After the arrival of my Shenhao game

Chapter 203 I like to help my boss the most

Chapter 203 I like to help my boss the most

Although with the support of the system and Qingcheng, Su Xiao's mentality has completely changed. No matter who the opponent is, he is not afraid at all.

But it is still necessary to fully understand the information about the enemy and ourselves before doing anything. After all, only by knowing yourself and the enemy can you win every battle.

After determining Sun Lin's location and judging from the system prompts, one thing is certain, that is, if he wants to complete his revenge on Sun Lin, he will inevitably confront that "junior dangerous person" with assets of over 2000 billion. superior.

(The data has been slightly modified, although it is still quite exaggerated...)
Although the identity and specific information of the other party cannot be determined for the time being, the general scope can still be determined. After all, there are definitely not many people with assets exceeding 2000 billion.

"Who should I leave this matter to?"

Su Xiao wrote down the currently available candidates on paper:
Leng Yiyi, Li Ruzhen, Yan Qi, Mi Shu, Ji Yi!
Let’s ignore the others. Although Luo Yunsheng and Xi Tianyue’s comprehensive ratings are both in SS, they have only grown up in a relatively short period of time. When it comes to a super first-tier city like Magic City, their skills and bonds are not enough.

Not to mention others!
After thinking about it, he ruled out Ji Yi. If it was the imperial capital, Ji Yi should have some knowledge of the upper class circles there. The magical capital would probably be quite difficult.

Finally, Su Xiao set her sights on Yan Qi's name.

Although she has very bad luck when playing games and is weak in ideological work. She is the kind of character who is both good and fun-loving, but it should be the most appropriate task for her to be given.

Thinking of this, he opened Yan Qi's property panel:
[Illustrated Character - Yan Qi (No. 010)]: Age (26), height (164cm), weight (47kg);
Appearance rating: S;

Body rating: S;
Temperament rating: S+;

Overall rating: S.
Character skills: legendary law, legendary negotiation, master communication, master business understanding.

Character bonds: Spirit Tongue (exclusive bond, activated), Pheasant (activated), Lucky Focus (activated).

Judging from the attribute panel, the current Yan Qi is still a relatively conventional S-level character, but her skills are very strong, with two legendary levels and two master levels, which many S-level characters cannot achieve.

This is probably because she is a character included in the original game, so the panel is locked, otherwise she should be able to be promoted to SS level like Li Ruzhen.

However, Su Xiao also discovered that after the characters that were originally included in the game were re-included in the character illustration, their attributes would gradually improve as the number of in-depth exchanges increased.

Although it is not as fast as the newly included characters, it will definitely improve.

Just like Leng Yiyi and Ji Yi, Leng Yiyi was originally just an ordinary S-level character, but after following Su Xiao for a while, she has reached an S+ overall rating, and her appearance, figure, and temperament have been balanced and improved.

In terms of skills, Ji Yi is on par with Yan Qi, but the direction of proficiency is different, and her body attribute rating is one level higher than Yan Qi. Although Su Xiao only occasionally replenishes buffs, the two of them There have been many exchanges, and the driving record column has now grown to the number 25.

Therefore, her attributes only grew slower than Leng Yiyi, and her appearance and figure increased from S and SS to S+ and SS+.

Although the overall rating is still S+, it will definitely be promoted to SS level within a month.

Therefore, from the early stage, although Yan Qi is only an S-level character, his actual ability is not weaker than that of an SS-level character.

Not to mention the four high-level skills, which are her foundation for leading Qingqi Law Firm. The most special thing is her three bonds.

The exclusive bonded spirit tongue can greatly improve the flexibility of her tongue, and her defense, negotiation and communication skills have been greatly improved. Needless to say, its effects and specific conditions have been described in the extra chapter. clear.

What needs special mention is her third bond, Lucky Focus!

Luck focus (rare quality): A person's luck value is limited. This fetter can focus the character's luck value in the work field, greatly improving work efficiency and work results, but it will also be accompanied by a certain degree of side effects. These side effects are generally It will be reflected in your life outside of work!
This is why Su Xiao is not surprised at all that Yan Qi has always been unlucky in playing games.

However, she and Luo Yunsheng are relatively close, and their relationship should improve after they build a good relationship.

After all, to a certain extent, Luo Yunsheng is actually a protagonist template, but he has a more bumpy experience.

Thinking of this, he walked out of the study and came to the living room. On the sofa, Yan Qi, Luo Yunsheng and Ji Yi were still sleeping soundly.Hearing the footsteps, Ji Yi opened his eyes first and saw that it was Su Xiao. He quickly sat up and held the blanket to his chest.


Her voice was not loud, but it still woke Luo Yunsheng.

Luo Yunsheng stood up hurriedly, ignoring the blanket, and knelt down on the sofa respectfully and said:

Ji Yi, who has relatively good recovery ability, has almost recovered, but Luo Yunsheng is still relatively tired.

Lidya Su gently rubbed their faces and said gently:

"Go to the master bedroom and sleep!"

Hearing his words, the two nodded and were about to call Yan Qi, but were stopped by Su Xiao:

"I have something to do with Yanyan, just go and do it!"

Hearing this, a flash of realization flashed across Ji Yi's face, and there was a mixture of sympathy and envy in his eyes when he looked at Yan Qi, while Luo Yunsheng was just envious.

After the two of them entered the master bedroom, Su Xiao sat next to Yan Qi. At this time, she was still sleeping very soundly, pouting from time to time, which was a bit cute.

Su Xiao bought a bottle of [Small Physical Recovery Potion] for her to use. In her sleep, Yan Qi seemed to have eaten something delicious. Her pink tongue stuck out of her mouth and licked her lips, then she showed a happy smile. .

It's not that Su Xiao is reluctant to part with recovery potions with higher wealth values, it's just that there are only small ones in the current system mall. According to the system, higher-level skill books and props have to wait for the system mall to be upgraded.

The condition for upgrading the next-level system mall is that the host assets reach 1000 billion!

Although his assets have increased by more than 400 billion after acquiring the Junyuexi hotel chain, they are still far away from 1000 billion.

Before, Su Xiao felt that there was no rush and she could just unlock the assets steadily, but now she had to consider the conditions for upgrading the system mall.

After all, his opponent is a "junior dangerous character" with assets exceeding 2000 billion.

However, before that, Yan Qi must first lock the target!
He stretched out his hand to touch Yan Qi's rosy cheeks and called out softly:

"Yanyan, Yanyan!"

Hearing his voice, the smile on Yan Qi's face became thicker in his sleep. He raised his hand and grabbed Su Xiao's hand, putting it closer to his face. The warmth in his palm even in his sleep. Make her feel happy.

After realizing it, Yan Qi opened her eyes and saw Su Xiao next to her. She used to like to stay in bed and fell asleep in a second.

"Husband... no, boss, why are you here?"

Lidya Su did not answer, but scratched her straight nose and said:

"Have you had enough sleep? I need your help with something!"


Yan Qi's smart eyes rolled, and then he stretched out his smart tongue and licked his lips:
"Okay, I like to help the boss the most!"

(End of this chapter)

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