After the arrival of my Shenhao game

Chapter 139 Xi Tianyue blushed, Li Ruzhen self-medicated

Chapter 139 Xi Tianyue blushed, Li Ruzhen self-medicated
On the second floor of the villa, Tongtong was holding a small bowl and a small spoon to eat by herself, while Ye Fanyan used serving chopsticks from time to time to put food in the bowl of Xi Tianyue, who was sitting on Su Xiao on the sofa, and then to his daughter.

Leng Yiyi and Li Ruzhen were both sitting on the carpet, eating in small bites. Ye Fanyan was indeed a legendary cook, and the food he cooked was delicious, better than any restaurant chef he had ever tasted.

However, Li Ruzhen's face was a little red, and her earlobes and neck were stained with a layer of crimson. Ye Fanyan asked her worriedly, but she only said it was hot.

Mi Shu sat across the table, looking at the two people on the sofa, with a touch of tranquility and tenderness in his eyes.

"Brother, open your mouth, ah..."

Xi Tianyue seemed to be coaxing a child, holding a bowl in one hand and chopsticks in the other, picking up a piece of meat and passing it to Lidya Su's mouth.

Su Xiao opened her mouth to take it, but her eyes kept focusing on the phone screen. The game was going on intensely. Our monkeys were entering and exiting the enemy camp seven times, killing the enemy until they lost their armor!
"Ah ah ah, this monkey is so powerful, hitting him one by one, one by one, so hard that Daji didn't even dare to come out!"

She picked up another piece of meat and bit it in her mouth. She immediately felt that the meat was fragrant and delicious!

Her little mouth was bulging, and she looked like a cute little hamster when chewing. After swallowing a piece of braised pork, she continued to feed Lidya Su.

In this way, Su Xiao played games while enjoying Xi Tianyue's service, which was like an emperor's treatment.

"Yeah, hit him, hit him, brother, hit him quickly!"

Seeing the enemy being beaten in the game, Xi Tianyue yelled and shook his body quickly, acting as a cheerleader for Su Xiao!

If the game hadn't been in Su Xiao's hands, she would have wanted to play it herself, but this seemed to be a good idea and gave her a sense of participation!

The hem of her floral long skirt completely covered Su Xiao's legs. With this sway, the hem of the skirt swayed back and forth like a curtain, which made Leng Yiyi look envious.

The relationship between the CEO and Yueyue is so close. I wish I could act like a spoiled child like this!
Su Xiao was shaken so much that her movements were deformed, and she couldn't help but roll her eyes:
"Would you like to come?"

Xi Tianyue stuck out his tongue:

"I want to feed my brother!"

Hearing this, Su Xiao put down the phone and took the bowl and chopsticks from her hand:
"I will eat it myself and you will do the operation. Let me see how good you are?"

Seeing this, Xi Tianyue twisted his butt back and forth and said coquettishly:
"I was wrong, brother, you're still here to play!"

But seeing Lidya Su's eyes, she still pouted and picked up her phone and started playing by herself.

After taking a few mouthfuls of rice, Su Xiao finally took a breath and said to Ye Fanyan:

"Sister Ye, give me some food!"

Hearing the sound, Ye Fanyan quickly took the bowl and filled it with rice and vegetables.

"Ah ah ah... This person is so bad... ah ah, she, she, she, she squats on me..."

Xi Tianyue controlled Baili Shouyue to walk towards the middle road. As soon as she passed a bush, she was killed by Daji who suddenly appeared. She was so angry that she screamed!

"I remember you...wuwu..."

"Ahhhh... I'm still so angry...ahhhhh..."

She was like the groundhog in the emoji, screaming in anger.

"Brother, please help me take revenge... Wuwu..."

Xi Tianyue put down his phone and started shaking it wildly, dancing with his hands in the air, and his face turned red with anger.

Seeing this, Lidya Su sighed, patted her waist, and then said:
"Okay, I'll help you get revenge!"

After saying that, he picked up the cell phone thrown aside by Xi Tianyue, waited for resurrection and continued walking to the middle.

Xi Tianyue leaned his head and looked at the phone screen expectantly.


A bullet rang out between the canyons and flew into the blind grass.Uh-huh!
Daji lost half of her blood in an instant!

Blind vision prediction!
"Ahhh...hit, hit, brother, you are so powerful!"

Seeing this scene, Xi Tianyue became excited, danced again, moved slightly, then happily leaned over and kissed Lidya Su on the face.

As if that wasn't enough, he kissed her several more times.

Although the operation was affected by her movements, Su Xiao still fired another bullet and instantly took away the remaining blood of Daji's head.

"Yeah, brother is awesome! mua!"

When she was happy enough, Ye Fanyan, who was waiting next to her, said:

"Miss Yueyue, rice!"

Hearing the sound, Xi Tianyue straightened up and turned around to take the rice bowl. At this time, there was a lot of sweat on her forehead, which wet her hanging hair, and her face became more rosy.

But she didn't take it seriously, took over the rice bowl and continued to feed Lidya Su, even taking a bite herself from time to time.

" is awesome...come on, eat some meat!"

Her voice rang in the villa, making other people in the room seem to be infected with happiness, with smiles on every face.

Of course, except Li Ruzhen.

She hurriedly finished the rice in her bowl and hurried back to the bedroom.

This made Ye Fanyan a little worried, so he put down his bowls and chopsticks and followed in.

"Miss Zhenzhen, are you okay? Are you feeling unwell?"

Entering the bedroom, Li Ruzhen was startled before she could close the door. She quickly shook her head and said:
"It's okay, it's okay. I must be tired. I'll just lie down for a while and I'll be fine!"

Hearing this, Ye Fanyan was still worried:
"Do you want to go to the hospital?"

Li Ruzhen quickly shook his head:
"No, no, I'll just lie down for a while and I'll be fine. If it's not fine after a while, I'll go to the hospital then!"

Ye Fanyan nodded:

"Well, if you still feel uncomfortable after a while, you must tell me. Even if you don't go to the hospital, there is a medical kit downstairs, and you can take some medicine!"

After nodding again, Li Ruzhen closed the door.

The bedroom door was closed, and Li Ruzhen let out a long breath of relief. He looked as if he had just finished a long run. The sports shorts and camisole he had just put on were soaked with sweat, and there were obvious traces of sweat on his back.

She quickly took out a towel to dry herself, and then put on dry clothes again.

After lying on the bed, her face was still red and her heart was beating fast.

It seems like you really have a fever?

She touched her forehead with one hand and pressed her violently beating heart with the other, and couldn't help but think.

Having a fever for a long time will have a bad impact on the body. She got up and took out a small box from under the bed. This was a medical box she prepared herself, but she hadn't used it for a long time, especially after she and Lidya Su were together again. This box has never been opened.

I don’t know if the medical equipment inside is still usable.

She slowly opened the lid of the medical box and saw the various medical instruments inside. She carefully selected a few and put them on the bed.

After making the selection, Li Ruzhen carefully came to the door, reached out and locked the door, then returned to the bed and began to heal himself.

Although the effect is much worse than that of a doctor like Su Xiao, it is always good as long as the fever can be reduced.

However, in order to prevent others from knowing that she was practicing medicine without a license, she bit her lips desperately to prevent herself from making any sound. After all, the needle was very painful!
(End of this chapter)

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