Cutting out trash?Did you know that Ten Thousand Immortals are coming?

Chapter 57: The method of reappearing the 2 Dutian Shensha formation

Chapter 57: How to Reappear the Great Formation of the Twelve Capital Gods
When Lin Mo heard the words of Master Tongtian, his heart moved.

After the opening of Chaos, three clans came into being.

Dragon, phoenix, unicorn!
These three clans are the original three most powerful clans.

However, the three clans fought against each other and stole each other's luck. In the end, all three parties were injured and unable to recover.

After the three tribes, the Lich and Lich tribes rose rapidly and became the two most powerful races in the world.

The original demon clan was not the current demon clan.

Those "monsters" are all innate creatures, and they are aware of the changes in the world before they are born.

The demons in later generations became demons after the beasts, flowers, plants and trees opened up their spiritual intelligence.

Among the demon clan, the leader is Yi Di Yi Huang.

The name of the Demon Emperor is: Emperor Jun.

The name of the Demon Emperor is: Donghuang Taiyi.

Although they are not saints, they are actually quasi-sages.

Even among the many quasi-sages, their strength is also at the forefront.

The original Heavenly Court was established by them leading the demon clan.

The strength of the Wu Clan cannot be underestimated either.

Among the witch clan, the twelve ancestral witches are the most respected, all of whom were transformed by the essence and blood of Pangu.

And every ancestral shaman controls a kind of law.

The power of law contains the truth of the great truth.

If you can use the power of law, you are already endowed with great power.

And mastering the power of the law can change the rules of the world through the law.

Both the Witch Clan and the Demon Clan were two powerful forces that could not be provoked in the world at that time.

Zhou Tian Xingdou Great Array!

The Twelve Capitals are gods and gods!

These two powerful formations are powerful formations that the two tribes use as their trump cards.

"Master, let me first talk about the Demon Clan's Zhoutian Star Dou Formation. This Zhoutian Star Dou Formation was created by the Demon Emperor of the Demon Clan, but it was not created by him alone.

He deduced this formation through the innate treasure He Tuluo Shu and the luck of the entire demon clan. "

Leader Tongtian looked at Lin Mo, smiled slowly and said:

"The Zhoutian Starry Formation is dominated by the two stars of the lunar sky and the sun, supplemented by the Zhoutian Starry Dou.

In order to set up this formation, the demon clan refined the two main flags of the sun and yin, 360 five large star flags, and [-] small star flags!
With the body of the quasi-sage, he holds the main flag into the lunar sun, which is the core of the formation. The Daluo Jinxian holds the big Zhoutian star banner and enters the big Zhoutian star as the eye of the formation. The Golden Fairyland holds the small Zhoutian star banner. Entering the small Zhoutian, the stars are branches and leaves.

This type of formation can be said to bring together the top combat power of the demon clan. Once the formation is activated, it can mobilize the original power of the stars in the sky, and its power can be imagined. "

"Master, I have a question, and I would like to ask Master to clarify it.

According to my disciple's opinion, there are strong and weak heavens.

If I set up a star formation that is exactly the same as that of the demon clan in the world where I am, will the power of this formation become weaker compared to the world where the master is? "

Lin Mo thought for a while and asked.

"Disciple, you know that all talents are strong and weak, so do you know how they are divided?"

Upon hearing this, the Tongtian Cult Leader did not answer directly, but asked rhetorically.

Lin Mo thought for a moment, then slowly said:
"Between heaven and earth, living beings should be the basis. Should the strength of heaven and earth be distinguished based on the strength of living beings?"

"However, between heaven and earth, the stronger the creatures, the stronger the spiritual energy of heaven and earth will be, the power of laws will be abundant, and the space will become more indestructible. This is a natural cycle. Heaven and earth make creatures stronger, and creatures will Feed back, so that heaven and earth will continue to improve, and the two complement each other."

Leader Tongtian nodded with satisfaction and spoke in detail about the relationship.

"Disciple understands, what I asked just now is impossible to happen. In the world where I live, there are not as many Daluo Golden Immortals as Quasi-Sages and Golden Immortals. Naturally, it is impossible for the Golden Immortals to create Zhoutian like the Monster Clan. Star array.

And when I can set up such formations, the world will become as strong as the world where Master is, and the power of the Zhoutian Star Formation will naturally not be reduced. "

Lin Mo suddenly understood and spoke.

Immediately, Lin Mo thought about what if he used some weak people to set up the Starry Formation next week.

Then the power of this formation should be the same in two different worlds.

Because the people entering the battle are weak, the power of the stars that can be mobilized will also be reduced.

In the present world, the power of the formation that can be successfully deployed can kill the Golden Immortal or Daluo Golden Immortal.

Then when you come to the world where Master is, the power of the formation will not increase.

Because the original power of the stars that can be mobilized is the same.

It's like a cup. Whether you get water from a bucket or from the sea, the water it can get is the same.

However, because heaven and earth have strengths and weaknesses, from a macro perspective, this formation is still different in two different worlds.

This difference is the same source power of the stars.

If it were in the present world, this might be the entire source power of the stars.

And if you come to the world where the master is, as far as the stars in the sky are concerned, these original powers are only a very small part.

This is the only difference.

This difference has no impact on the formation, it only reflects the strength and weakness of heaven and earth.

"Now that this confusion has been solved, let me tell you a little more about the Twelve Capital Gods Formation. The mystery of this formation does not lie in the formation, but in the people who enter the formation.

This formation is not like the Zhou Tianxing Dou Formation of the Monster Clan, which requires many creatures to set up the formation. This formation only requires twelve ancestral witches of the Witch Clan.

And only the Twelve Ancestral Witches can form this formation. "

Leader Tongtian looked at Lin Mo and continued with a kind face:

"Thinking about the twelve ancestral witches, they actually came from the same origin as our master. They were all transformed from the essence and blood of the great god Pangu, while our master was born from the soul of the great god Pangu.

Because these twelve ancestral witches were transformed by their essence and blood, they were born with the knowledge of the Twelve Capital Heavenly Gods' Formation, which could be formed by 12 of them.

Once this formation is activated, they can use the power of essence and blood to transform into the body of the Great God Pangu. The strength they can exert is also extremely terrifying.

In the first battle of the Wu Clan, the Wu Clan used the Twelve Heavenly Gods and Evil Formation to fight against the Monster Clan's Zhou Tian Xing Dou Formation, and they were evenly matched. "

"Master, if you put it this way, wouldn't it mean that no one can use this twelve-capital god evil formation except the twelve ancestral witches?"

Lin Mo heard this and spoke slowly.

"Of course no one can use the Twelve Capital Heavenly God Evil Formation like the Twelve Ancestral Witches.

However, everything should not be too absolute. If you want to use the Twelve Heavenly Gods and Evil Formation, it is not impossible. "

The leader of Tongtian didn't say any specific method, but looked at Lin Mo with a somewhat thoughtful look.

"Obtain blood essence from the twelve ancestral witches."

Lin Mo thought for a while and understood the method taught by the Tongtian leader.

The most important thing in the Twelve Capital Gods Formation is Pangu’s essence and blood.

If you can obtain essence and blood, you can naturally recreate the Twelve Heavenly Gods and Evil Formation.

(End of this chapter)

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