After the arrival of my Shenhao game

Chapter 147 If it’s not enough, I’ll give it to you myself

Chapter 147 If it’s not enough, I’ll give it to you myself

what happened?

Seeing the favorability suddenly turn white, Su Xiao was stunned. I haven't even seen the skills and bonds yet. It was too sudden!
Immediately, he noticed Luo Yunsheng's eyes and expression.

His eyes became dark again, and there seemed to be a touch of mockery on his face.

Immediately thinking of her state, it seemed that his eyes had misunderstood her?

But I just appreciate it normally!

If you do this again, I will give up my job!Even if you become an SS-level character after recovery, it won't work. My friend is willing to help you out of humanitarianism!
Thinking of this, his face turned cold and handsome, and he said with an indifferent look in his eyes:

"Since you don't want to accept my help, don't want those who slandered you to be punished, and don't want to restore your reputation, then forget it!"

"Xiaomi, let's go!"

His attitude is half true and half false. Although he can understand the reason for Luo Yunsheng's state. After all, after suffering this series of things, he has become sensitive and suspicious and does not trust people easily. However, this is not something he can do to help with a shy face. reason.

If Luo Yunsheng can't believe in herself, then let her fend for herself. Again, Su Xiao doesn't think she is a good person, at least not to strangers.

His kindness, his gentleness and his generosity are limited to his own people, just like Guan Zhiyao and Guan Zhiyao at the beginning. The reason why they were able to let Guan Zhiyao go was mainly because of the face of Xiao Zizi and Guan Zhiyao.

If it weren't for Xiao Zizi, no matter how capable Guan Zhiyao was, he would not be soft-hearted.

Of course, many people probably don’t understand this.

But Su Xiao doesn't need others to understand. As long as he doesn't touch his own bottom line and doesn't backstab himself, he is relatively tolerant to his own people, because in the past few years, he has been helped by many friends, and it was these friends who made him persist. Come over.

As for other people, whether they have a grudge against him or are ordinary strangers, he will have a touch of indifference in his bones. Even if he seems polite at ordinary times, he is cold on the inside. This is due to his personality!

Luo Yunsheng panicked when he heard that his expression suddenly turned cold and that he really wanted to leave.

When Su Xiao looked at her just now, she thought of the people she knew and didn't know in the past two months. After hearing her rumors, they would look at her with naked eyes, as if they were stripped naked and displayed in the sun. Average.

Their eyes did not conceal their aggression, as if they were watching the heroine of an island nation's romantic action movie.

This made her crazy and devastated!
Thinking again about Lidya Su's gaze just now, it seemed that his eyes were just pure appreciation and had no other meaning.

So, she hurriedly said:
"Wait a minute, wait a minute, I was wrong, don't leave..."

"Please help me, please help me..."

She took two quick steps and hugged Su Xiao's leg where she had just stopped.

Noting that she was not aggressive, Mishu did not stop her.

Su Xiao slowly turned around and looked down at Luo Yunsheng who was holding a life-saving straw. His eyes were still cold and he asked in a cold voice:

"Then why should I help you?"

Many times, opportunities are fleeting. If you fail to seize the opportunity given to you, you can't blame others.

My good intentions were ignored just now, and now there is another price.

Hearing that, Luo Yunsheng was once an SS-level character. Although he was suddenly hit hard in the past two months and his attributes were greatly reduced, he still had the minimum IQ.

Her thoughts changed rapidly and she hurriedly said:

"I know a lot of talents. I can work for you for free. As long as you help me with the lawsuit!"

It's definitely not enough to sue just one person in Xia Yi. She has many people to sue, and she also needs a lot of money and connections. After all, ordinary lawyers can't solve her problem.But now she has nothing. The video account she has carefully managed for more than two years has been cancelled. The fans she finally accumulated are gone. Her family, relatives, classmates and friends are ashamed of her. The only thing she has value now is herself.

Lidya Su's expression did not change, and he still looked at her calmly.

Luo Yunsheng swallowed:

"I can put on makeup, I can dress, I can draw, I'm pretty good at it, if...if..."

When she said what if, she began to hesitate, but thinking about the mean and mocking expression on Xia Yiren's face when she first approached her to ask her to delete the video, deep hatred began to appear in her eyes, and her eyes gradually became firm.

"If you think it's not enough, I can give you my body. My first time is still there. If you don't believe me, you can check it out!"

As he said that, he took off his black sweatshirt, revealing his curvy figure. Well, the collarbone is very beautiful, Xiongxiong is big, and the waist is also very thin!

She even had to take off her loose overalls. Su Xiao coughed quickly and said:

"Okay, that's enough, get up!"

Although he is the king of Neptune and he also likes beautiful women, what he likes is the feeling of mutual consent and the deep integration of body and soul. No matter how beautiful the walking dead beauty is, he can't think of anything.

Hearing this, Luo Yunsheng was overjoyed and stood up quickly, looking expectantly:
" promised to help me?"

Her favorability level soared, reaching 40, and stopped when it turned green.

Seeing this, Lidya Su still didn't give her a good look, otherwise the going up and down would be very annoying.

"I can help you, but from now on, your life is no longer your own!"

"Emmmmmm, you can treat it as a contract of betrayal. Only when you pay back the price of my help one day can you regain your freedom!"

"Of course, this deed of sale does not require a signature. You can regret it at any time!"

Speaking of this, his gaze fell like a knife on Luo Yunsheng's eyes, making her heart tremble, and then she heard him continue:

"If you can bear the price of regretting it!"

Facing his fierce momentum, Luo Yunsheng swallowed subconsciously, and then nodded firmly:
"it is good!"

Although there is only one word, it is very solemn.

Seeing this, Su Xiao turned around and walked in the direction where he parked his car just now.

"Follow me, we said in the car!"

Su Xiao didn't look back, and her voice was light and fluttering in the wind along with the willow branches by the dry river.

Mi Shu glanced at Luo Yunsheng indifferently, and then quickly followed Lidya Su's footsteps.

Without the pressure of Su Xiao's aura, Luo Yunsheng swallowed, took a few deep breaths, and his plump chest rose and fell rapidly. He looked down at the black sweater in his hand, his eyes gradually became firm, and then he quickly followed. Follow the footsteps of the two.

In the open space where they were just now, the willow tree that broke on the ground was silent. After all, no one spoke for it.

Not far from Broken Willow, a gray backpack containing only a hammer and a fruit knife was equally silent.

Like, a piece of the past that was abandoned!

(End of this chapter)

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