Chapter 88 Unprecedented Changes
"I don't know what happened in the world where you are, but the world where I am has been invaded."

Lin Mo looked at Feng Yue and said.

Something must have happened in the wild world.

Senior Brother Duobao told Senior Sister Gui Ling these things.

But let yourself not think about it, otherwise there will be cause and effect.

Therefore, Lin Mo did not speculate on what happened in the prehistoric world.

It’s okay to guess wrong.

If you guess right, you'll be in trouble.

However, there are some things that you don’t need to guess at all, some ideas will appear in your mind.

Something happened in the ancient world, and then there were sects and invasions.

It’s hard for people to think that the invasion of this world has nothing to do with what happened in the prehistoric world.

After having this idea, Lin Mo immediately tried his best to stop himself from looking down and thinking.

Fortunately, I didn't feel there was any causal backlash.

Maybe I thought wrongly.

It may also be that the little thing you think about is not enough to cause cause and effect.

"Invasion? What invasion?"

After Fengyue heard Lin Mo's words, she asked doubtfully.

"Xu and extraterrestrial demons, have you heard of these two things?"

Lin Mo thought for a while and asked.

"Extraterritorial demon... demon? Rahu?"

Hearing this, Feng Yue opened her mouth and said:
"If it can be related to demons, I can only think of Rahu."

When mentioning Luo Hu, there was a trace of hidden hatred in Feng Yue's words.

When the three clans fought, Luo Hu was closely involved.

Without Rahu, the war between the three clans might not have happened at all.

Even if it happens, it won't happen so quickly.

Lin Mo shook his head slightly after hearing Fengyue's words.

Extraterrestrial demon.

After hearing these four words, Lin Mo immediately thought of Demon Ancestor Luo Hu.

The demon ancestor Luohu wanted to prove his truth by killing, so he instigated a war between the three clans.

And it was also during the war between the three clans that the battle between the devil and the devil began.

The final outcome is that the Taoist ancestor proves the Tao, and Rahu's body dies and the Tao disappears, but before his death, he turns into thousands of demonic energies, hidden in the chaos.

From now on, if those who practice Taoism do something wrong, they will breed inner demons.

But inner demons do not have physical entities, and only those who are obsessed with it can breed inner demons.

The demons outside the realm seem to be different from the inner demons.

"Then do you know what a void is?"

Lin Mo looked at Feng Yue and asked.

Void and extraterrestrial demons.

Lin Mo felt weird even more.

That kind of thing seems special, not a living thing.

Moreover, it is more troublesome to deal with than the extraterrestrial devil.

Now in the Operations Department, they don’t even know how many virtual beings are being held separately.

It can't be killed, and it can hardly be shut down.

"Xu... I have never heard of such a thing. I have never heard of such a race when I was alive or when I died. It could be a race born in the later generations of the ancient world."

Fengyue shook her head and said.

Lin Mo was silent when he heard this.

As for the extraterrestrial demon, if you can still guess whether it is related to Luo Hu, then for Xu, it is impossible to guess at all.

"Can I ask why my Phoenix clan appears here?"

At this time, Fengyue also asked the doubts in her heart. "I don't know about this either. It suddenly appeared in our world. It's not just your Phoenix clan. There are also other secret treasures in this world."

Lin Mo responded.

"Secret Realm Treasure House? Is this what you call your tribe?"

Feng Yue thought for a while, then said:
"Then you are here to look for opportunities?"


Lin Mo nodded in response.

"So you don't want me to die, but you want me to take you to find opportunities?"

Fengyue looked at Lin Mo and others and continued to ask.

"Boss, why do I feel like we are coming to someone else's house to pick up things, and we have to ask the owner to lead the way? Will this be okay?"

Wang Bo asked in a low voice.

"What can be wrong?"

Lin Mo heard this and asked with a smile.

I and others came here to find the treasures of heaven and earth.

As for whether Fengyue will help.

It would be best if you can help.

It doesn't matter if you don't help, it's just a waste of time.

And if she takes action against herself and others because of this, then there will be another fight.

Now that her soul has been separated from the withered bones, her strength is no longer as good as before.

If he really wanted to take action, it would be much easier to kill her than before.

Moreover, she originally wanted to die and hasten the extinction of the Phoenix clan, and did not want to revive the Phoenix clan at all.

Does she really care about the treasures here?

"You helped me get out of trouble, and I should give you a thank you gift. Now that our Phoenix clan has fallen into such a state, it is useless to leave those things empty."

After thinking for a while, Feng Yue looked at everyone and said:
"Then I will help you get some opportunities first, and then..."

"The reason why I don't want you to die is not only because I want you to help us obtain the treasures of heaven and earth, but also because the current situation may be an opportunity for the Phoenix clan."

Lin Mo interrupted her and said.


Feng Yue didn't react.

“As I expected, the current era is an unprecedented change.

This game may get better, or it may get worse.

It’s not that the Phoenix clan has no ability to obtain merit, but there are not so many things for you to do to benefit all sentient beings, so you cannot obtain a lot of merit.

It may be difficult, but in a changing situation, there are many variables. Things that were impossible in the past may not be really impossible now. "

Lin Mo looked at Feng Yue and continued:
“I think you might as well go out with us and try to get the Phoenix clan to rise again.

With the strength of your Golden Immortal, you can stay in our world for now, and then return to the wild world when you have the opportunity.

Perhaps the merits you have established in our world are not enough to eliminate all the karma of the Phoenix clan, but as long as you try your best, the merits gained will offset the karma, and at least give the Phoenix clan some breathing space. Take a chance.


"And what?"

Fengyue listened to Lin Mo's words and fell into deep thought. Seeing that Lin Mo listened, she quickly asked.

"And I think karma doesn't necessarily need merit to offset it, right?"

Lin Mo heard this and spoke.

"Not to offset it with merit? What do you mean? Besides offsetting it with merit, is there any other way to eliminate karma?"

Feng Yue was shocked and asked quickly.

"In the final analysis, karma is also a kind of power derived from the great road. Karma needs to be offset by merit. This is like a rule set by the great road.

But now is the time when the situation is changing. If everything changes, will the rules change?

Or even... will the road change? "

Lin Mo spoke with a smile on his lips.

(End of this chapter)

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