Chapter 92 One step at a time, one step at a time
The first level of the Phoenix Clan.

In front of the central staircase.

At this moment, there was a young man holding a jade tablet in his hand.

And there were many people densely crowding in front of him.

"Treasures of heaven and earth with a value of one thousand, exchange them for a jade tablet, and you will enter the second level."

The young man held up the jade plaque and shouted loudly.

He discovered this with his friends.

At first, when the ten people found these jade pendants, they had no idea what they were for.

But they still divided the jade tokens, and everyone got 20 yuan.

When they came to the stairs, one of them actually ignored the formation and walked up the stairs.

After several tests, they finally discovered that as long as they had this jade token, they could ignore the formation and enter the second level.

This discovery made them immediately realize that this was an opportunity.

The first floor has been explored by many people. There is nothing very good in the first place, and after exploration, there is even less.

But the second floor is different. No one has ever explored it!

Even if the things on the second level are the same as those on the first level, they are all low-value treasures of heaven and earth. Even if no one has explored them, it is still enough for them to gain a lot.

What's more, will the things on the second layer be the same as the first layer?

If it is the same as the first layer, is it necessary to protect it with a formation?
The things on the second floor will definitely be better than the second floor.

Everyone else couldn't wait to enter the second level, but the person who stayed behind came up with a clever idea.

That is to let others go in first, but keep the extra jade tokens, and he will sell them here.

The second floor is so big that even if all the 200-yuan jade tokens are owned, at most 200 people can enter.

Two hundred people exploring together would be enough for everyone to return home with a full load.

What's more, they can go in early and get the harvest earlier than others.

And after his companions went in for a while, he would sell the remaining jade pendants to others. This was another huge income!
You can enter the second level, and the number of places is limited, so there is no need to worry about selling this jade pendant.

This is indeed the case. He acted as planned. In addition to the jade tokens used by his companions and left for his own use, he also had 190 jade pendants.

Each piece of jade pendant sells for a thousand yuan worth of heavenly materials and earthly treasures. Now it has just started selling, and it has already sold more than 20 yuan.

Some of the more than 20 pieces of jade pendants were directly paid by Tiancai Dibao alone to complete the transaction.

There are also people who work together to gather the treasures of heaven and earth, and then let the person they trust the most to explore the second level.

Anyone who buys jade pendants also thinks that the things on the second floor will be better than the things on the first floor, and there are more things.

They all think they can get their money back and make a lot of money.

The remaining people who were still waiting and watching were a little hesitant.

After all, heavenly materials and earthly treasures with a thousand Tao value are very expensive for them.

You may make a lot of money by entering the second level, but who can guarantee that this will be 100%?

No one present has gone in, and no one who has gone in has come out yet.

Who knows what's going on on the second floor?
What if I lose money?
A thousand Tao-value heavenly materials and earthly treasures are enough to significantly improve a person's strength.

Once a loss is made, the losses caused will be huge at a time when everyone is racing against time to improve their strength.

Not only did he lose a thousand Taoist treasures, but he also fell behind others, making it difficult to catch up.

"Can it be cheaper?"

Someone suddenly asked.

"Yes, can it be cheaper?"

"It's too expensive for heavenly materials and earthly treasures worth a thousand Tao." "Make it cheaper. If it's cheaper, I'll take a piece."

"If you make it cheaper, we'll take a piece too."

Others also spoke one after another.

They did not doubt the effect of the jade token, after all, they had just seen someone else walking up the stairs with the jade pendant.

"Everyone, heavenly materials and earthly treasures worth a thousand levels are really cheap. If you think about the things on the second level, they are definitely better than the things on the first level, and there are more than the first level.

The number of places is limited, so not many people can go up. As long as you go up, it's a sure-fire business. "

The young man paused and continued:
“I know you are worried that the situation on the second level will be different than you think, but having said that, this is an opportunity to give it a try.

If you are right, then compared with others, you will be one step ahead and one step ahead.

There should be quite a few of us here, who used to be ordinary people with no money or status, right? The world has become like this, and if you are still unwilling to take a chance, then don’t you deserve to be inferior to others? "

After hearing his words, everyone fell silent.

Before the emergence of the master sect, the vast majority of people here were migrant workers who were tired of living every day.

If it hadn't been for this sudden big change, I might have lived a busy and confused life like this.

And now?

Everyone has a teacher, and everyone can practice.

This world is already completely based on strength.

As long as you have the strength, you can do whatever you want.

At this time... don't you want to win?

Step by step, step by step.

If you can't get ahead of others, you may end up being inferior to others in the end.

In the past, we were oppressed by the rich.

From now on, we will be oppressed by the strong.

"It's time for us to live a decent life. Give me everything you have on you and I'll go."

In the crowd, a middle-aged man looked at his brother and nephew beside him and said.

After his brother and nephew heard what he said, they also gritted their teeth and took out the treasures of heaven and earth from their bodies.

A situation like theirs, where they are connected by family ties and can trust each other, is already very good in this era.

And when more people, even relatives or friends, form a small team, what maintains the team is not family affection and friendship, but more...threats and interests.

The middle-aged man took the treasures given by people around him and was about to buy a jade pendant to enter the second floor.

At this time, another voice sounded from the crowd.

"Actually, in order to enter the second level, I don't necessarily have to buy a jade token from you."

The voice sounded a little hoarse.

The young man holding the jade pendant looked around and couldn't find the person speaking. He smiled nonchalantly and said:

"Who said that, not me? Without this jade token, I really can't go to the second floor.

How many people are coming and going here? No one can get in due to the formation blocking the way. Do you have a way to get in?Then say it and let everyone listen. "

"I have no choice. I didn't say not to use the jade token. I just said you don't have to buy it!"

Voices came from the crowd again.

The young man also followed the voice and found the speaker. He was a burly man with one eye blind.

(End of this chapter)

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