After the arrival of my Shenhao game

Chapter 184 Wanwan, you can join us too

Chapter 184 Wanwan, you can come too
Estimating the time, the police should be arriving soon, Mi Shu came to Su Xiao's ear and said:
"President, you go first, let me handle this!"

Hearing this, Su Xiao asked:
"Can it be resolved?"

From the very beginning, he was prepared to enter the situation, but it was better not to enter if he could.

In places like hospitals and bureaus, even if they are a country of etiquette, people don’t want to hear that welcome comes again next time!

Mishu nodded seriously:

Her eyes were full of confidence.

Seeing this, Su Xiao didn't hesitate and directly picked up Mu Jingwan who was hiding aside and left first.

The hotel manager next to him and the man with glasses squatting on the ground wanted to stop him, but were frightened back by Mi Shu's look. They were sure that if they dared to speak, this woman would be assigned to them.

Even among the guests of a five-star hotel, there are still people who like to watch the excitement. From the moment Su Xiao started, there were many people standing and watching from a distance on both sides of the corridor.

However, after hearing the whining sounds from the mouth of the man Su Xiao had beaten, no one took the initiative to call the police. The last person to call the police was arranged by the hotel manager. Many people watching the show were already thinking about testimonies. , if the police came and asked them, they would say that the little cherry blossom fell by herself!

Well, the girl's leather shoes were on point after falling.

Therefore, when they saw Su Xiao pulling the girl away, all the people watching the show pretended not to see it, and even took the initiative to give way. After the two left, they immediately stood back to block their departure.

Mu Jingwan, who was being pulled away by Su Xiao, kept her eyes on Su Xiao, with an inexplicable light flashing in her eyes.

Less than a minute after the two left, several uniformed policemen quickly approached the hotel lobby. Under the guidance of the hotel reception, they soon arrived at the corridor where Mishu was.

Seeing the seven or eight security guards lying neatly on the ground, as well as a wretched man held in the arms of a man with glasses, the policeman was also a little stunned.

Then his eyes were fixed on Mi Shu, who was the only one standing upright in the field, and the hotel manager who was a little stooped next to him.

Seeing the arrival of law enforcement officers, the eyes of the man with glasses and the hotel manager lit up.

The man with glasses put down the wretched little Sakura in his arms, stood up hurriedly, pointed at Mi Shu and said:
"Hurry, arrest her quickly. She actually beat Mr. Michuan. By the way, they also have two accomplices who ran away from there!"

Seeing him talking, the hotel manager Lu Zhouzhai opened his mouth and immediately chose not to speak. At that moment, he had the impulse to ask the police to arrest Su Xiao.

Now, he wanted to take another look.

Hearing this, the policeman raised his eyebrows, glanced at Mi Shu in surprise, then turned his attention to the hotel manager and asked:
"Sir, please tell me what happened in detail!"

Lu Zhouzhai paused for a moment when he was questioned. He was about to speak when he heard Mi Shu say:
"I did it, but..."

She glanced around, then came to the policeman and showed an object in the palm of her hand from an angle that only the policeman in front of her could see.

After seeing it clearly, the leading police officer looked startled, and then a surge of respect suddenly rose in his heart, making him have the urge to stand at attention and salute, but after noticing the meaning in Mi Shu's eyes, he suppressed the urge in his heart.

The policeman looked at the bespectacled man and the unconscious Sakura with a solemn expression, waved his hand and said loudly:
"Bring back!"

Because Mi Shu was on her back, the man with glasses didn't see what she did. When he heard the police's voice, he thought he was taking Mi Shu away. He immediately looked happy and then reminded:

"Comrade police, she has accomplices, you should go and arrest her immediately!"

However, before he finished speaking, he saw several policemen walking towards him.


A pair of silver handcuffs had been put on the bespectacled man's hands, which made him very confused. Just when he was about to speak, a seal was placed on his mouth.

"Uh uh... uh uh..." His eyes were full of anger and he wanted to struggle, but he was escorted away by two policemen.

The same goes for Sakura who hasn't woken up on the ground. She was put on silver handcuffs and dragged away directly. As for the stretcher?Sorry, no.

Seeing this, hotel manager Lu Zhouzhai's eyes flashed with horror again. Is he so energetic?Even the police can...

Before he was done, another policeman came over and put silver handcuffs on him with a click.

When the onlookers saw this, they were immediately satisfied. Some people were afraid of being affected and hurriedly turned around and left. However, some of them not only did not leave, but there was some expectation in their eyes, thinking in their hearts, the police officer, hurry up and find me as a witness!

After taking everyone away, the leading policeman looked at Mi Shu with awe and said politely:
"You...cough, madam, please come with us!"

The identity of the person in front of him was so special that while he was full of respect, he was also a little cautious.

Fortunately, Mishu didn't make it difficult for him, nodded and followed.

After they left, one or two onlookers who were still not far away had a look of pity on their faces. What, you don't need witnesses?

On the other side, Su Xiao took Mu Jingwan straight to the private room of the hot spring hotel that she had just booked. When the two arrived, Xi Tianyue and the others were already waiting there.

Seeing her best friend from a distance, Mu Jingwan hurriedly broke away from Su Xiao's hand in a panic, but she did not run away, but followed closely behind Su Xiao.

Xi Tianyue, who was waiting at the entrance of the hot spring resort, turned around and saw Su Xiao. Immediately, his eyes filled with joy, and he ran towards Su Xiao with his long legs.

Seeing this, Su Xiao showed a doting smile on her face, opened her arms, and easily caught Xi Tianyue who was throwing herself into the arms like a baby swallow.

Xi Tianyue was obviously very happy despite not seeing him for a while.

"Brother, why did you come here?"

She put her fair chin on Lidya Su's shoulder and asked in a tired voice.

When she saw Mu Jingwan behind Su Xiao through Su Xiao's shoulder, she showed a hint of surprise:
"Hey, Wanwan, why are you here?"

Then a touch of surprise appeared in his eyes.

Seeing this, Mu Jingwan was a little speechless. For such a big person like me, you just saw me now, right?
There really is no one else in my eyes except my lover.

But she, who was held by Su Xiao just now, always felt a little bit of guilt and guilt for her best friend in her heart. She rarely made fun of Xi Tianyue, but smiled and said:
"I work here. I happened to meet Lidya Su just now, so I thought I would say hello to you!"

Xi Tianyue, who only had Su Xiao in his mind, did not think so much. Instead, he suggested with a smile:
"We are going to the hot springs, Wanwan, you can come with us!"

Hearing this, Mu Jingwan quickly shook her head and said:
"No, no, Yueyue, I still have to go to work. When I get off work, I'll call Sister Yuran and Susu to come and play with you!"

Hearing this, Xi Tianyue couldn't help but show a look of regret on his face.

Lidya Su smiled and said:
"It's okay, let's go together!"

Hearing his voice, Mu Jingwan suddenly remembered that she had just been fired by her manager?Then go to Mao's class?

Thinking of being able to take a hot spring bath with Lidya Su, she agreed by mistake:

"Okay, okay!"

(End of this chapter)

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