Chapter 7 Sunset Town
Lin Feng easily left Tiandou City by blending in with the pedestrians entering and leaving Tiandou City.

Take out the map you bought in the city for a few copper coins.

The Sunset Forest is a hundred miles southwest of Tiandou City. According to Lin Feng's current speed, it can be reached in less than a day.


Night falls.

The Sunset Forest was close at hand, and Lin Feng came to a town called Sunset Town.

Sunset Town, the name is quite nice, just in time to take a rest.

Lin Feng was planning to find a hotel to rest for the night.

Suddenly, a woman wearing a short skirt, revealing clothes, and heavy makeup walked up to Lin Feng.

"Oh, what a handsome little boy."

"It's so late at night. If you don't stay home well, did you have a fight with your parents and run away from home?"

"Why don't you go home with your sister?"

The woman's body kept getting closer, and Lin Feng couldn't help but wrinkled his nose when he smelled the pungent smell of rouge and gouache coming from her body.

When Lin Feng was about to leave, the woman held a handkerchief in one hand and covered Lin Feng's face from behind.

Suddenly, an extremely pungent smell surged into Lin Feng's nose.

"I spent a lot of money to buy this Ecstasy. One drop can charm a cow."

The woman thought she had succeeded, with a look of excitement on her face.

"This kid is so good-looking, he must be sold for a good price."

It turned out to be a human trafficker.

Lin Feng looked helpless. This kind of thing could have happened to him. Unfortunately, he had the divine light of chaos, so a mere ecstasy pill was nothing.

Opening his eyes, Lin Feng punched the woman in the chest with his backhand.


The sound of broken bones was heard, and the woman was blown away more than ten meters. A mouthful of blood spurted out. Before the woman died, her face was full of disbelief.

"You, you are not unconscious."

Humph, he didn't wake up until his death. It would be a shame for such a scumbag to die.

Lin Feng wiped the blood from his fist and looked at the woman lying on the ground with disdain.

Suddenly, Lin Feng noticed something strange. He saw that the faces of passers-by around him were full of numbness, and even a little bit of excitement. It seemed that the death of a person was as common as the death of an ant in their eyes.

Something is wrong with this town!
Lin Feng frowned and walked through the streets full of bars and dance halls to a small hotel with a solemn mood.

The lights in the store flickered on and off, and a special smell filled the air.

The shopkeeper was an old woman. She opened a room for Lin Feng with a smile on her face, and kindly reminded Lin Feng to pay attention to safety when going out.

Arriving at the room, Lin Feng was planning to take a hot bath.

"Boom, boom, boom."

At this moment, there was a knock on the door.

"Kid, after a long day's journey, I'll bring you some food." The old voice of the shop owner came from the door.

Lin Feng wanted to look through the peephole on the door, but found that the peephole was blocked by something black, so he simply opened the Eye of God.

Through the wooden door, Lin Feng saw the stooped shop owner, holding a steaming plate dotted with green basil leaves.

Just when Lin Feng was about to open the door, a string of messages appeared in his mind.

"Meat, from a 20-year-old woman."


Lin Feng was suddenly stunned, it was actually such a thing!My stomach was churning.

Look at the old shopkeeper again. "Du Mei, 29 years old, martial soul thousand-faced fox, level 35 soul master."

There is also a small boning knife stuck under the loose coat behind her. This is not an enthusiastic woman. She is obviously a vixen who eats people without spitting out bones!
Lin Feng couldn't help but take a breath of air, took a deep breath, and spoke in as calm a tone as possible.

"No, I've just eaten and I'm going to bed."

The shopkeeper outside the house left disappointed.

Lin Feng heard his footsteps gradually walking away, opened the window and jumped from the second floor.

Lin Feng couldn't stay in this Longmen Inn for a moment, who knew what dangers there were.


Arriving at a hill behind Sunset Town, Lin Feng opened his divine eyes and looked at the bustling town with a solemn expression.

In the basement of the house closest to Lin Feng, several beasts were insulting a young woman; on the second floor of the house further away, a man was licking a blood-stained dagger, and two corpses lying on the ground were his wife and daughter; In the basement under a towering church in the middle, a group of enthusiastic spectators gathered to watch the battle between one man and one beast...

In this town with a beautiful name, there is no normal person to be found. It is like a hell on earth, with similar scenes happening everywhere. Underneath the glamorous appearance are dirty and dirty hearts.

Hell is empty, the devil is on earth!
In this case, let me end this darkness.

Go to hell!Scumbags!
Lin Feng's face was solemn, he slowly raised his hand and said word by word.

"The first soul skill, Demon Tower Suppression."

The blood-red nine-story demon tower tore through the clouds and looked solemn and solemn under the silver moonlight, covering the entire sunset town like a black cloud.

"What's going on?" In a certain room, a man shook off the woman from his crotch, lifted his pants, and looked out the window.

The owner of the hotel put down the knife in his hand and was shocked to see the black shadow covering the sky and the moon.

The enthusiastic audience in the underground Colosseum was still dancing wantonly.

The drunk man on the street pointed to the sky and seemed to be talking nonsense.


"Hey, why is my moon missing?"

The nine-story demon tower fell straight down and hit the center of the town hard.


After a loud noise, everything was silent.

The sounds of prostitutes soliciting customers, gamblers screaming excitedly after winning money, men cursing, women crying, and the audience shouting...

All sounds stopped suddenly, and the whole world became quiet.

Lin Feng closed his eyes for a long time before slowly turning around and leaving.

Continuing towards the Sunset Forest, Lin Feng randomly found a cave with no traces of wild beasts and planned to make do with it for the night.

Lying on the cold stone wall, Lin Feng fell into deep thought about what happened today.

Where there is justice, there is darkness in the world. Just like today's Sunset Town, it is sad that such a place exists in the mighty Tiandou Empire.

If it weren't for Lin Feng, I don't know how many innocent people would have been destroyed by this place that eats people without spitting out their bones.

However, there are some people in this town who are not willing to commit crimes that will lead to death, such as ordinary prostitutes. Maybe they are also forced by life.

Lin Feng has been struggling with this issue in his mind.

After a while, Lin Feng suddenly remembered a sentence from his previous life, and a hint of understanding flashed in his eyes.

A gentleman doesn't care about his heart when he talks about his deeds, and no one is perfect in the world.

Lin Feng felt that his state of mind had become clear. After feeling it, he was surprised to find that his soul power had actually increased.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for passing the Heart-Questioning Trial and obtaining the artifact, the Qiankun Ring."

In my mind, the voice of the system came.

(End of this chapter)

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