Cutting out trash?Did you know that Ten Thousand Immortals are coming?

Chapter 66 The waves caused by the suppression operation

Chapter 66 The waves caused by the suppression operation
Everyone's eyes were full of anticipation and curiosity, wanting to see what Lin Mo could exchange for the magical weapons and magic weapons into Dao values.

The top commander of Yuncheng also looked at Lin Mo with burning eyes.

At this moment, no one takes it for granted that Jiejiao is a garbage sect.

Because Lin Mo has the ability to defeat the Earth Immortal on his own, their perception that Jiejiao is a trash sect has been shaken.

And Lin Mo's actions of exchanging immortal weapons and magic weapons into Taoist values ​​made them feel that Jie Jiao was really misunderstood.

What everyone redeems from the store are things from their own sect.

The better the thing, the more Tao value it requires.

Would a truly rubbish sect have such good things that require so many Dao values ​​to exchange for?

In other words, how many things can a truly rubbish sect possess that require so many Dao values ​​to exchange for?
Everyone has a chance to choose a martial art.

The choice of sect is related to one's own future.

It is no exaggeration to say that sect is the foundation of a person.

A powerful master can teach people powerful skills.

The store reflects the heritage of the sect.

Different sects have different things that can be redeemed in the store.

Some people even join the same sect. Although the items in the store are the same, they have the right to exchange them. Some items can be exchanged by the same sect, but others cannot.

After information investigation, after joining the gray sect, some people's shops did not even have fairy weapons.

The things that can be exchanged in these people's shops are not as good as the treasures of heaven, materials and earth that can be found everywhere in the secret treasure house.

In the Golden Sect, there are all kinds of good things, the value of which far exceeds the treasures of heaven and earth in the secret treasure house.

This also causes moral values ​​to be unimportant to many people.

Because apart from the consumption of Dao points to enter the master's gate, there are no good things in the store at all, and they need to exchange Dao points for them.

But for some people, moral values ​​are very important.

Join a powerful sect and there are too many good things in the store.

It doesn't matter if you don't have moral values, but if you have moral values ​​but have no place to use them, this is the most painful thing.

"Now that the reward has been received, let's leave first."

Everyone was looking forward to what Lin Mo would exchange for something, but Lin Mo did not exchange it. He just said goodbye to the supreme commander of Yuncheng.

"Huh? Oh."

The top commander of Yuncheng reacted, with a friendly smile on his face, and said:
"If nothing happens in the future, you can come to Yuncheng more often and we will keep in touch."

Although this poaching was not successful, it does not mean that he intends to give up.

But Lin Mo didn't redeem anything. He guessed that the thing Lin Mo wanted to redeem could be used as a trump card, so he didn't want to be exposed in front of so many people, so he didn't redeem it.

But in fact, let’s not talk about the trump card.

Lin Mo wants to exchange the ancestral witch essence and blood, but the Tao value is not enough now.

The onlookers didn't know what was in Jiejiao's store.

They could only exchange Lin Mo's behavior for a large amount of Dao points, guessing that there were good things in the Jiejiao store.

But they never imagined that the things in Jiejiao's store were so good that they exceeded everyone's imagination.

The innate treasure, the fruit of the innate spiritual root, the essence and blood of the ancestral witch...

They felt that Lin Mo had so much Dao value that it should be enough to redeem it in the store.

But in fact, their understanding of "good things" is still too narrow.

The better something is, the more Tao value it requires.

In their understanding, Lin Mo had just exchanged so many Dao Values, and something that required so many Dao Values ​​to redeem was already very precious.

But in fact, with the Tao value Lin Mo currently possesses, it is impossible to exchange it.

The cheapest items in Jiejiao's stores are already considered very precious items in Golden Sect's stores.But even those cheap things, many people present have never heard of them.

Later, under the watchful eyes of everyone, Lin Mo led the people and left the operations department of Yuncheng.


Lin Mo took Chen Xiaoyun, Zhao Yanfei, Chen Yu, Wang Bo and the four demons to continue to clean up the pale world.

During the course of the crackdown, waves gradually started to rise on the Internet.

"It turns out that Lin Mo is really not a waste!"

"Lin Mo? Who is Lin Mo?"

"That's the person who joined the Jiejiao Cult. My cousin in the Operations Department told me that Lin Mo and his people were cleaning up the Pale World, and he killed an Earth Immortal by himself."

"Really? Can you deal with the Earth Immortal alone?"

"It turned out that that person was the one who joined the Jie Cult. I was on the spot watching him solve the Earth Immortal."

"+1 for the scene, watching him beat the Earth Immortal to death with my own eyes."

"Is there a video? Just say it with a long mouth. I also said that I can also deal with the Earth Immortal."

"I have a video, but I can't post it. Maybe it involves the Pale World. It was blocked as soon as I uploaded it."


"I was in Mingyang City and witnessed with my own eyes the eradication of the Pale World."

"I inquired from the Operations Department and found out that the man who led the cleanup was indeed called Lin Mo, and he was really the one who joined the Jiejiao."

"Damn it, is it true?"

"Didn't he join a rubbish sect?"

"I'm from Beifeng City. We also have a Pale World stronghold here, which was just wiped out."

"Oh my god, I saw three Earth Immortals besieging him. This Lin Mo's attack power seems to be not as powerful as the three Earth Immortals, but after hitting him, all three Earth Immortals were beaten to the ground."

"First one person defeated the Earth Immortal, and then he defeated three Earth Immortals by himself? How come the rumors are getting more and more evil?"

"Pass it on, Lin Mo can defeat three Earth Immortals by himself."

"Pass it on, Lin Mo can defeat thirty Earth Immortals by himself."

"Pass it on, Lin Mo will challenge all the earthly immortals alone."

"I'm laughing so hard. You're still bragging about a guy who joined a rubbish sect? I don't believe it anyway."

"I don't believe it either, no one with a brain believes it."


"I believe it. That person's name is Lin Mo. He looks just like you described. Just now, a fight broke out in the community next to my house. Lin Mo killed five earth immortals by himself."

"Blow, keep blowing, and blow harder, maybe I will believe you."

"I was also at the scene at the time, Unit 3, Building 101, No. [-] Anyiyuan, Pingyun City. I have the video in my hand. If you don't believe it, come to me to watch the video offline."

"I was also there. It's really too strong. Is this the one who joins Jiejiao?"

"What's going on these days? There are monsters running out of the scene every day?"


"Where is the suppression?"

"Damn it, there are immortals in the pale world?"

"What? Celestial beings? Didn't you say there are no Celestial beings yet?"

"Do you believe that there are no gods?"

"Yan City, Lin Mo brought people to clean up the Pale World, and two immortals appeared in the Pale World."

(End of this chapter)

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