After the arrival of my Shenhao game

Chapter 166 The End of the Cyber ​​Storm

Chapter 166 The End of the Cyber ​​Storm

The two middle-aged men were radiant at this time. When they heard Guan Zhiyao's words, they said indifferently:

"Hey, Mr. Guan must be very busy today. How can we bother him?"

"However, what's the matter?"

They both looked at the bald man on the ground.

When the bald man saw the two of them, he stood up quickly and said in surprise:

"Director Liu, cough... No, Brother Liu?"

One of these two people he knew very well, the Director of the Health Bureau!
The bald man's family owns a restaurant, and it is indispensable to establish good relations with relevant departments on weekdays. Before this, he visited from time to time. He originally thought that he would come to deliver some gifts in a few days, but he did not expect to meet him here.

When Liu Ming, the director of the Health Bureau, saw him, he thought he looked familiar, but there were so many people fawning over him on weekdays that he couldn't remember it all at once:

"you are?"

Hearing this, the bald man hurriedly said:
"Brother Liu, I'm Xiao Lin from Hunan Xiang Hotel!"

Liu Ming was somewhat impressed when talking about the Hunan Xiang Hotel. He nodded and asked:

"Oh, it turns out to be you. What are you doing?"

Hearing this, the bald man looked stern and said:

"Brother Liu, you have to be careful, this is a black shop..."

Listening to the more outrageous he said, Liu Ming frowned and raised his hand to interrupt:
"Xiao Lin, is this your old habit? You'd better go to the hospital quickly!"

Another man whom Guan Zhiyao called Mr. Chen also frowned, but due to his identity, he did not speak immediately. Instead, he took out his mobile phone and sent a message.

In less than a minute, two policemen in police uniforms came in and directly carried the bald man out.

Su Xiao, who was watching in secret, nodded. Although the handling was not particularly clever, it was quite satisfactory. Especially in this case, a simple and direct method is best. It can not only calm the matter down, but also shock other people. .

However, Guan Zhiyao's talent goes far beyond that. Now that she has met her own requirements, it is time for her to further her training.

Lidya Su did not continue to look, but turned around and went up to the third floor.

When they got to the third floor, Ji Yi and Yuanyuan were already waiting.



The two of them bowed to Lidya Su.

Lidya Su nodded, took a look at the career lines the two were deeply involved in, and then entered her exclusive massage room.

After entering, I discovered that besides Yuanyuan and Ji Yi, there were two other masseurs. Although I was a little surprised, they didn't say anything.


At the same time, the storm that started on the Internet three days ago has finally come to an end.

Affected by blackmailers and trolls, some netizens who originally planned to delete the comments also felt that Luo Yunsheng would not cause any trouble.

What did you say?D!
Everyone feels that even if Luo Yunsheng sues, he will only sue the small internet celebrity who posted the video in the first place and other video bloggers who followed suit.

You can’t just post a message and get more likes and be sued, right?
It’s impossible to think about it. How much would it cost?

If Luo Yunsheng was still popular, it would still be possible, but I heard that she has hit rock bottom in the past two months. Let alone money, her life is probably a problem. How can she really spend so much money to sue.

In a small company in Shanghai, a rather polite-looking man was fishing at his workstation. He looked at the messages on his phone with an increasing number of likes and a proud smile on his face.

"Haha, you stinky cousin, you are suing even though the thunder is loud and the rain is small. Who do you think you are..."

Before he could finish his muttering, he heard a burst of noise.

"Who are you looking for?" This was the voice of the lady at the company's front desk, and she sounded obviously panicked.

Immediately afterwards, a serious voice sounded:

"We are the judicial police of the Yiqing District People's Court, and these two are security guards from the Gulou Public Security Station. Is Zhuang Liangbi in this company?"

(Be cautious, so the title you write may be different from reality, don’t worry about it...and the novel is fictional, so if there is a discrepancy with reality, don’t take it too seriously...)
Hearing his name, Zhuang Liangbi, who had looked proud just now, felt his heart skip a beat, and cold sweat instantly soaked his back.

The next moment, he saw the lady at the front desk timidly walking towards him with three men in uniforms.

Seeing him, the leading man said:

"Zhuang Liangbi, you are suspected of insulting others on the Internet or over the phone, insulting and slandering! Derogating others' personalities and damaging their reputations. The circumstances are serious. Now the victim has filed a lawsuit with our hospital. Please cooperate with us to investigate!"

"This is an arrest warrant. If you have any objections, you can file a lawsuit with the higher people's court!"

The man's voice was very loud, and all the employees in the small company heard it clearly, and they all stood up and looked over curiously.

Zhuang Liangbi's body was shaking like chaff, and cold sweat rolled down his forehead:


No matter how arrogant he was on the Internet, he was so frightened at this moment. He wanted to say something, but his tongue didn't obey him.

The judicial policeman stepped aside and signaled the security officer to take action.

Ever since, people in the company saw that Zhuang Liangbi was almost dragged out, and his legs became weak...

This kind of thing happens all over the country, but there are quite a few.


An urban village in a certain city:

"Why are you arresting my son? He is a recent graduate!"

An old woman with gray hair stood in front of her son, who had been nursing for several months.

And her useless son was so frightened that he became incontinent.

"The facts exist and the evidence is sufficient. If you continue to obstruct us, it will be a crime of obstructing official business. We have the right to take you away together and detain you for fifteen days!"

The security officer's words made the old woman freeze in place.

"take away!"


The door of a university classroom.

Several security guards finally waited until get out of class was over, and then said to the shivering girls in the classroom:
"Diao Yaxiang, you are suspected of..."


Even at Qingqi Law Firm, it is naturally impossible to prosecute all those who left messages. After screening, some cases with more serious cases were directly issued arrest warrants by the relevant judicial authorities, while those with relatively minor cases were turned into summonses.

But the total number of these people has exceeded 5000, to be precise, 31, [-] people!
It can be said that this is the largest number of people prosecuted in Internet cases in recent years!
(Ahem, the novel is fictional, and the gap between it and reality is quite large, so don’t take it seriously...)
If the people who were arrested and summoned before were not particularly serious even if they were convicted, then the Shai people who collapsed on the ground in front of the girls' dormitory, eyes blank, were not so easy.

According to Article 246 of the "Criminal Law", whoever publicly insults others or fabricates facts to slander others by violence or other methods, if the circumstances are serious, shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than three years, criminal detention, surveillance or deprivation of political rights.

Xia Yiren stared blankly at the silver bracelet he was wearing, his mind going blank.

She actually... actually sued?

Xia Yiren's face turned pale, and his lips trembled as he murmured:
"I just... I just sent a video. What's wrong with me?"

And what awaits her is far from as simple as three years in prison!
(End of this chapter)

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