Chapter 544 Chapter 545: The first drop of blood.

The Q skill of the male sword is now good.

Noxian diplomacy? Shortcut key Q

Talon leaps towards the target and deals physical damage. If cast from melee range, Talon does not leap forward but instead crits.

When this skill kills a unit, Talon will restore health and return 50% of the skill's cooldown.

He did not hesitate to QQ to Su Chen's Catalina.

Carter already has two layers of his passivity.

Su Chen chose to face A with the male sword and then used a Q skill. E was on the male sword, reset to level A, and then passively walked towards him while turning A.

Naturally, the male swordsman cannot give up the opportunity to play output.


Su Chen picked up the skill of Passive Refresh. He looked at his own health, which was only half of his health, and the male sword's health, which was even less than his own. As expected, he put the Ignite on the male sword, and the male sword was also like Su Chen's Katarina. But don't forget, Su Chen still has the E skill, but the male sword's Q skill is almost ready.

The barrage is urgent.

"One blood, one blood!"

"Master Chen doesn't seem to have done enough damage!"

"You don't want to play Katarina, right? Master Chen still has the E skill."

"If you hit the male sword in A twice, combined with the E skill and the reset level A, plus the continuous damage of ignition, the male sword should be able to kill the male sword in seconds."

"I don't believe it unless you call me!"

"Actually, it doesn't matter if Su Chen dies. It's impossible for a two-level Xin Zhao to beat the Centaur. The Centaur has learned the E skill and can absorb them all."

The blood volume of Su Chen's Katarina and Male Sword slowly dropped to a hundred drops of blood.

"Master Chen, why don't you use your skills? You're going to die!"

"I'm going to die, I'm going to die!"

"Don't scream if he's dead, the male sword is not dead."

Obviously, everyone is not optimistic about Su Chen, but Su Chen is good at calculating the CD of his male sword skills, how can he have a chance?

The two of them tied A at the same time, but Carter activated his E skill and flew behind the male sword as soon as A came out. At this time, the ignition effect on the male sword's body was still there for one second. Katarina's big dagger stabbed the man's body.

The male sword only had a dozen points of health left.

As long as Katarina's stabbing continues, the male swordsman will die!

"Damn it! It's not even close!"

"The male knife CD is ready!"

"What a pity, ugh...fuck!"

"Master Chen is too outrageous!"


Wawa was very excited: "Friends from the audience! Mr. Chen actually counted the CD to a few tenths of a second! At the moment when his A killed the male sword, the male sword released the Q skill, but the male sword died! Let's watch a replay! "

In front of the double-speed playback, everyone finally saw clearly what was going on.

The audience, who didn't think much at first, were explained and analyzed, and now they all realized how outrageous the operation just was.

The audience in the live broadcast room gasped, and the audience was all shocked and fell into silence.

When Su Chen's Catalina struck the male sword with the last knife, the male sword turned around and raised his hand to jump up, but Carter's dagger had already reached his body, and he screamed and fell to the ground.

Katarina, a yellow light rises from your body and your health returns to 200. It is a triumphal effect.

The audience in the live broadcast room were all in disbelief.

"Is it fake? Am I still a human being?"

"Those who say Master Chen can't do it! Stand up! Don't you dare to come out?"

"This must be a blind cat meeting a dead mouse!" Someone else said harshly.

"A blind cat meets a dead mouse? Then why does Mr. Chen dare to do it? Looking at Mr. Chen's previous performance, I think Mr. Chen did it on purpose."

"Master Chen, this is too awesome, isn't it? It's so awesome!!!"

"It's like a heifer opening the door for awesomeness."

(End of this chapter)

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