After the arrival of my Shenhao game

Chapter 130 Susu, Tongtong1 will definitely help you catch your mother.

Chapter 130 Susu, Tongtong will definitely help you catch your mother.

When Su Xiao returned to the villa, it was already 04:30 in the afternoon.

"Work" is tiring, but thanks to the hard work of his employees and the newly replenished energy from the royal secret recipe, he is still energetic at this time, even more energetic than when he left the house in the morning.

At this time, apart from the servants, only Ye Fanyan and her son were left in the villa. Maybach entered the villa, and Tongtong Dengdeng ran out of the house. When the car stopped, he stood on tiptoe to help Su Xiao drive. Door.

Lidya Su opened it by herself.

Tongtong blinked and saw that Lidya Su's arms were empty, and then she leaned her head to look around in the car. Her originally bright eyes dimmed instantly.

She lowered her head, neither crying nor fussing. It took several seconds before she raised her head, squeezed out a smile and shouted:
"Good afternoon Susu!"

After saying that, he turned around and walked back silently.

It seems that the whole world is starting to look bleak.

Seeing this, Lidya Su quickly got out of the car and held her in his arms, smiling softly:
"Tongtong is disappointed in uncle?"

Hearing this, Tongtong paused, then shook her head:

Although she said so, as a child, all emotions are shown on her face, and Tongtong is already very well-behaved.

Su Xiao hugged her and walked toward the door of the villa. Tongtong was a little confused:

"Susu, where are we going?"

Su Xiao smiled mysteriously:
"You'll know in a while!"

After saying that, he hugged Tongtong and walked out of the villa door, then turned around, and Tongtong's dim eyes suddenly lit up.

Just outside the corner of the villa, there was an oversized pink cuddly bear doll. Its head and body were pink, and it was wearing a red sweatshirt with a large white heart embroidered on it.

The stuffed bear was standing there at this time, with a height of two meters.

Originally there was a three-meter model, but Su Xiao felt it was a bit too big.

Su Xiao walked over with Tongtong in her arms and said to the staff behind the wall:
"Thank you for your hard work. Please help me move to the villa!"

The stuffed bear cannot stand up on its own, so there are always people working behind the scenes. However, the two delivery staff didn’t feel tired at all. There was nothing they could do, they gave us too much!
Two staff members put the large teddy bear into a gift box in the corner, while another staff member took out a teddy bear of the same size as Tongtong from another small gift box.

Tongtong's surprise could no longer be described in words. She excitedly took the small doll and held it in her arms. Her smart eyes seemed to be filled with a whole starry sky.

Click, click, click...

Her little mouth landed on Lidya Su's face like a woodpecker, obviously very happy.

"Susu, you are so kind, why don't you become Tongtong's father!"

On the way back, Tongtong, who was full of joy, suddenly said.

This made the several staff members who were carrying gift boxes and following Su Xiao back were stunned. Aren't these two father and daughter?They thought that because Lidya Su was so doting on her, she must be her daughter, right?
Hearing her words, Lidya Su was also stunned, and then asked with a smile:

"Why does Tongtong want uncle to be your father?"

Tongtong blinked her big eyes and thought for a while, then said:
"Because Susu is super nice to Tongtong, and she's also nice to her mother!"

Originally, in her world, the title dad was strange and blank.

In the past, the neighborhood children wouldn't play with her and called her a bastard, a wild child without a father, so she had no friends and had a bad impression of being called daddy.

Fortunately, Ye Fanyan educated her very well, and she did not become timid because of those bad memories, nor did she have any other character flaws.

Lidya Su smiled and kissed her on the face, and then said whether she agreed or refused:

"It doesn't count if you say this!"

The implication is that your mother must agree.Entering the villa, Ye Fanyan hurriedly came forward to welcome Tongtong, and said with an apologetic expression:

"I'm sorry, CEO, Tongtong is too willful and has made you tired!"

The two staff members following Su Xiao suddenly understood after seeing Ye Fanyan's appearance, figure and temperament.

No wonder this rich and handsome man dotes on a little girl who is not his daughter. He is just a drunkard.

Sure enough, the spirit of Jian'an and the legacy of Wei and Wu are everywhere!

Su Xiao directed the staff to move the gift box to the third floor of the villa and put it into the bedroom of Ye Fanyan's mother and daughter. Then she thanked:

"Thank you for your hard work, master!"

After the few people left, Tongtong put the small stuffed bear in her arms on the bedside, then stood next to the large gift box, turned around and said impatiently:

"Mom, help me open it quickly and let out my little bear!"

However, Su Xiao walked over first, untied the braided tape on the gift box, opened the lid, and took out the large pink stuffed bear.

"Wow wow wow, the bear is so big!"

Although she had just seen it, Tongtong could not help but feel excited after touching it with her own hands.


Su Xiao let go gently, and the large teddy bear fell forward, and Tongtong was pressed under the teddy bear. Su Xiao had already seen a soft lazy sofa behind her, so Tongtong was not thrown. arrive.

For a moment, loud giggles echoed in the bedroom.

He reached out and picked up the teddy bear and let it sit on the edge of the bed. Tongtong was rescued. At this time, her face was already red with excitement, and the smile on her face could not be concealed!
Ye Fanyan, who was standing aside, also had a smile on his face, as if he hadn't seen his daughter so happy in a long time.

Looking at Lidya Su, there was also a touch of softness that was different from the previous respectful look.

Lidya Su turned her head and met her eyes, and Ye Fanyan hurriedly moved away.

Seeing this, Su Xiao smiled. Through insight, he saw that Ye Fanyan's favorability level had increased to 90, and the color had also changed from the previous light pink to pink.

He turned to Tongtong, who was jumping on the stuffed bear, and said:

"Tongtong, then you play with the stuffed bear, uncle will go down first!"

Hearing this, Tongtong turned around and hugged his thigh, stood on tiptoes and said:

"Susu, squat down a little!"

Seeing this, Su Xiao squatted down with a smile.

Click, click, click!
Another shower of kisses fell on Lidya Su's face, and it was stained with a lot of saliva.

After the kiss, she leaned into Lidya Su’s ear and whispered:

"Susu, don't worry, Tongtong will help you catch your mother, and Tongtong will definitely let you be Tongtong's father!"

Although her voice was very low, Ye Fanyan was not far away, so she naturally heard it. Her cheeks immediately turned red, but since her boss was still there, it was difficult to say anything, so she had to look elsewhere.

Because she was hurt by a scumbag, she has been quite repulsive to men in recent years, even now.

Of course, Lidya Su was an exception, but she didn't dare to have other ideas.

Her daughter's words planted a seed in her heart, and Lidya Su's gentleness made the seed sprout slowly!

(End of this chapter)

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