Chapter 81 Total War Ends
"do not know."

Brother Wang looked at Lin Mo's figure, shook his head, and then said:
"Okay, let's adjust and recover quickly. We'll have to continue fighting in a while."


The young man looked at Lin Mo who kept fighting, and suddenly became very motivated in his heart.

In addition to these two people, there were many people who glanced at Lin Mo from time to time while adjusting to rest.

The soldiers who were further away were also talking to each other, hearing the news that Lin Mo was still fighting.

Although they did not witness it with their own eyes, every time they heard the news that the man named Lin Mo was fighting non-stop in the center of the city wall, their spirits would become uplifted.

A figure will naturally appear in the mind.

That figure seemed to be radiating a thousand feet of brilliance. Facing the enemies rushing towards him, he would easily eliminate them.

The negative emotions brought about by the fierce battle seemed to be dispelled by the figure in his mind.

At this moment, neither Lin Mo, who was still fighting, nor the ordinary soldiers realized that Lin Mo seemed to have become a flag unknowingly.

A flag that leads everyone to resist invasion.

As long as Lin Mo does not fall, these ordinary soldiers will always be inspired by this flag.

No matter how many enemies there are, they still have the belief to persevere.


Another day and night of the defensive war passed.

"Is he still fighting?"

"Hey, is there any news from over there?"

"It was passed and he was still fighting."

"It's amazing."

"Quickly pass it on, he's still playing."

"How can I be as powerful as him?"

"You can dream about being as powerful as him."

On the defense line, where the left side of the Great Wall connects to the mountains, the soldiers who were adjusting and recovering were eagerly asking if there was any news. When they learned that Lin Mo was still fighting, they felt relieved and continued to spread the news. Go down.

No need to ask for names, just address him as "him", but everyone knows who "he" is.

He is the one whom I only know by name, but most of whom I have never met.

He is the one who has been fighting since the beginning of the war.

Some people are already dead, and the only regret they feel before they die is that they have never seen them.

Some people are still alive and they need to keep fighting, and if they can, they want to see the person who has been fighting before they die.

No need to talk, no need to contact, even if they just take a look from a distance, they will feel satisfied.


The night of the seventh day when the war began.

There was silence on the mighty and stretching defense line.

In the morning, voids and extraterrestrial demons no longer appeared continuously in the cracks in space.

Enemies that seemed to emerge from the cracks in space had already emerged.

The war lasted until noon, and then those virtual and extraterrestrial demons began to retreat to the vicinity of the space cracks and no longer attacked the defense line.

Perhaps they feel that if they continue to attack like this, they will not be able to tear apart this line of defense.

Or perhaps, the absence of companions behind them made them dare not attack unscrupulously, so they chose to conserve their strength and take advantage of it slowly.

There were still some small-scale intrusions, but all in all the full-scale war had stopped.



On the towering city walls, biting cold wind blew.

Lin Mo was sitting on the city wall, with the Flying Fire Sword at his side. The biting cold wind was just like a cool breeze to him.

Underfoot are floating white clouds, and diagonally above are the cracks in space.

A little further ahead of the space rift, there is a wall that is longer than the Great Wall.

The length is about the same as the entire defense line.

When the void and extraterrestrial demons no longer appeared in the space cracks, this city wall was thrown over.

Most of the virtual and extraterrestrial demons are now inside the city wall.

A line of defense descended from the Great Wall and mountains.

One is a city wall projected from a crack in space.

The two confront each other, giving it a simple charm of war between two armies.Lin Mo looked at the city wall opposite and laughed silently.

Move a city wall over, are they learning from themselves?
Or are you afraid of being counterattacked?


Chen Xiaoyun held two fairy fruits grown from high-grade fairy plants in her hands, and came to Lin Mo's side with brisk steps.

This was obtained from the Operations Department.

According to the new regulations just decided by the Operations Department, each person will be given a contribution value based on their performance monitored on the battlefield, which can be exchanged for items.

Future mission rewards and contributions made on the battlefield will be calculated as contribution points.

The resource library of the Operations Department has also been summarized. As long as there is contribution value, you can exchange for items.

The two fairy fruits in Chen Xiaoyun's hands actually have little effect on improving strength.

But I heard from others that this fairy fruit tastes very delicious.

So she switched to two to try.

In fact, Chen Xiaoyun was still a little confused when changing.

After all, it seems a bit luxurious to exchange contribution points for such delicious but useless things.

But she also thought that it was reasonable to reward herself and Lin Mo with something she liked after fighting for such a long time.


Lin Mo took the fairy fruit handed over by Chen Xiaoyun, took a bite, and said with a smile:

"good to eat."


Chen Xiaoyun looked at Lin Mo and smiled, with a bright smile on her face, and then took a bite.

The next moment, the smile on her face stiffened.

Sour, bitter, and a strange taste mixed in the mouth.

This feeling is hard to describe.

All in all, it was extremely unpalatable.

"Bah ah ah~"

Chen Xiaoyun opened her mouth and spit out the bitten pulp, then fanned her mouth with her hands.


When Lin Mo saw that she had vomited, he immediately spit out the fruit pulp in his mouth, and then laughed.

"Bad man."

Chen Xiaoyun looked at Lin Mo angrily, then looked at the fairy fruit in her hand, frowned and said:

"I heard this food is delicious. How could this happen?"

"Well, maybe someone else's is cooked, but the one you took is not?"

Lin Mo thought for a while and said seriously.

"Really? Unripe fairy fruit turns out to be so unpalatable!"

Chen Xiaoyun said drowsily.

Afterwards, Chen Xiaoyun also sat on the city wall and leaned against Lin Mo.

"What, are you tired?"

Lin Mo put his arm around her shoulders and asked softly.

"No, Kurotsuchi, many people died, you said..."

Chen Xiaoyun said in a dull voice.

"I am here."

Lin Mo interrupted her directly and said.


Chen Xiaoyun raised her chin and looked at Lin Mo, showing a sweet smile.

Long night, gentle breeze.

The enemy is in front of you.

The people you know are around you.

Killing weapons are within reach.

(End of this chapter)

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