After the arrival of my Shenhao game

Chapter 198 Mishu’s shock

Chapter 198 Mishu’s shock

After spending more than two hours replenishing the energy buff, Su Xiao's fatigue was completely gone. Compared with the [Small Physical Restoration Potion], Jiyi's massage is easier to get rid of fatigue, not only physically, but also Mentally too!
During lunch, except for Xi Tianyue and Mu Jingwan who had not returned yet, Guan Zhiyao also arrived at this time. Su Xiao introduced Ji Yi and Guan Zhiyao to the others, and it was quite lively for everyone to eat together.

Guan Zhiyao wore a red pleated skirt today, a light-colored long-sleeved top, and a white headband in her hair. She looked cool with a hint of cuteness.

Although they have met her many times, Guan Zhiyao is still a little reserved in front of her boss.

Fortunately, because of Su Xiao, everyone was very friendly to her, especially Yan Qi, who was even more envious after knowing that she was the first subordinate assigned by Dong Ye to his boss.

After finishing the meal, Guan Zhiyao's nervousness eased a lot. After seeing that Su Xiao had completely accepted her, she breathed a sigh of relief and looked forward to the game party in the evening.

Su Xiao had arranged their rooms in advance. When they were checking in, Su Xiao asked Yan Qi to take Xiao Tongtong to play, saying that she had important things to say with Ye Fanyan.

Then he brought Ye Fanyan to the suite, explained two important things, and then took a nap together.

At 2:30 in the afternoon, Su Xiao felt refreshed after getting up. She did not wake Ye Fanyan and let her continue to rest.

After going out, he called Mi Shu and came to an open space outdoors. Mi Shu, who was following behind, was a little confused as to what the boss was going to do today.

Su Xiao looked at the surrounding environment and nodded to express satisfaction, then turned around and said:

"Xiaomi, please practice with me. I feel a little itchy recently!"

Mishu didn't understand.

"Boss, what practice are you talking about?"

Su Xiao opened her posture and said naturally:
"Does this need to be said? You took action too early yesterday and I didn't even warm up. Why don't you make up for it and practice with me?"

Hearing this, Mi Shu suddenly realized, but his face looked a little strange.

Although she could see that Lidya Su had some foundation, wouldn't it be... inappropriate to fight her?
She wanted to think that she was overestimating her abilities, but she also felt that it was disrespectful to her boss.

However, should I release the water?

Lidya Su seemed to see her thoughts and said:

"Don't let me off guard. I also want to see how big the gap is between me and the top experts!"

As he said this, he took the lead and stepped forward, hoping to strike first.

Crack, bang!
Two voices sounded one after another, and then a figure was seen flying backwards!
"Cough cough cough..."

Su Xiao got up from the ground in embarrassment, covering her chest and coughing.

Although I knew the gap was huge, I didn't expect it to be so big.

Mishu has legendary mixed martial arts, but he only has a master-level Liuhequan skill. If Mishu hadn't stopped his strength, he would have been completely scrapped just now.

Mishu stepped forward quickly and said uneasily:

"Boss, are you okay?"

Lidya Su rubbed her chest, shook her head and said:

"It's okay, let's come again!"

After saying that, he continued to attack. This time Mi Shu was more careful and did not use so much force. He tried his best to make the fight with the boss "back and forth".

As a result, people passing by discovered that the two of them were like martial arts masters in TV dramas. They fought extremely brilliantly, and they could perform many difficult moves easily and extremely smoothly.

"Wow, is this a TV show?"

"Isn't this martial arts instructor so awesome?" "Why can't I see Wia? Those two moves just now must have been a way to hang Wia, right?"

"Where's the camera? Why can't the camera see it?"


Mi Shu, who suppressed his strength and fought against Su Xiao, became more and more frightened. He originally thought that the boss was just showing off. After all, rich people, who would really spend many years training hard?

But Su Xiao's Liuhe Quan is no show-off. It is absolutely impossible to achieve this without more than ten years of hard training, and hard training alone is not enough. You must have enough talent.

Well, there are also shortcomings, that is, the actual combat experience is...a bit poor!

More than ten minutes later, Su Xiao took the lead to distance herself, put her hands on her knees and waved:
"No fighting, no fighting, it's too tiring!"

It was okay at first, but later on, after Mishu understood his approximate strength, he used similar strength and strength, and his physical consumption doubled.

These ten minutes were much more tiring than an entire evening of in-depth communication with Ye Fanyan and the others.

However, Su Xiao also felt a hearty pleasure from fighting with a master like Mi Shu. Although he knew that Mi Shu had 100% suppressed his strength, it was still very satisfying.

It seems that I will add another hobby to my hobby in the future. In the past, fighting with girls may not necessarily involve real fists and kicks, but in the future, with Mishu, most of them will be real fights.

Sweat dripped down his forehead. After Su Xiao took a few deep breaths, he finally recovered. He looked at the passers-by holding up their mobile phones to take videos. He quickly picked up Mi Shu and ran in the direction he came from.

Passers-by thought this was part of the plot, but after waiting for more than ten minutes, they did not see any crew members, no hidden cameras or anything else.

"I bet, those two are not really martial arts masters, are they?"


Su Xiao didn't bother to care about the reactions of passers-by. When he was a child, he also imagined that he could become a martial arts master who could fly over walls and walls. Although he couldn't fly over walls and walls now, he could be regarded as a "little master" in any case, and he couldn't help but feel a little bit cheating in his heart. happiness.

Although I purchased the skill book before, I have never actually used it. Apart from improving my physical fitness, I haven't felt much change.

Today I have a clear understanding of my own strength.

However, Mishu's favorability has not changed at all. It seems that this is not enough.

I bought a bottle of [Small Physical Recovery Potion] in the system mall, and after using it, I immediately felt that most of my physical strength had been restored.

"Xiaomi, I feel that my boxing skills still have a lot to improve. Can we find a place where you can give me some pointers?"

Su Xiao started the second part of her plan.

Sure enough, Mi Shu's eyes flashed with surprise when he saw his boss recovering so quickly after the high-intensity fight just now.

She nodded and said:

"Okay, boss!"

However, there are not many places suitable for martial arts practice in the Grand Yuexi Resort. Su Xiao finally took Mi Shu to a private room in a hot spring pool, which was similar in style to the one yesterday.

The surrounding tree walls ensure privacy, and the soft open-air grass is perfect for practicing. When you are tired, you can take a bath in the pool, which is perfect!
After it was over, the fluffy lawn suffered a bit, but it was our property anyway.

At five o'clock in the afternoon, Mi Shu, who was both a martial arts instructor and a sparring partner, was obviously tired, but Su Xiao was still in high spirits, which shocked Mi Shu, who thought he had excellent physical strength.

Ever since, when Su Xiao returned from sweating profusely to full of energy, Mi Shu's eyes finally changed. The next moment, Su Xiao's insight saw that the number on Mi Shu's body representing the favorability degree, swish swish, swish, swish, From 88 points, it increased all the way to 95 points!
Lidya Su raised the corner of her mouth, it’s done!

(End of this chapter)

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