After the arrival of my Shenhao game

Chapter 210 Pretending to be a Couple

Chapter 210 Pretending to be a Couple

After reading Yun Wangqing's letter, Su Xiao suddenly understood.

It seemed that Yun Wangqing had found Sun Lin's location for him a long time ago, but Ye Xinyi wanted to leave the right of revenge to him, so he restricted others from taking action.

Only then did Su Xiao understand why Yun Wangqing gave him a set of Tomson first-grade real estate in the first place. After all, according to his preferences, he didn't really like the so-called Tomson first-grade property, even though the name was already famous!

He picked up the card from the previous envelope and pinched it with his left and right hands.

When you pinch it, you can clearly see an undetectable light sweeping across the card surface.

Putting the card and note back into the envelope and putting them away, Su Xiao entered the bedroom and closed the door. After more than ten minutes, she said:
"Xiaomi, come in!"

Hearing this, Mi Shu, who was guarding the door, pushed the door open and saw a middle-aged man standing by the window whose appearance changed drastically. He was immediately startled, but he had extremely high makeup and disguise skills, and his sharp eyesight She quickly discovered some flaws.

She was a little surprised and said:


Su Xiao's face and temperament were completely different from before, and she was a little confused:
"Xiaomi, how did you tell?"

Before going to bed last night, he used three newly acquired skill books. In his opinion, the most practical one was the Master Level Disguise Technique.

He had just used the materials he had prepared to disguise himself, turning himself into a handsome middle-aged man in his 40s. The young and handsome image he had before was completely gone, and his whole person showed a weathered appearance. The sense of depth, temperament and face are completely different from before.

In order to look more like him, he also put on a more mature navy blue suit. Unexpectedly, Mi Shu recognized him at a glance.

This made him a little depressed.

Seeing his depressed expression, Mishu explained:

"Boss, your disguise skills are very good. If I hadn't already learned the disguise technique, and I knew you were in the bedroom in advance, I wouldn't have recognized you so easily!"

Hearing this, Su Xiao's face looked much better, and he asked:
"Xiaomi, please help me see if there are any flaws!"

Mi Shu stepped forward, took the disguise tool from the side, and worked on Su Xiao's face and neck. It took nearly 10 minutes to finish.

After her second start, Su Xiao stood in front of the mirror again and looked at himself in the mirror. This time, even he couldn't help but realize that this was himself.

The texture and color of his face are consistent with his age, without any blemishes, and his temperament is more harmonious. Compared with his previous disguise, he is the difference between an apprentice and a master.

He looked at Mi Shu with a dull look. Seeing that Mi Shu was a little uncomfortable, he said:
"Xiaomi, it turns out that you are also so hypocritical and like to flatter your boss!"

This is not a very good technique. Compared to Mishu's technique, this is just a trick. No wonder it was seen so easily.

Hearing this, Mi Shu's face turned red and said:

"Compared to others, boss, your methods are indeed very good!"

Well, the implication is don't compare with her.

Su Xiao pulled her over angrily, raised his hand and slapped her pert buttocks, and said:

"You little Xiaomi, how dare you make fun of your own boss? Let me give you a taste of the Su family's secrets!"

With Mi Shu's strength, she could easily give Su Xiao a good chance, but she didn't resist at all and allowed Su Xiao to carry out his so-called family law.

Half a minute later, Su Xiao felt much better. She let go of the blushing Mi Shu and said, "Xiaomi, change your appearance and pretend to be a couple with me. Let's go out to do some errands!"

After saying this, the handsome middle-aged uncle Su Xiao walked out as if he didn't recognize his relatives, leaving a blushing Mi Shu alone in the bedroom!
Being spanked was definitely an unbearable insult to Mishu in the past, but after experiencing the game party the night before, her mentality had completely changed.

Although Su Xiao did not conquer her physically, her heart was completely conquered, so even if she was spanked, she was not angry at all.

And when she heard that Su Xiao asked her to disguise herself as husband and wife with him, she actually felt a little sweet in her heart, as if she had eaten honey, and her face showed a touch of joy and excitement that only a little girl can have.

After the door was closed for a while, she started to disguise herself.

About 15 minutes later, the bedroom door opened. Su Xiao, who was sitting outside, turned around subconsciously and was stunned at this sight.

The originally sassy and capable Mi Shu transformed into a voluptuous young woman.

I saw a woman wearing a dark red cheongsam standing with a smile. The well-cut cheongsam wrapped her exquisite and plump curves to the fullest. Her waist like a water snake swayed into a coveted graceful arc. At the hem of the cheongsam, a slit extended straight. Up to the thighs, when walking, the white snow dazzles people's eyes, and the spring light is looming, which is sultry.

Her hair, which was originally short and shoulder-length, now turned into long hair, coiled on the back of her head and fixed by a jade hairpin.

This was a change in clothing and temperament. Her face was also completely different from before. She looked exactly like a 31 or [-]-year-old woman. Her charming honey-like eyes gently glanced at Su Xiao, and her slightly raised eyebrows The corners of her eyes are filled with amorous feelings that are so strong that they are about to overflow.

If he hadn't known in advance that this was Mi Shu, Lidya Su would never have recognized it.

He stood up and came to the changed Mishu to take a closer look, then walked around her again, still not finding any flaws.

Suddenly he couldn't help but tsk his tongue and said:

"Xiaomi, your disguise skills are incredible!"

Hearing this, the charming and silky Mi Shu covered her mouth and smiled softly, and said in a soft voice:

"Haha, thank you for the compliment, husband..."

Good guy, even the voice has changed!
Su Xiao focused his eyes on the fullness of her chest and the erectness of her back, and said in surprise:

"Xiaomi, can you disguise yourself at this size?"

Mishu's face turned red:
"Fuck it, boss!"

Su Xiao naturally knew, nodded and said:
"I can't tell at all. Sure enough, seeing may not necessarily be believing!"

Looking away from the two places, he asked curiously:
"Xiaomi, how did your voice change? Please teach me!"

The master-level disguise technique can only change the face and temperament, but does not modify the voice at all. If you meet a familiar person, it will be exposed as soon as you speak.

Ever since, Mi Shu spent more than half an hour explaining voice control techniques to Su Xiao.

With Su Xiao's current learning ability and body control, in half an hour, she has mastered more than ten voice techniques, such as the right voice, the young voice, the puppy voice, the uncle voice, the middle-aged voice, and the old voice. That doesn't feel inconsistent at all.

He even learned the girly voice and the royal voice, which is enough to trick otakus into wanting to stop chatting online!
"Honey, it's time for us to go out!"

Su Xiao said in a calm, powerful and unhurried voice, full of maturity and confidence after experiencing the world.

(End of this chapter)

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