Chapter 53 Ambush on the Road
"Purge plan..."

Lin Mo heard this and thought seriously.

For the Operations Department, every talent in the training team is extremely precious.

Therefore, before entering the secret treasure house, members of other groups will have the priority to protect members of the training group, even if they pay for it with their lives.

But on the other hand, the Operations Department does not want the members of the training team to completely become flowers in the greenhouse.

The talents of the training team are like sharp swords to the operations department.

A sword needs care during the forging process, and after the sword becomes offensive, all it needs to do is develop enough edge.

The original intention of the cleanup plan was to allow the members of the training team to hone their skills.

Lin Mo was somewhat interested in this.

After surviving the catastrophe of body certification, my combat experience has been greatly improved.

However, this kind of combat experience is relatively rough.

Because the catastrophe is a catastrophe after all. Although it is powerful, it is less flexible than humans.

People's hearts are ever-changing, and in battle, some unexpected methods can be used.

There are not many battles in which the weak defeat the strong.

Actual combat is the only criterion for testing strength.

Carrying out actual combat with enemies, facing different enemies, and facing different methods can effectively polish your own combat experience.

The more battles you have experienced and the more insidious methods you have seen, the more you can respond effectively when faced with them again.


Just when Lin Mo was about to ask in detail about the specific contents of the suppression plan, the aura of heaven and earth around him suddenly stopped for a moment.

Lin Mo sensed his surroundings and found that there was an invisible force covering a kilometer radius.

Not far away, a group of people, about twenty of them, were approaching.

Among the twenty people, there were two Earth Immortals.

The leader was a voluptuous woman dressed in heavy makeup. She must be about thirty years old.

After she approached with a group of people, she showed a charming smile and said to Mr. Ren:
"Hello, the supreme commander of the Donghai City Operations Department!"

"Which organization are you from?"

Mr. Ren saw that this group of people came with bad intentions and asked directly.

"Pale World, on behalf of all members of the organization, I would like to say hello to you."

The woman looked at Mr. Ren, responded with a smile, and continued:
"To be honest, after receiving the information about you, I thought the information was wrong?

I really don't understand. Isn't it good for you to stay in the operations department?Why do we have to run out every day? Doesn't this create an opportunity for us to ambush? "

Hearing this, Mr. Ren narrowed his eyes slightly.

For Mr. Ren, the organization he hates the most and wants to destroy the most is the Pale World.

A bunch of bastards who think invasion is a good thing.

They regard the coming invasion as a purification and cleansing of mankind.

Treat the invading unknown species as your own master.

They believe that as long as they surrender, they can make mankind go higher and further under the leadership of the "master".

"Besides leaving the Operations Department, there is another thing I don't understand. Why do you not have any protection personnel every time you come out?

Intelligence shows that not only do you not have protective personnel openly, but you also don’t even have protective personnel covertly. We have been observing for a few days and found that this is indeed the case.

Let me guess, do you look down on us so-called bad organizations from the bottom of your heart and think that we don’t dare to attack the top commander of the operations department? "

The woman looked at Mr. Ren and continued to smile and said:

"I don't know what other organizations are like, but our Pale World has always been very courageous.

The highest commander of Donghai City's operations department, if you die, the entire Donghai City will be in chaos.

Chaos must be the best welcome ceremony for the owner. Mr. Ren listened to her words and ignored them. Instead, he turned around and said to Lin Mo:

"Pale World, this is a miscellaneous organization that believes that invasion is a good thing. This organization regards the invading unknown species as its master."

Lin Mo narrowed his eyes slightly after hearing Mr. Ren's introduction to this organization.

"I've said so much to you, why don't you just respond? Isn't this too rude?"

The woman frowned slightly when she saw that Mr. Ren was not talking to her.

At present, no organization dares to ambush the top commander of the operations department.

As the person in charge of this operation, she was still very excited.

But Mr. Ren's reaction made her very dissatisfied.

Mr. Ren glanced at her and said with a sneer:

"Courtesy is for people, not for bastards, and you're ambushing me? You're a bunch of brainless idiots, so you'd better find a rock and hit me to death."

"What do you mean?"

When the woman heard this, her expression changed slightly, she reacted instantly and said:
"You are the bait..."


Mr. Ren didn't speak at all, just sneered.

He indeed despises these miscellaneous organizations from the bottom of his heart, but this does not mean that he is stupid enough to think that these organizations dare not take action against him.

He left the operations department to wait for Lin Mo.

There is no protection set up, just fishing by the way.

Use yourself as bait to see if anything brainless dares to jump out.

If there are dates or not, let’s hit three poles first.

Unexpectedly, I was lucky.

You really caught a bunch of brainless idiots!
"So what if you are the bait, we have two Earth Immortals here and have set up a formation."

After the woman calmed down, she frowned and said:
"We observed it when we activated the formation. Except for the two people around you, there were no other people from the operations department at all.

Even if you have a backup plan, you are still blocked from the formation now. The two people around you should have just come out of the secret treasure house. At most, they are just two earth immortals.

We have two earth immortals, enough to drag these two people, you will die today no matter what. "

Then, she rushed directly towards Mr. Ren.

The two Earth Immortals behind her also attacked Lin Mo and Chen Xiaoyun.

The others followed the woman and rushed towards Mr. Ren.

"I'm here to kill these two Earth Immortals. Except this woman, everyone else will be killed!"

Lin Mo said slowly.

"Yes, Master!"

In the sky above, four demons appeared.

Because he didn't want to show off too much, Lin Mo asked them to hide.

Yayang happens to know the magic of hiding. This magic is not very clever, but unless the realm is higher than him, it will be impossible to see through it.


Yunlong roared and dived straight down.


The huge dragon claw was directly photographed, and except for the woman and the earth immortal, the others were directly photographed to death.

These people who died did not even cry out in pain.

(End of this chapter)

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