Standing on the island, you can see the magnificent palace in the center from a distance.

The entire palace seemed to be higher than the sky, with streams of light shining through the sky and the earth.

At the same time, this palace also contains ancient and mysterious Taoist meanings, making people feel worshipful at a glance.

What you see is a palace, but it seems that you can see all things in the world and all the mysterious changes.

"Hahaha, disciple, my master has been waiting for you for a long time."

The saint's voice, which contained the meaning of Taoism, came from this magnificent palace. Although the words were full of majesty, they could also make people feel a kind of care.

"The strong winds of heaven and earth, the auspicious light and clouds, and the auspicious divine beasts, pick up my disciple!"

The words of the sage follow the law.

In an instant, auspicious clouds fell from the sky and gathered into chariots, as crystal clear as jade.

The auspicious lights gathered together, first forming a gorgeous Luo Gai, which stood on the chariot to protect it from the sun.

The rest turned into beads that emitted strange light, and were strung together to form a bead curtain, which was hung on the front and back of the chariot.


A number of auspicious beasts came galloping from all directions, landed in front of the chariot and crawled to prepare to pull the chariot.

Each auspicious beast exudes a soft aura and looks well-behaved and docile.


Gangfeng, which can destroy human flesh and blood and destroy souls and souls, appears.

This strong wind should be avoided by everyone, but now it is as gentle as ordinary wind, like a spring breeze blowing on the face, bringing refreshing feeling.

Lin Mo slowly sat on the Baiyun chariot, feeling like his whole body was sinking in, feeling extremely comfortable.


The auspicious beast pulls the chariot.

The strong wind of heaven and earth accompanies all around.

The auspicious light Luo Gai radiates brilliance.

Soon, the chariot floated into the air and landed in front of the magnificent palace.

【Biyu Palace】

Above the palace gate, there is a crystal clear jade wall with these three characters written on it.

These three words contain the principles of heaven and earth and the true meaning of the great road.

From these three words, one seems to be able to feel the vastness of the world and the mystery of the avenue.


When the closed palace door opened, it was like thunder from the sky, or like a bell being struck.

"Disciple, come here!"

The leader of Tongtian Sect was sitting in Biyou Palace, his voice filled with joy.

(End of this chapter)

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