After the arrival of my Shenhao game

Chapter 173 The CEO actually called me Yan Yan?

Chapter 173 The CEO actually called me Yan Yan?

very young!
This was Shi Anping's first reaction when he saw Su Xiao, and then he stepped forward with an enthusiastic smile and said:
"Haha, Mr. Su, I finally got to see my true face. I am in peace with Lianhua in Yun City, so I took the liberty of visiting you. Don't be surprised!"

Seeing this, Su Xiao politely stretched out his hand and shook it. Although he had never met him, he guessed why he came. This was actually part of the reason why he came to Qingxing Decoration today.

Su Xiao kept a slight smile on her face, and said with a hint of apology in her voice:

"I've been busy with things the past few days and I haven't taken any time. I didn't expect that I bothered Director Shi to come here in person. It's really a sin. I served as a host at noon, so I take it as an apology to Director Shi!"

That's what he said, but except for Qi Cong, no one here probably would take his words seriously.

Sure enough, even if he knew that this was just a scene, Shi Anping felt quite comfortable. Although he was the one asking for help today, it would be best if the matter could be resolved in a harmonious atmosphere.

The smile on Shi Anping's face became even stronger:
"Hey, what Director Su said is wrong. You have solved our Yuncheng Lianhua's urgent need. I should be the one to do it!"

Lidya Su was just polite and did not continue to talk about this topic. Instead, she raised her hand and said:
"Haha, there's no rush to eat. Let's talk about business first. Director Shi, let's talk inside!"

After some humility, the two of them entered Qingxing Decoration together, followed by the others.

Jiang Chen deliberately put himself at the end. When he saw the braided Qi Cong following him quietly, he did not stop him. One was because the other party knew Shi Anping, and the other was because he wanted to see if the other party knew that Xihua Building had been destroyed. My boss’s face after buying it.

The only thing I'm worried about is that it would be bad if this kid gets slapped in the face for showing off, and then gets emotional and does something extraordinary, and collides with his boss.

When he thought of this, his expression tightened and he hurriedly followed.

If you read too many novels, you will always subconsciously think of the rich second generation as brainless.

Qing Xing decorated the living room, Su Xiao invited Shi Anping and the people he brought to sit down, and then several employees quickly brought tea.

However, Shi Anping obviously didn't have the patience to drink tea. He said straight to the point:
"Director Su, I believe you also know the purpose of our coming. Today, I just want to confirm with you, Director Su, the delivery of the property rights of Xihua Building and the signing of the contract!"

"Of course, Director Su, if you have any questions or requests, you can raise them..."

His attitude was very sincere, and Lidya Su nodded with a smile while listening to him.

However, Jiang Chen, who was sitting in the corner, was staring nervously at Qi Cong next to him. He was already prepared to pounce on Qi Cong and stuff the towel into his mouth if the other party made any move.

Fortunately, after hearing Shi Anping's words, Qi Cong showed shock and disbelief, but he didn't do anything too outrageous.

Qi Cong looked at Shi Anping and then at Su Xiao, who had always been calm and composed. He was surprised by their postures. In his opinion, the two people should be swapped. After all, Shi Anping was the president of Yuncheng Lianhua, and Su Xiao is just the owner of a decoration company.

In terms of assets alone, the two companies are as different as an elephant or an ant!
But then I thought about it. Su Xiao could buy Xihua Building so easily. He must not be just the owner of a small decoration company. There must be other background behind it.

However, there are not many families and financial groups with this kind of background in Yuncheng. I have just returned from abroad, so it is best not to provoke them for the time being.

As for Xihua Building, it was the family's business operation and he couldn't get involved yet.

Therefore, although he was surprised, he quickly regained his composure after being surprised.

The only thing that embarrasses him is that he just pretended not to be too tactful in the Qingxing Decoration Office Area, and now being stared at makes him look a little unnatural.If I had known earlier I wouldn't have followed, you idiot!

Over there, the conversation between Su Xiao and Shi Anping had reached a critical point. Su Xiao looked at the contract handed over by the other party's lawyer, took it and put it on the table and said with a smile:
"In general, there are no big problems on my side. My lawyer should be here soon. After she comes to see it, if there are no problems, I can sign it!"

Hearing this, Shi Anping's expression remained unchanged. The other middle-aged man who came with him raised his eyebrows and showed a hint of surprise.

His name is Zou Xingyuan, he is the COO of Yuncheng Lianhua and is responsible for the company's daily operations and management.

In the past few days, he had inquired about the owner of Qingxing Decoration and learned that Su Xiao's background was very simple. Although these things were basically unbelievable, how could such a simple background come up with so much money at once?

Due to the system, Su Xiao's other industries cannot be found by others, but it is not surprising that only a small decoration company can spend so much money at once.

Although he was surprised, Zou Xingyuan still made a habitual suggestion to do something in the contract and solve it during the negotiation, but his proposal was rejected by Shi Anping.

Less than 2 minutes later, the front desk girl Lulu brought Yan Qi, who was dressed in professional attire, to the living room.

"Dr. Su, Lawyer Yan is here!"

Entering the living room, Yan Qi's eyes quickly locked on where Su Xiao was, his eyes sparkling like stars that suddenly lit up.

He looks cool and calm on the face, but his heart is already turbulent!
Wow, wow, wow, finally I met the president, hahaha, all the girls in Qingcheng, be envious and jealous!

Calm down, Yan Qiqi, please calm down. When you meet the CEO for the first time, you must leave a good impression, otherwise you will definitely be relegated to the sidelines in the future!

Be calm, you must be calm. If your heart is as clear as ice, you will not be surprised if the sky falls. If your heart is as clear as ice, you will not be surprised if the sky falls. If your heart is as clear as ice, you will not be surprised if the sky falls...

Ahhh, but I really saw the president. He is as handsome as I imagined, no, even more handsome than I imagined!
Wow wow wow, domineering president, fall in love with me quickly!
"Yanyan is here? Come and sit!"

Although he could see her panel, Su Xiao didn't have the ability to read minds, so he didn't know Yan Qi's inner activities at this time. He just waved to her gently.

Hearing this, Yan Qi's body trembled and he almost fell to the ground.

Wow wow wow, the president actually called me Yan Yan?Isn't this too intimate?

Really, I cried to death!

Yan Qi kept a shallow smile, walked up to Su Xiao, and said respectfully:
"Su Dong!"

Before she came, she had already made mental preparations. She must not call her CEO like others, as that would appear too ordinary.

Su Xiao pointed to the seat next to her, then gave her the contract on the table and said:
"This is the contract brought by Director Shi and others. See if there are any problems!"

Yan Qi took it with both hands with a smile on his face, nodded, and then sat on the seat beside him and looked through it carefully.

While she was flipping through the pages, the lawyer Shi Anping brought with her focused on her, with surprise and uncertainty in his eyes!
(End of this chapter)

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