After the arrival of my Shenhao game

Chapter 145 Kill them all and then commit suicide

Chapter 145 Kill them all and then commit suicide
After she vented her anger, Su Xiao saw that her favorability level began to rise and returned to -10 points.

Lidya Su was full of curiosity about this.

"Luo Yunsheng, this is your name, right?"

Hearing Su Xiao say his name, Luo Yunsheng raised his head suddenly and stared at him, his eyes full of vigilance.

Su Xiao could even see resentment, fear and doubt in her eyes.

Luo Yunsheng's favorability dropped again, to -20 points.

"Who are you? Did you come to me after watching the video sent by that bitch Xia Yiren?"

"Or are you one of those so-called righteous people?"

"The wind is raining, so you want to judge me?"

Well, trial, Su Xiao captured this word keenly.


Su Xiao was puzzled, so she continued to ask:
"What video?"

Seeing the doubts and curiosity on his face that didn't seem to be fake, Luo Yunsheng was slightly startled, then a flash of fear flashed in his eyes, and he shook his head repeatedly:
"It's nothing, I just said it!"

Tsk, it seems that this Xia Yi and the video she posted are the key.

So, he asked the system in his mind:

"Tongbao, can you find the video she talked about?"

System response:

[The host spends 10 wealth points to receive the push of this video! 】

It's only 10 points of wealth. Isn't it just a little bit of water for Su Xiao now?

With a thought, 10 points of wealth were deducted. The next moment, Su Xiao's mobile phone received a Douyin video push message. In the past, his mobile phone was very clean, including all harassing calls, sales calls, scam calls and various apps. The push notifications are automatically blocked by the system.

Just like the previous harassing sales calls from online loans, not only were they intercepted, but nearly [-] fraudulent calls were instantly marked by the system, which made many online loan companies confused. They had never made so many calls to their own numbers. , why are there so many marks?

Su Xiao clicked on the video, and the next familiar voice reached Luo Yunsheng's ears, causing her complexion to change instantly, and the panic and uneasiness in her eyes swept over her like a wave.

"You guys are really in the same group, and you still say you don't know?"

"Liar, liar..."

Mishu frowned slightly, and gently pressed her neck with his other hand, letting her fall asleep again.

"Family members, who knows? There is a female classmate in our college..."

The beginning of the copy in the video is very familiar, the opening remarks of the AI-voiced TVB female voice, with a strong smell of green tea, but the video has a high number of likes, collections and comments, with nearly 500 million likes, more than 50 collections, and even more comments. There are more than 100 million.

However, the content behind the video really made Su Xiao frown.

The general meaning is that, overtly and covertly, you are pointing at a girl whose family conditions are average, but who uses expensive cosmetics, wears famous brands, and carries famous bags...

Then there is a video of aerial yoga. The girl in the video is slim and has a good temperament. When doing yoga movements, her figure is bumpy and has a pure lust.

He looked at the unconscious Luo Yunsheng, stepped forward and pulled off her mask, and immediately confirmed that she was the girl practicing aerial yoga in the video.

At this point, he probably guessed the reason.

Click on the comment area and the comment with the most likes is:

"Hey, isn't this the heroine from the domestic area? I've seen her video, it's great!"

What followed were all comments such as "let's take a step to speak" and "brother leave a seed".

Continuing to scroll down the comments, there are similar follow-up words, and of course some unsightly insults.

Someone even exposed Luo Yunsheng's personal information and contact information.

Su Xiao's eyes gradually became sharp. It turned out to be Huang Yao. This thing didn't cost much, but it was more harmful to a girl than anything else.

He put away his phone and signaled Mishu to wake up Luo Yunsheng.

Mi Shu nodded and moved his fingers, and Luo Yunsheng woke up again with a hum.She noticed that her mask had been pulled off, and her face suddenly showed panic, and her eyes looked around in panic.

Su Xiao handed the mask in front of her, and Luo Yunsheng hurriedly grabbed it and put it on in a panic.

She felt a little at ease when the mask covered her cheeks.

Seeing this, Lidya Su actually felt sorry for this girl.

"Why don't you sue her?"

He asked his own question.

Hearing this, Luo Yunsheng, who was breathing heavily, was stunned for a moment, and then she realized what he meant. There was a hint of ridicule in her eyes:
"Sue? Haha...hahaha..."

She let out a sad laugh.

After a while, she continued:
"Those people got my home phone number and called me repeatedly to insult my parents, saying what kind of family could raise such a shameless daughter like me..."

"How can I sue? Even my parents believed it! My neighbors, relatives and friends all knew about it, and then they scolded me for being shameless!"

"You scold me for doing all the shameless things just for money!"

"When I returned to school, the school counselor and classmates all looked at me strangely. My roommates in the dormitory not only refused to testify for me, but also spread rumors together..."

"How do you think I can sue?"

"I sent a short video to clarify, but no one believed it. The comment section was full of insults..."

"All the advertisements I accepted have terminated their contracts with me and asked me to pay liquidated damages..."

"I also want to sue, but I have no money. Even if I sue, who will believe it? No one will believe me..."

"No one will believe me..."

At the end of the sentence, tears could no longer stop falling from her eyes.

"But, I really have never taken that kind of video..."

"Why would I make a video like that just for money?"

"Why, why doesn't everyone believe me?"

She seemed to be talking to Lidya Su and the two of them, but also seemed to be just talking to herself.

As she spoke, her eyes turned from sad to crazy:
"So I'm going to kill that bitch, and kill everyone in their dormitory..."

"And my roommate, who I have lived with for three years, not only refused to help me, but also spread rumors..."

"Isn't it just to gain fans? Hahaha, hahaha..."

"Kill them all, kill them all, and then...then I will commit suicide!"

"Only blood can make people see the truth clearly!"

"Kill them all... kill them all..."

At this time, Mi Shu behind her was also a little moved. How much has a girl gone through to become like this?

For a moment, Lidya Su regretted that she should not have been stopped.

Unlike those who jumped off the building to commit suicide after being slandered, she was more extreme, but she was admired by Su Xiao.

He quickly shook his head, how could he have such an idea? Su Xiao said firmly:

"I believe you!"

These four sudden words made Luo Yunsheng tremble, and then he raised his head in disbelief and looked at Su Xiao with burning eyes.

It's like a person who has been thirsty for several days in the desert sees an oasis.

Even if it is a mirage, it is a light!

(End of this chapter)

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