Chapter 86 Phoenix Soul Awakens


The roar of dragons and the cry of phoenix sounded.

The voices of the four dragons of karma seemed to cover up the sound of the phoenix.

But among the two huge seas of fire, the sea of ​​fire around the Bone Phoenix had the greater advantage.

Obviously they are both fire, but after the true fire of nirvana and the fire of karma collided with each other, not only did they not merge together, but they burned each other.

The fire of karma was continuously burned by the true fire of Nirvana, and half of the originally extremely wide sea of ​​​​fire was burned in an instant.

The four karmic fire dragons continued to retreat under the pressure of the withered phoenix.

"The Law of Fire!"

Lin Mo mobilized the power of law.


In an instant, the flames on the four Karma Fire Dragons instantly became stronger.

And the karma fire around them also exudes more powerful power.



The true fire of Nirvana slows down the burning speed of the fire of karma.

"Water and fire gourd!"

Lin Mo turned over his hand and took out the best innate magic weapon.

Although the innate restraint has not yet been refined, the power it can exert is limited.

However, even if its power is limited, this is still an innate magic weapon.



Lin Mo activated the water and fire gourd, and two unicorns suddenly ran out of the gourd.

The two unicorns, one with water and one with fire, spread out and rushed towards the withered phoenix.


In an instant, two unicorns appeared on both sides of the withered phoenix, roaring together.



The two unicorns had long mouths and began to swallow.

And as they swallowed, endless drowning and endless sun fire appeared.

Drowning directly extinguished the true fire of Nirvana on the left side of the skeletal phoenix.

The Yang Fire carried the true fire of Nirvana and returned to the mouth of the fire unicorn.

The fire unicorn directly swallowed the true fire of Nirvana into its belly.



Without the protection of the Nirvana True Fire, the Purple Sky Divine Thunder, the phantom of the mountain, and the magic weapon, spells bombarded both sides of the withered phoenix.

For a moment, the Bone Phoenix was at a disadvantage.

She had to gather the true fire of Nirvana in front of her, and then spread part of it to her side to protect her whole body.


The dragons of karma fire all around, carrying the sea of ​​ye fire, pressed forward.

The water and fire unicorns also continued to swallow, annihilating the true fire of Nirvana on both sides of the withered phoenix.

The Nirvana True Fire around the Bone Phoenix gradually began to dissipate.

"Help me break these bones."

The Phoenix Soul broke away from the withered bones and roared using the brief moment of clarity.



When the Nirvana True Fire around her was completely eliminated, the Zixiao Divine Thunder, Mountain Shadow, Karma Fire, Yang Fire, Drowning, as well as the magic weapons and spells used by Zhao Yanfei and others all bombarded the withered bones.



The bones began to crack, but they were not completely broken.

"Sword swings the heavens!"

"Qingping Sword Seed!"

Lin Mo held the Flying Fire Sword in his hand, and while using his supreme magical power, he activated the Qingping Sword Seed in his body.

Two powerful sword intentions rose from Lin Mo's body.

One is Qingping Sword Intent.

The other is the sword energy gathered by supreme supernatural powers.

The sword intent spread out and turned into countless sword energies.

The two sword energies merged with each other, and under Lin Mo's control, they entangled around the Flying Fire Sword like streams of water. "Uh-huh!"

Lin Mo held the sword horizontally in front of him and slashed out.

In an instant, the Fire Sword Qi was released from the Flying Fire Sword.

And this flowing fire sword energy instantly merged with the other two sword energy.

The three blend together.

Countless sword energies shine as brightly as the stars in the sky.




The sword energy spread in all directions, slashing towards the withered skeletal phoenix.

Each sword energy was very precise and penetrated into the cracked cracks of the withered bones.

With the attack of sword energy, combined with other attacks, the cracks in the withered bones became deeper and deeper.


After a few breaths, the withered bones completely fell apart and fell downwards.


The Phoenix Soul also broke away from the withered bones, flew into the sky, and stopped attacking everyone.

Lin Mo looked at the Phoenix Soul and did not relax his vigilance.

"Thank you fellow Taoists for helping me get out of trouble."

Phoenix Yuanshen said to everyone.

Lin Mo raised his hand to collect the fifty magical powers and magic weapons, while the others also collected the magic weapons and spells and returned behind Lin Mo.

"Are you really from the Phoenix clan?"

Lin Mo narrowed his eyes slightly, looked at the Phoenix Soul, and asked.

"My name is Fengyue, and I am ordered to guard the clan's land."

The phoenix soul responded, then looked around and said in astonishment:

"This is... the land of the Phoenix Clan? How could it become like this?"

What you see in front of you is no longer prosperous as before, and it is very desolate.

How strange it all seemed.

"Boss, what's going on? What is a phoenix?"

Wang Bo asked Lin Mo quietly.

"A very powerful race. Her body is dead. Her soul was awake before, but she must have just woken up now, so she is not used to it yet and her memory has not been completely restored."

Lin Mo responded.

"what happened?"

Phoenix Yuanshen looked around and asked doubtfully.

She is not asking others, but herself.

She is trying hard to remember together.

"The war between the three clans..."

After a while, she completely adapted, a trace of sadness appeared in her eyes, and she murmured to herself:
"The war between the three clans has resulted in the destruction of all living beings.

Endless karma has fallen, my physical body has been destroyed by karma, and my soul is trapped in withered bones, unable to escape..."

She recalled everything.

In the war between the three clans, all will suffer in the end.

Because it caused huge damage to living beings and the world, the Phoenix, Dragon, and Qilin clans all have to bear endless karma.

Chief Yuanfeng... went to the Nanmingli volcano and threw himself into the mountain to suppress the earth fire and offset part of his karma.

But the remaining karma is still very terrifying.

I was ordered to stay here at that time. When the karma fell, my physical body could not bear so much karma and was directly consumed.

After that, his soul became trapped in the withered bones, and he was tortured by karma all the time.

In the end, he couldn't bear the torture anymore and became unconscious, and then... fell silent.

"Has our clan declined to this level?"

Feng Yue looked at the scene around her and sighed slightly.

The stronger one is, the stronger the karma one suffers.

At that time, all Phoenixes were under pressure.

There may be tribesmen who are just like me, with their bodies perished and their souls trapped and tortured.

It could also be that both the physical body and the soul are consumed by karma, which is also a good thing, at least there is no need to suffer.

And I'm afraid there are only a few clan members who can survive.

"Thank you all, my family has been burdened with karma, my body was destroyed, and my soul was trapped in the bones and tortured. Now I am finally free."

Fengyue looked at everyone and thanked them again in a low voice.

(End of this chapter)

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