After the arrival of my Shenhao game

Chapter 143: First time meeting, negative favorability

Chapter 143: First time meeting, negative favorability

At nine o'clock in the evening, after dinner and staying outside the villa for a while, Su Qianqian and Qu Yun returned to the bedroom on the third floor, where they lay on the bed and whispered.

"Qianqian, what does your brother do? Why is he so rich?"

Qu Yun was very curious about what Su Xiao's brother, who had amazed him throughout middle and high school when they met him, did. Not only did he drive a luxury car, but he also lived in a mansion with a housekeeper and servants!

Isn't this the CEO template in novels and TV series?
Su Qianqian shook her head:

"I don't know either. I've only heard that he is starting a business, but I don't know what he is doing specifically!"

She was naturally curious, but she didn't dare to ask.

Hearing this, Qu Yun had no choice but to give up and turned over to look at the beautifully designed lampshade on the ceiling of the bedroom. He had imagined it as much as possible in the car, but he still didn't expect that Su Xiao's home would be so luxurious.

Like Su Xiao, she was not too fond of the Western-styled splendid designs in TV dramas, but this simple but not simple design touched her heart.

Her family's conditions are pretty good, and she also has a small villa in Xueyu County, but compared to Yunjing Garden, it is simply not the same.

Her own villa only costs over 100 million at most. After all, housing prices in the county are very cheap, but Su Xiao's villa, she thinks, should cost at least 2000 to [-] million, right?

Probably just a lot more!

She was wearing cute cartoon pajamas with bulging breasts. Apart from her height, her figure and facial features were all in excellent proportions. However, because of the strict discipline at home, she dressed more conservatively, and Hardly any makeup.

She still remembers that the last time she put on makeup was at a gala when she was a freshman in high school. However, the makeup artist's skills at that time were a bit rough and it was difficult to describe her delicate little face.

She vowed that when she goes to college, she will learn makeup skills.


While she was thinking wildly, her body suddenly trembled, causing her to scream.

As soon as she turned her head, she saw Su Qianqian who quickly retracted her claws. Qu Yun was furious, turned over and rushed forward, scratching Su Qianqian's creaking nest.

"Hahaha, I'm wrong, I'm wrong!"

"I shouldn't have caught your big bear!"

"I won't dare to do it next time, I really won't dare..."

The two immediately started playing around, and the bedroom was filled with their sweet laughter.


On the second floor of the villa, in Su Xiao's bedroom, Xi Tianyue, wearing a new Chinese style Luomei, opened the door and walked in. Looking at Su Xiao sitting by the bed, she was a little scared, so she suggested:

"Brother, why don't you call me Sister Yiyi?"

Su Xiao smiled and said:

"Didn't you say you have a lot to say to me? What, are you scared now?"

Xi Tianyue blinked and pouted:
"Who told me that my brother is so good at playing mahjong? I definitely can't beat it by myself. If I have sister Yiyi with me, I still have a chance in a two-on-one three-person mahjong game!"

Lidya Su raised her eyebrows:

"Really? Are you sure you have a chance to win three-person mahjong?"

Well, not sure.

This was not the first time three-person mahjong was played. Xi Tianyue knew his own abilities and Leng Yiyi's skills.

Hmm... Then do you want to call Sister Zhenzhen?

Three-person mahjong cannot be beaten, but four-person mahjong always has a chance, right?I don’t believe you can’t beat four against one!

As if he could see her thoughts, Lidya Su dismissed her thoughts with one sentence:

"It's been really inconvenient recently. I'm in the period of quitting gambling every month. I'm afraid she won't be able to help you!"

"So, do you want to go to bed early and not play mahjong tonight?"

However, Xi Tianyue seemed to be very addicted to playing cards, so he plucked up the courage and walked to Su Xiao's side. "Hmph, who is afraid of whom? Come on, I will risk my life to accompany this gentleman today!"

So, the two of them opened up the formation, took off the mahjong decorations, and then started shuffling the cards and taking pictures...


On June 2022, 8, Saturday, the weather was fine.

Today is the first day of school for the freshmen of Yun Normal University. Su Xiao naturally got up early, but he came out of Leng Yiyi's room on the third floor.

After washing up, I went to the gym for an hour of morning exercise. Then I knocked on the door of the room where Su Qianqian and Qu Yun were, asking them to get up, wash up and go downstairs for breakfast.

On the first floor, in the restaurant, Su Qianqian, who had just sat down, looked at the people seated and asked in confusion:

"Brother, where is sister-in-law?"

At the dinner table at this time, Li Ruzhen, Leng Yiyi, Mi Shu, Ye Fanyan and Tongtong were all there, but Xi Tianyue was the only one.

Hearing this, Lidya Su coughed lightly and said:

"Yueyue stayed up late last night and is catching up on her sleep now!"

Li Ruzhen, Leng Yiyi, Mi Shu, and Ye Fanyan looked a little strange, but did not speak.

Only Tongtong was not surprised and said:

"Sister Yueyue, sister Yiyi and sister Zhenzhen often stay up late. It's normal to sleep in after staying up late. Sister Qianqian, just get used to it!"

Hearing this, Su Qianqian nodded, stopped asking any more questions, and began to eat breakfast.

However, Qu Yun, who had a keen mind, saw something unusual from the somewhat unnatural expressions on several people's faces. However, after all, it was someone else's business, and it was hard for him to say anything as an outsider, so he did not speak either.

After breakfast, Su Xiao and Mi Shu took Su Qianqian and Qu Yun's luggage downstairs, put them in the trunk, and then sent them to report to school.

Because I came early, there were not many people at the school gate. I checked in at the security room and drove my car directly in.

Since it was a girls' dormitory, Su Xiao asked Mi Shu to send the two of them up, while he himself began to walk around with a little emotion.

Yunli University, where he went to university, is opposite Yunnan Normal University, separated by only a highway. He used to come here often with a few roommates, so he was quite familiar with it.

Walking in a wisteria corridor, occasionally a few students come towards me, carrying a youthful atmosphere unique to students.

I think he was like this back then.

"Senior, hello!"

Su Xiao was sitting on a bench by the corridor and turned around to hold on to the railing and look at the scenery in the pool next to her, when a crisp voice came.

Su Xiao turned around and found a girl wearing a black pleated skirt. She should be a freshman or sophomore. Her appearance was average to above average, but if she didn't wear makeup, she would be okay.

He nodded and smiled:
"Hello there!"

Seeing him responding to her, the girl took a few steps forward and took out her mobile phone and said:

"Senior, can I add a WeChat?"

When Su Xiao saw that the WeChat QR code had been opened on her mobile phone, she couldn't help laughing.

"Sorry, I'm not a student at the Normal University, and I have a girlfriend!"

Through insight, he could see that the girl's highest ratings were only in temperament and figure, barely reaching A level, and she had no special skills or connections, so he had no interest in her.

Hearing this, the girl's expression froze, then she apologized sheepishly and left quickly.

Seeing that the time was almost up, Lidya Su started to get up and walk back.

As soon as he walked to the girls' dormitory building, he felt a sense of hostility. When he turned around, he saw a man wearing a black sweatshirt and a pair of baggy overalls.

When you open Insight, the first thing you see is the gray favorability score! -

(End of this chapter)

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