Chapter 44 Sea Storm
After half a month of getting along, Lin Feng had become close to everyone on the Black Pearl.

"Oh newcomer, go around the Cape in front and sail northwest for about a week to reach the waters near Poseidon Island." Black Jack pointed at the navigation chart made of the fur of some kind of soul beast and said to Lin Feng.

"I will send you to the island closest to Poseidon Island."

"You also know that there are too many sea spirit beasts in the sea near you." Black Jack blew out a smoke ring from his mouth.

"No problem." Lin Feng agreed, and his skull contained the power of the Vast Sea Universe Cover.

"It's time to eat, Fengling!" Rita greeted Lin Feng enthusiastically, holding fish soup in her hand.

After many days of sailing, the food on the Pearl was almost exhausted, leaving only some tasteless dry food and fish soup made from the fish caught every day.

Everyone gathered around the cabin. Lin Feng looked like he was about to vomit the fish soup. He took out a few packs of instant noodles from the Qiankun Ring, put them on the table, and introduced them to everyone.

"This is a specialty of my hometown, called instant noodles."

Lin Feng tore open the packaging bag and put the golden flour cake into the boiling fish soup, and then added the sauce packet.

Barbara and Rita looked at Lin Feng's movements with curiosity, but the rich aroma emanating from the bowl made their mouths water.

"Fengling, you are the best, and I want to eat it too."

Rita swallowed and imitated Lin Feng's example of making instant noodles.

"It's okay, you can eat. Anyway, I still have a lot here." After taking a bite of instant noodles, Lin Feng took out various flavors of instant noodles from the Qiankun Ring.

"There are also different flavors."

"Then I'll be more respectful than obedient."

"Thank you."

Everyone else also started making instant noodles, but Black-faced Sheep left the busy cabin with fish soup with a displeased look on his face.

The black-faced sheep came to the bow of the second level and knocked on the railing angrily with his fists.

At this time, Black Jack, his father, slowly walked up and gave most of the instant noodles in his bowl to the unhappy Black-faced Sheep.

"Try it, it tastes good."


The black-faced sheep snorted disdainfully, threw the bowl and the food in his hand into the sea, turned his head and stared at Black Jack, and said greedily in his eyes.

"He actually has a space soul guide. How about we kill him and throw him into the sea to feed the fish."

"No one knows on the ocean anyway."

"What about the others? Who will dare to follow me, Black Jack, in the future?"

"I think you felt unhappy when you saw Rita being very enthusiastic towards him." Black Jack put down the bowl, adjusted his hat, and said in a calm tone.

Seeing that he was exposed, the black-faced sheep said viciously.

"other people?"

"How many people will be left on the ship after this trip?"

"Don't forget..."

Before the black-faced sheep finished speaking, Black Jack's expression changed as he looked into the distance. He didn't care about the delicious instant noodles. He grabbed the telescope and shouted nervously: "There is a storm ahead!"

"Hurry up!"

"Go quickly, notify everyone, and prepare to face the storm!"

Black Jack drove the rudder hard and blew his whistle.


Three sharp whistles spread throughout the Black Pearl.

Everyone who was enjoying the delicious food in the cabin changed their expressions and hurriedly put down the bowls in their hands.

"Three whistles! The storm is coming!" Rita frowned. "Quick, everyone is in your place."

Everyone put on their equipment and quickly ran to the deck and came to their respective positions.

"Feng Ling is fine. This is not the first time this has happened." Barbara comforted Lin Feng as she handed him a life jacket.

Lin Feng walked to the bow of the ship, opened his God's Eyes and looked at the distant sea. The sight in front of him made Lin Feng tremble.

The sky in the distance was covered with dark clouds and the wind was howling.

"The center of the storm is twenty nautical miles away from the Pearl and will arrive in about 15 minutes!" Black Jack on the second floor deck put down his telescope and shouted loudly.

“There’s no way to hide, prepare to face the storm!”

"Everyone move things to both sides of the bed cabin and try to keep the balance of the Pearl."

"Hurry, hurry, there isn't that much time."

Rita, who was dragging the sack, tugged at the corner of Lin Feng's clothes.

"Don't stand on the bow of the boat, it's too dangerous!"

Lin Feng felt warm in his heart, and his soul power condensed into dozens of thick blood-red vines that spread out.

Under Lin Feng's control, the vines seemed to be intelligent, dragging boxes and sacks one after another, and fixed everything to the railings on both sides in less than 2 minutes.

"come on! Come on!"

As an auxiliary soul master, Barbara cheered for Lin Feng in the cabin.

"Feng Ling is so powerful, Captain Jack even said that Feng Ling's martial spirit is useless." Barbara praised.

"Don't be too happy, the storm has just begun." Ye Lan, who has always been taciturn, reminded him.

"The first soul skill, entangle."

The disguised century-old soul ring under Lin Feng's feet lit up. It was the first soul skill that Lin Feng copied from Tang San.

One end of the tough vine tightly wrapped around the mast on the Pearl, and the other end branched out into six thinner vine branches that stretched out to everyone.

"Tie it to your body, my soul power is enough to support you through the storm."

Everyone, including the black-faced sheep, tied the vines tightly to themselves. After all, he didn't want to die.

Within minutes, the storm arrived.

Strong sea breeze mixed with salty sea water blows in your face.

The sky became gloomier and darker, the howling of the wind became louder and louder, the waves became higher and more violent, and a huge wave rose in front of the Pearl like a huge mountain standing on the sea.

"It seems that this storm is unusual." Black Jack looked at the menacing waves in front of him with a serious face.

The waves hit the hull of the Pearl, and the hull began to shake violently. The people entangled in vines clung to the railings of the Pearl, trying to stabilize their bodies.

The power of a soul master is so insignificant in front of nature, and all gods are like ants!

The storm was also accompanied by lightning and thunder. The lightning pierced the dark night sky and illuminated the sea as bright as day. The thunder was deafening and heart-stopping.


Suddenly, a bolt of lightning pierced the dark sky, followed by deafening thunder, and a heavy rainstorm. The cold rain and waves splashed everyone's clothes and cheeks.

The black-faced sheep looked at Rita's bumpy figure that was soaked by the rain, and couldn't help but swallowed a sip of water, his eyes filled with desire.

Black Jack is at the helm. As an experienced sailor, he maneuvers the ship with all his strength, trying to avoid the center of the storm.

But the storm became more and more violent, the waves became higher and more violent, the ship began to shake violently, and a huge wave slammed into the ship.

"Attention everyone, get ready to enter the center of the storm!" Black Jack shouted.

(End of this chapter)

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