After the arrival of my Shenhao game

Chapter 134: Parents’ Defense Battle in Canyon of Kings

Chapter 134: Parents’ Defense Battle in Canyon of Kings
The game lasted 6 minutes. Although Su Xiao's braised egg cannon was very accurate, his other basic skills were too poor. Apart from the army line and basic economy, he basically didn't get any kills. He did have two assists, relying on long-range artillery fire. Get it with support!
Opponents Meng Ya and Dong Huang were very depressed. Obviously this shooter was very good and had nothing but accurate shooting, but he just couldn't be killed. It wasn't because of Lu Dan's positioning and awareness. It was just because Gui Guzi was too annoying. Key control was played every time, allowing Luban to escape.

Fortunately, their jungler finally arrived, and the two started Oscar night. They were deliberately hit by Luban's skill, and then fought and retreated.

Su Xiao originally wanted to pursue him, but Qiqi suddenly said:
"Boss, retreat! The jungler is coming!"

Um?Jungle, where is it?
The next moment, before he could retreat, an exclamation mark appeared on his head!

Damn it, this guy is here!

Skill 2 in his hand was launched towards the side. Suddenly, King Lanling was blown out, and then Luban started to click!

It's a pity that he only has an Echoing Staff and a CD Shoe on him at this time. The physical damage is limited, and the damage increased by passive fire suppression is also very limited. Otherwise, this round of damage would cost King Lanling at least one-third of his health.

Seeing that the enemy shooter support was under pressure, Su Xiao quickly retreated. Qiqi's Guiguzi also moved to help block the skills, but for some reason, she did not use the control skills.

In the end, Su Xiao was chased to death by three enemies under the tower, giving him his first kill of the round.

"Nana, this old man, I'll snipe him to death!"

"Big Wave Kill", "Blowing Wave Kill"!
The sound of killing in the game suddenly sounded!
Um?Su Xiao, who was taking a bath in the spring, was stunned, what's going on?

When he cut to the first tower in the bottom lane, he saw that Qiqi's Guiguzi only had more than 100 points of blood left. He was wearing a cloak and holding a golden staff. He walked to the grass in front of the second tower and started to return to the city!
The three best students of Yingyuan (Lu Bu): "My foster father 666, kill three times under the tower!"

Su Huanzhen (Ying Zheng): "Niubi!"

Biyi Cang Mang (Sun Wukong): "If you play well as a support player, you can win even if you have a dog in the bottom lane!"

The first two teammates were okay, but the jungle monkey was a bit too much. It was just a slap in the face.

Not only that, he also clicked Su Xiao's Echoing Staff, and then continued:

"How about a match? Get a braised egg with a mung bean label and play the entertainment game?"

"If you want entertainment, go to matchmaking. If you can't beat the match, go to human-computer game. What's going to trick you?"

Seeing this, Su Xiao became angry, and just as he was about to reply, Qiqi said angrily in the team voice:

"Boss, let me come!"

Dare you scold my parents who live and feed me?I’m afraid I don’t want to live anymore!
You must know that the customer is God. You can scold me, but you can't scold my boss!
Qiqi is not miserable (Gui Guzi): "Who are you scolding? You must be either a monkey or a blessing, right?"

The monkey who was suddenly insulted was stunned. I was sure that I was scolding the shooter. Why did the support boss start to insult me?
Another kind of confusion (Sun Wukong): "I'm scolding the shooter, what does it matter?"

Qiqi is not miserable (Gui Guzi): "It doesn't matter if you scold me, but it doesn't matter if you scold the shooter, these are my parents who provide me with food and clothing!"

Oh, the monkey understands, it turns out that your father is the shooter?
However, he was not a good person, so he immediately retorted: "So what, why don't you let me tell you what you want to do? Didn't you get frustrated in real life and come to the game to take revenge on society?"

Qiqi is not Qiqi (Guiguzi): "Are you a blessing?"

It was this word again. The monkey didn't react for a while, and muttered, "A blessing in disguise... A blessing in disguise... A blessing in disguise? I'll wipe it!"

Another kind of confusion (Sun Wukong): "S"

Another kind of confusion (Sun Wukong): "N"

Another kind of confusion (Sun Wukong): "M"

Well, Su Xiao and other teammates were a little confused. How could a good game suddenly turn into a battle to defend the parents in the canyon?

Qiqi remained calm:

"You seem to have a bad stomach!"

"The brain was pulled out!"

"What kind of breed are you, so dirty?"

"The invention of the microphone was not meant for you to use on pgs!"

"The thing that cures constipation is called Kaiselu!"

"By the way, I'll also test your IQ!" Hiss!
Teammates Su Xiao and Shangzhong suddenly took a breath of air. This attack power was much more powerful than the three kills just now!

The monkey was stunned by the scolding, and his operation was a little deformed. He was immediately blasted by the enemy's mid laner Jiang Ziya's one or two skills, and was also hit by the defense tower, and his head was collected.

But that’s okay, it makes it easier for him to face Qiqi:

"You shouldn't be the shooter's filial son, but his family's hook, right?"

"That's how you call it?"

Qiqi is not miserable:

"Tsk tsk, I can't scream without you!"

"We Sagittarius 88 need you at our doorstep!"

"I don't care about your three meals a day!"

"I don't care if you sneak around twice a day!"

Ying Zheng and Lu Bu said they had learned it, and they were no longer so aggressive in the laning. They were eager to move to a small bench and sit down to study. Not only did this big support guy play at level [-], but this little mouth was also a mouth substitute!

Lidya Su coughed and said:

"Ahem, Qiqi, okay, okay, let's continue the game!"

He was back on the line at this time, and a bullet flew out with a bang. In conjunction with Ying Zheng's flying swords, Jiang Ziya was killed again.

Finally, someone’s head was paid for, Minute Maid!

The boss had already spoken, so Qiqi had to be merciful and said to Su Xiao:
"Boss, please be a little slutty down there, and I'll help you on the road!"

In view of her good performance against the monkey just now, Su Xiao also nodded:

"Don't worry, I won't go out. The defense tower is my home!"

Needless to say, King Lanling, the sixth one, will definitely come to arrest me in a while, so let’s be a little more obscene. If I take root under the tower and dodge, who can kill me?
Su Xiao, who was waiting for the troops at the bottom of the first tower, had a thought in his mind. Whoosh, a cannonball was shot towards the enemy's blue buff. Bang, he got the newly released blue buff. Unfortunately, the damage was a bit low, and he only knocked out a small amount of King Lanling's health. .

Dharma name Laoliu (King Lanling): "Have you opened the braised eggs?"

Tsk tsk, this is the rhythm of breaking the defense. Yes, he was robbed of the buff by Blind Sight twice and was accurately sniped several times. I suspect that there is nothing wrong with him having X-ray turned on.

After all, he could see that Su Xiao's braised egg operation was average or even poor. If there was no Gui Guzi's assistance in the early stage, he would have died countless times!
Su Xiao didn't reply, Qiqi replied to everyone first:

"Prince Lanling, have you opened it?"

Dharma name Laoliu (King of Lanling): "Haha, I never play games!"

Dharma name Laoliu (King of Lanling): "Playing fair and square!"

Qiqi didn't want to but replied:
"No, no, no, I'm asking, have you turned on the screen?"

"Otherwise, how could you be so good at playing?"

"My chickens can peck better than you!"

"Why don't you ask your dog to lick the screen?"

"Maybe it's better to play?"

"Oh, no, no!"

"This will make your dog more likely to get athlete's foot!"

"After all, you play the game with your feet!"

(End of this chapter)

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