After the arrival of my Shenhao game

Chapter 141 Station, Su Qianqian’s troubles

Chapter 141 Station, Su Qianqian’s troubles

After the release of the long-term side missions in the [-]-[-] mode, Su Xiao's life began to become more regular. She had rest on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays. During her breaks, she either played games in the living room or took the three girls to Suiyun Villa. Vacation, life is so unhappy!

However, after dinner on August 8th, for some unknown reason, Li Ruzhen and Leng Yiyi habitually put on long skirts after get off work. All kinds of long skirts, all of which covered their feet. , the skirt is very loose style.

This can be regarded as the villa brought by Xi Tianyue to be fashionable, right?

Time passed by in a hurry, and in the blink of an eye, it came half a month later, that is, August 8, the day before the start of Yunnan Normal University!
Because she had to pick up her cousin Su Qianqian at the station, Su Xiao only brought Xi Tianyue with her. Li Ruzhen and Leng Yiyi were resting at home.

"Brother, I have something to say to you again!"

In the back seat of the Maybach S680, Xi Tianyue leaned on Su Xiao's shoulder, her voice soft and waxy.

Lidya Su reached out and rubbed her head, saying lovingly:

"We're almost at the station. If we have something to say, we'll talk about it tonight, otherwise I'm afraid we won't be able to finish it!"

Hearing this, Xi Tianyue blinked, her long eyelashes fluttered slightly, nodded and said:

"Well, that's right. I seem to have endless words. Let's do it tonight. I'll tell my brother tonight!"

He reached out and touched her pretty face, and pinched her earlobe gently. Su Xiao's face was full of doting. This girl was getting more and more clingy.

After this period of time, he discovered that not only the attributes of Li Ruzhen and Xi Tianyue had increased to a certain extent, but even the attributes of the original character Leng Yiyi in the game began to increase.

He originally thought that except for the newly included characters, the attributes of the characters originally drawn in the game would remain unchanged. It seemed that his perception was wrong.

In the past two weeks, his working place has been very regular, either Qingxing Decoration or Crescent Bay. Through the previous rectifications, Qingxing Decoration has changed a lot. The entire company structure has been optimized, and with the order support from Yunqing Real Estate, The whole company became busy.

Among them, the biggest change was naturally in the marketing department. Except for Jiang Chen and Tao Kaiyu, only a few employees with relatively good character were retained. Most of the others resigned on their own, and only a small number were fired by the company.

But since you don’t have to go outside to ask your grandparents for orders, the remaining marketing department employees are enough!
All in all, Qingxing Decoration has taken off, flying faster than before!
As for Crescent Bay, the original training plan has not changed. It is tentatively scheduled to reopen on September 9. Su Xiao has been there several times in the past two weeks and found that the skills and attributes of the technicians who received training have skyrocketed. He said he was very pleased.

Of course, adding an energy buff by the way is not something that needs to be mentioned.

"Boss, the station is here!"

Mishu stopped the car and opened the door for Lidya Su.

Yunjingyuan is not too far from the train station, and it only takes 20 minutes.

Su Xiao nodded, and after getting off the car, he carefully took Xi Tianyue down, and then looked up at the Yuncheng Railway Station not far away.

As a station in a provincial capital city, there is a large flow of people here. This is why Su Xiao insisted on picking up Su Qianqian. When they heard that he would come to pick up people, the uncle and aunt did not see each other off. For Su Xiao and the others Very reassuring.

He looked at the time and saw that it was almost time, so he took out his cell phone and called Su Qianqian.

"Hey, brother, are you here?"

Lidya Su nodded:

"Well, don't move at the exit. I'll pick you up!"

Su Qianqian and her classmates had already gotten off the train. After hanging up the phone, Su Xiao took Mi Shu and Xi Tianyue and walked toward the exit.

There were many people at the exit, but Su Xiao still saw Su Qianqian and her 1.5-meter-[-]-tall classmate not far away at a glance.

However, the two seemed to be having a little trouble.

"Little sister, give it away at 20. You know, we usually start at 50 when we give gifts to university towns!" A somewhat obese middle-aged woman pulled the lever of Su Qianqian's suitcase and solicited customers extremely hard and "sincerely".

Su Qianqian's classmate Qu Yun was blocking a man who looked a bit miserable.

At this time, Su Qianqian was helpless, and she said patiently:
"No, aunt, my brother will drive to pick me up, so I won't bother you!"

The middle-aged woman said with an expression on her face that I could see through:
"You little girl, are you afraid that I will cheat you? Or did you take a taxi in advance? I'm telling you, there are a lot of bad people now, especially those taxi drivers. They tend to have evil intentions when they see pretty girls. You Don’t be greedy for cheap!”

Qu Yun on the side looked at the man in front of her with some fear. When she heard the middle-aged woman's words, she hurriedly said:
"I'm not going to lie to you, Qianqian's brother has already arrived at the station, so I won't bother you!"

They were standing at the door of a small shop. The two of them were squatting in the shop and watching.

Seeing that the two little girls still refused to let go, the middle-aged woman frowned, exchanged glances with the man next to her without any trace, and was about to take the next step. Unexpectedly, before she made any move, the suitcase in her hand was A huge force took over and almost staggered her.

"Who he..."

Before the middle-aged woman could curse, she saw the tall Su Xiao and the murderous Mi Shu next to Su Xiao.

Although she was just a good-looking girl, the aura of Mi Shu made both the middle-aged woman and the strange-looking man tremble in their calves. The middle-aged woman said with a trembling voice:

"You... who are you?"

"Big brother!"

Seeing Su Xiao, Su Qianqian screamed in surprise, and immediately rushed forward and hugged Su Xiao's neck on tiptoes.

"Sister Yueyue!"

She also didn't forget to say hello to Xi Tianyue on the other side of Su Xiao.

Seeing this, the middle-aged woman knew that she had no chance, so she forced a smile and said:
"It turns out that the two little girls were picked up, so I'm relieved. I was worried that the two little girls would be deceived when they arrived in the big city. Since someone is here to pick them up, we won't bother them."

After saying that, he turned around and left with the indescribable-looking man.

Su Xiao turned her head and glanced at Mi Shu. Mi Shu nodded without any trace, and then followed.

Through insight, Su Xiao has determined that these two people are not good things, so naturally they will not let them go so easily.

Although he has no idea that the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility, but since he dares to pay attention to his relatives, he will not be soft at all.

However, you can deal with this dark side of society by yourself. Su Qianqian and Qu Yun, the budding flowers of the motherland, let them continue to maintain the rare beauty in their hearts.

Anyway, I have the ability to protect them.

"Let's go to the car first!"

Lidya Su picked up a suitcase with one hand, turned around and headed towards where he parked his car.

Su Qianqian held Xi Tianyue's arm affectionately and introduced to Qu Yun while walking:
"Yunyun, this is the sister-in-law I told you about. How about it? Is she more beautiful than a celebrity?"

Qu Yun looked away from Lidya Su, nodded and agreed:

"Yeah, Qianqian, you really didn't lie to me!"

"That is!"

(End of this chapter)

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