Chapter 68 The invasion is imminent
"Let's go, get the reward, and then return to Donghai."

Lin Mo looked at Wang Bo and nodded slightly, and said to everyone.

On the periphery of the ruins, members of the Yan City Action Department have surrounded this area.

The top commander of Yan City and other leaders also came over, bringing several large boxes with them.

From the fifth day of the cleanup plan, every time people rushed to the scene of the operation, there were top commanders from various places, and rewards were also brought along with them.

This is because they confirmed Lin Mo's strength from other top commanders of the operations department, thus showing a kind of respect.

Because before arriving, they didn’t know how many Pale World members there were in those strongholds, what their strength was, and how many rewards they needed to give, so the rewards they brought over every time were sufficient.

Basically every time, the reward will be more than the normal reward, but it will not be taken back.

Almost every commander of the operations department wanted to poach someone, but Lin Mo didn't agree.

After Mr. Ren learned that these people were poaching, he would call from time to time to ask for help. He also said openly and secretly that as long as Lin Mo stayed in Donghai City, he could give him more.

As the old man gets older, he behaves like a wife whose husband is on a business trip and is worried about his cheating wife at home.

"You are the hope of the future."

The top commander of Yan City looked at Lin Mo coming over with uncontrollable joy on his face.

This genius, who was once considered useless by everyone, proved himself with his own strength.

There may still be some doubts among the outside world.

But in the operations department, the name Lin Mo can be said to have shocked everyone inside.

No one would believe a top commander who said he was strong.

Two, three...ten, a hundred...

So many top commanders of the operations department, as well as members of the operations department from various places, all said that Lin Mo was very strong.

Under such circumstances, even if internal people have never met Lin Mo, no matter how unbelievable it is, they have to believe that Lin Mo is really capable.

Is Jiejiao a garbage sect?
Is Lin Mo a waste?
Now, in addition to shock, there is also admiration in the eyes of the people present.

Who dares to say that Jie Jiao is trash and Lin Mo is trash?
Not to mention that Lin Mo had killed so many earthly immortals in various places before.

When they rushed over just now, they saw with their own eyes that Lin Mo easily beat the three immortals to death with his own strength.

With such strength, if there are still people who dare to call trash, then wouldn't everyone be worse than refining trash?
And Jiejiao, a rubbish sect, can it really cultivate such a strong person?
They didn't know how powerful Jie Jiao was, but there was no doubt that Jie Jiao was definitely not a trash sect.

"Old Xu."

Lin Mo looked at the top commander of Yan City and shouted politely.

All operations departments are actually managed independently.

All strategies are decided together by the top commanders of the operations departments in each region.

The Yan City Operations Department does not have the authority to directly manage other operations departments, but it is still the headquarters of the Operations Department in name.

Internal file compilation is still carried out in Yan City.

And the people gathered in the Yan City Action Department are actually top talents from all over the country.

It can be said that the Yan City Action Department is the most powerful action department.

Mr. Xu was also mentioned in several phone calls Mr. Ren made.

Although the top commander of the Yan City Operations Department does not have a superior-subordinate relationship with other top commanders, other top commanders are still very obedient to his words.

"Are you still used to working in the Donghai City Operations Department?"

Mr. Xu smiled, then looked at Lin Mo and asked.

Lin Mo has heard this sentence many times.


Lin Mo gave a unified answer.

"Oh, actually you should know that the resources of Yan City's operations department are definitely better than those of other places.

I won’t hide you old man anymore. As long as you are willing to come to Yanshi, you can do whatever you want. "

Mr. Xu's face was filled with a kind smile.

This is a treasure.Although judging from the response from the local operations departments, poaching has not been successful.

But regardless of whether you can succeed or not, you have to try digging first.

"It still doesn't work out. I think Donghai is still suitable for me."

Hearing this, Lin Mo shook his head and said.

Mr. Xu did not give up and continued to make conditions, such as that family members could also enjoy the same treatment.

But Lin Mo didn't agree.

First, Mr. Ren has already stated that no matter how good the conditions offered by the other party are, he is willing to give more, as long as Lin Mo needs training resources, he will give him as much as he wants.

Second, it’s hard to leave your hometown. You can’t tell how good a place you grew up in, but leaving that place is like leaving home.

"Well, if you change your mind in the future and think of somewhere else, you must consider our Yan City!"

Seeing that he couldn't dig it out, Mr. Xu settled for the next best thing and thought angrily:

No matter how lucky Lao Gou is, this treasure ended up in the East China Sea.

One person can defeat three immortals with such ease. Among the few little monsters in his training group, no one has been able to do this.

Alas, regret, if he had directly poached when he chose interception, he might have succeeded.

After all, at that time, this baby was equivalent to being in a "down and out" stage, and Lao Gou Ren probably wouldn't have made great efforts to keep it.

Now that he has emerged, it is very difficult to poach him.

"If I think of somewhere else, Yanshi must be my first choice."

Lin Mo heard Mr. Xu's words, nodded and smiled.

"Then you have to remember this sentence."

After hearing what Lin Mo said, Mr. Xu nodded helplessly, pointed at the big boxes, and said:
"This is the reward this time, a treasure of [-] Tao worth of heaven and earth."

Thirty thousand Tao points are actually more than the normal reward.

However, Mr. Xu, like other operations commanders, has no intention of taking back the excess.

One is the redundant part, which is not too much.

Second, Lin Mo's performance deserves more training.

Cultivating geniuses does not mean that if you are not a member of our operations department, I will not cultivate you.

Being able to cultivate a strong person will benefit everyone.

Hearing this, Lin Mo opened those boxes and replaced all the fairy weapons and magic weapons in the rewards with Tao values, while Xian Zhi kept them for refining elixirs.

Now, his Tao value has reached [-] million.

Not only can the two drops of ancestral witch essence blood be exchanged, but the rest can also be exchanged for a top-quality innate magic weapon.

After returning to Donghai, you can choose from the store.

"Mr. Xu, let's go then!"

Lin Mo looked at Mr. Xu and said.

"it is good."

Mr. Xu nodded reluctantly.

If he had enough time, he would definitely want Lin Mo to stay a little longer.

However, the invasion was still one day away from beginning.

He also has a lot to prepare for.

At this time, he came to see Lin Mo and poached, so he squeezed out the time.

Afterwards, Lin Mo took Chen Xiaoyun and four others into the sky and flew towards Donghai City.

After Mr. Xu watched them leave, he left some people to clean up the battle scene and took the others back to the operations department.

(End of this chapter)

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