Chapter 71

Lin Mo heard this and asked.

Although Zhu Jiuyin had seen the future and already knew that he would ask "why", Lin Mo knew that even if he knew what he would say, he still needed to ask.

Because if you don't ask, Zhu Jiuyin may not be able to see this future and give an answer.

In this conversation that spanned time, Zhu Jiuyin saw everything that was about to happen, and he needed to say what he was thinking to ensure that there would be no deviations.

“Time has past, present and future, everything is fixed and cannot be changed easily.

However, with my strength and my ability to master the laws of time, it is not a bad idea to break some rules.

The reason why I cannot change my death is because I am the ancestral witch of the Wu Clan, and I am connected with the Wu Clan. To change my death, I will change the entire Wu Clan.

From the birth to the demise of the Witch Clan, there were too many things involved. During the first Lich War, Dao Ancestor once issued a decree of "Monster Heaven and Witch Earth".

Moreover, before the death of the Lich, the human race created by Nuwa was already the destined primacy of all things, and the two races of Lich and Lich were destined to make way for the human race.

At the same time, the human race also holds the opportunity for several saints to become saints. "

Zhu Jiuyin looked at Lin Mo and said calmly:
"Taoist ancestors and saints are existences that are not affected by time.

I want to change the Dao Ancestor's law, even the Dao Ancestor, and also change the destiny of the human race to become the spiritual leader of all things, so that the Witch Clan does not need to give way. At the same time, this will also make the saint lose the opportunity to become a saint.

A single move can affect the whole body. They are too strong and cannot be changed by my strength. "

"So looking at the overall situation, if a strong person appears in an incident, no matter how big or small the impact is on the matter, if you want to change the matter, you must change it together with the strong person?"

Lin Mo heard Zhu Jiuyin's words and said with focused eyes.

"Yes, I tried to go back to the past or change in the present, but I failed."

Zhu Jiuyin nodded and said.

No emotion could be heard in his tone.

It seemed that he had calmly accepted the destined ending.

The ancestral witch of the Wu Clan, his strength is undoubtedly powerful.

But it is impossible to change Taoist ancestors and saints.

"Why did you keep this memory? In other words, why did you want to talk to me?"

Lin Mo thought for a while and continued to ask.

At the same time, Lin Mo also remembered the conversation just now.

To change something, you must change the strong people who appear in it.

These are experiences. If you want to change something in the future, having these experiences will help you avoid detours.

"I left this memory to help you and take you through the flow of time. This will help you better understand the laws of time."

After Zhu Jiuyin heard Lin Mo's words, he smiled and said:
"As for why I want to help you, it's hard to say and I can't. Anyway, all you need to know now is that I won't harm you."

After Lin Mo heard his words, he narrowed his eyes slightly.


Zhu Jiuyin smiled and then waved.

The law of time appeared in the middle of the two people like a river.

“This is the long river of time, or it can be said to be what the law looked like when it was born.

This river is actually somewhat similar to the Great Road. All living beings say that the Great Road does not know where it starts or ends, but it is unknown whether it has an end. It must have a source.

It's just that no one can trace it back to the source, and the same is true with time. This long river has no origin and no trace.

What you and I see now is just a section of a long river. Since its birth, the long river of time has traversed the past. The present and future cannot be traced back to the source. Zhu Jiuyin pointed to the long river of time and continued:
“To master or transcend time, you can stand on the shore and watch the long river flow, you can also go upstream, or you can go down the river to the past and the future.

But in fact, more living beings are like drops of water, melting into this long river and flowing along with it. "


Zhu Jiuyin tapped the river of time lightly and continued:

"Every drop of water will collide with other water. In many cases, nothing will happen and everything will be peaceful.

But if the water droplets are very powerful, they will cause ripples, and people on the shore can also cause ripples by throwing stones or clicking them.

Whether the river is calm or has ripples, it represents countless things, big and small.

Small things are easy to change, but big things are difficult to fix. If you want to change something, then do it within your ability.

If you feel the power of the law yourself, you will not be able to see this long river of time, and now this long river of time is ultimately in memory and cannot be accessed by you.

However, I have left a little power in this essence and blood. Next, when you come into contact with the power of law, you will see the real river of time. "

After the words fell, Zhu Jiuyin's figure disappeared.

Lin Mo's consciousness also came to another place.


A long river of time flows slowly in front of me.

After thinking for a moment, Lin Mo put his hand into the river of time.

In an instant, an indescribable mysterious feeling spread from the palm of his hand to the whole body.

Time seemed to have stopped suddenly at this moment.

With what Zhu Jiuyin said just now, and being exposed to the long river of time, Lin Mo understood more and more about the laws of time.

It's been a long time.

Life is like a drop of water, flowing along with it.

In time, things big and small are happening every moment.

Small things are silent, big things make ripples.

So when a drop of water stops moving forward, does it change time?

Yes or no.

What has changed is only the time of the water drop, but the time around the water drop is still flowing.

So what happens when this stagnation ends?
Will the water drop continue to move forward in its own time, or will it merge with the previous water drop and move forward?
Lin Mo felt the power of the long river of time and made deductions. He imagined pinching a water droplet and letting the water droplets around it continue to move forward. When he let go of the pinched water droplet, it returned to his friends in an instant.

It's like, it jumps right across a period of time.

Perhaps, when it is strong enough, it can directly prevent all water droplets from moving forward.

The long river of time was directly stopped, and time truly stopped.

I don't know how long it took, the river of time disappeared, and Lin Mo's consciousness returned.

The law of fire, the law of time!
Comparing the two laws, Lin Mo knew more about the law of time.


Mobilizing the power of the law, time around Lin Mo stopped, and then returned to normal.

(End of this chapter)

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