After the arrival of my Shenhao game

Chapter 175 Little White Face?

Chapter 175 Little White Face?
Qingyan Beauty Club Longquan Road Branch.

Originally, Qingyan's reputation was not small. After she came to Yuncheng to open a branch, many rich and wealthy women came here because of her reputation. And Qingyan's project business is well-deserved, with its professional, meticulous and comprehensive services. It is directly ahead of other peers, so it has cultivated a large number of old customers.

After Leng Yiyi became the top management of the two stores, she launched a series of new projects, and the results were even more immediate. Now the Qingyan Beauty Club is almost full of appointments every day!

After Su Xiao got out of the car, she looked up and found that this store was also a three-story independent building. From the outside, the decoration was much more exquisite than that of Crescent Bay.

When he walked into the store, the clerk almost didn't recognize Lidya Su because he had never been there before.

A shop assistant girl who was about 21 or [-] years old quickly stepped forward with a smile on her face and said:
"Hello you two, is this lady going to have a beauty treatment?"

"Men are not allowed to enter our Qingyan Beauty and Health Club. You may need to wait here, sir..."

The young lady's words were very polite, but she still adhered to the rules of the club. Even though she thought Lidya Su was very handsome, she never wavered at all.

Because Qingyan Beauty Club is positioned as a beauty and health care center for women, in order to ensure privacy, except for special staff, men are not allowed to enter, and even staff must wear work ID cards!

Su Xiao nodded secretly, not wanting to embarrass the young lady. He knew the rules of Qingyan, so he said with a smile:

"I'm looking for you, Mr. Leng!"

President Leng?
The young lady was obviously stunned. She quickly searched for the managers in the store. After thinking for a long time, there seemed to be no one named Leng. Finally, she thought of Leng Yiyi, the city manager who occasionally came to the store to give guidance.

She looked surprised, looked at Su Xiao, and found that his temperament was indeed unusual, and then asked:

"Do you have an appointment with our Mr. Leng?"

Lidya Su nodded and was about to speak, but his eyes caught a glimpse of a beautiful figure not far away, so he smiled and raised his hand to wave.

It was Leng Yiyi who estimated the time and came out to greet him.

Seeing Lidya Su, Leng Yiyi's original aura instantly collapsed, a look of joy appeared on his face, and then he ran over quickly.

Because she was in the store, she couldn't throw herself into Lidya Su's arms without any scruples. Instead, she came to him and bowed:
"Hello, President!"

Hearing Leng Yiyi's name, the young lady who was in charge of the reception was startled, and even other employees turned their eyes over.

"Yes...I'm sorry, I, I, I..."

The young lady hurriedly bowed. She really didn't expect that Su Xiao would be the CEO of her family who only existed in legend. The mixture of excitement, anxiety and uneasiness made her stutter a little.

Noticing that other people were also looking over, Su Xiaowen smiled and said:
"No need to apologize, you did a great job!"

After speaking, he turned to look at Leng Yiyi:
"Let's go to the office to talk. We're affecting the customers in the store here!"

Leng Yiyi nodded, then turned sideways and said:

Su Xiao stepped forward, smiling and nodding at the other clerks as he walked.

The quality of Qingyan's employees is very good. Even if they guessed Lidya Su's identity, they just stood there and greeted respectfully, without making any noise or being rude.

Maybe others don't know, but as Qingyan's employees, they know the meaning and weight of the word "president" in Leng Yiyi's mouth.

Each of them looked at Su Xiao with sincere admiration and respect. It was this man who miraculously led Ye Xinyi and his team of secretaries to create the Qingcheng Group!

At this time, they were much more excited than fans to see celebrities, but they still did not forget their responsibilities.Under the watchful eye all the way, Su Xiao led Leng Yiyi and Mi Shu to the entrance of the corridor leading to the office, when a sharp voice sounded:

"Ah, why would a man come in here?"

"Didn't you say that men are not allowed to enter? Last time my husband came, he was blocked out..."

"Or is it that your store has added a new men's item?"

Although there was nothing wrong with the content of her words, her voice had a strange aura. Su Xiao stopped and turned around to look. What he saw was a woman with a slender face, gray-blond curly hair, and a loose suit. purple dress.

Before Su Xiao and Leng Yiyi could speak, the young lady who had just received Su Xiao hurriedly stepped forward and said:

"Hello ma'am, this is..."

She wanted to explain that this was our boss, not going to the beauty area, but to the office, but the woman raised her hand and interrupted directly:
"What is it? Your beauty shop has its own rules. Men are not allowed to enter except for the staff. This pretty boy is your staff? I don't see him wearing a work badge!"

She came here because she heard that Qingyan's beauty treatment was very effective. However, she came here several times and spent a lot of money, but the results were not satisfactory to her, so she accumulated a lot of resentment.

In addition, when his husband followed him, he was stopped outside, so he took the opportunity to attack.

After she finished quarreling with the young lady, she looked at Lidya Su. She looked up and down, and her heart suddenly trembled. This appearance and figure are superb!
Is it possible that there is a pimp in this Qingyan Beauty Club?

The thought of qualifying immediately arose in her mind.

As a woman in her forties, her needs are very strong, but her husband is not only poor, but also eats outside all day long, so she has to go to some special clubs to eat fresh and powerful meat to fill the void, so on weekdays When I saw a handsome guy with a good figure, I couldn't help but regard him as a duck.

But even though she had seen countless men, she couldn't help but be amazed after seeing Lidya Su's appearance.

Tsk tsk, this guy's waist must be very old, right?
Tears of dissatisfaction flowed from the corner of the woman's mouth after having been greedy for several days.

Leng Yiyi frowned, she hated this person's gaze, she moved lightly to block Lidya Su, with a slight smile on her face:

"Ma'am, this is our boss, coming to the store to inspect today!"


The woman didn't believe it. How could this pretty boy have such a big industry at such a young age?
This is Qingyan Beauty Club, a store worth at least hundreds of millions of dollars! (Including shops)

She clicked her tongue and laughed:
"Boss? Is this a pretty boy? Little girl, don't make a fuss. Tell me honestly, which company is the pillar of this company? Introduce it to me!"

Did Su Xiao, who was behind Leng Yiyi, hear a dark clue and think of herself as a young master?
At this time, the store manager who was known to several women came quickly with a few managers. Because Leng Yiyi came less and looked younger, the woman thought that Leng Yiyi was just an ordinary manager who spoke casually. .

"Manager Yu..."

When she saw the visitor, the woman looked much more polite. Although she said that the beauty treatment here was not good, she was just talking. After the beauty treatment, she could still clearly feel the change in her skin condition!

What is there to say?

It’s hard for a clever woman to make a meal without rice, even though she won’t admit it!
Unexpectedly, store manager Yu, who was usually polite to others, ignored her. Instead, he bowed respectfully towards Su Xiao who was behind Leng Yiyi and said:

(End of this chapter)

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