After the arrival of my Shenhao game

Chapter 214: More money, less work, less life, the God of Wealth

Chapter 214: More money, less work, less life, the God of Wealth

More than two hours had passed after Su Xiao took turns to perform the family skills he had summarized.

A little bit of the annoyance that had been pent up in her heart was swept away. Su Xiao, who was in a good mood, fell asleep with Mi Shu in her arms. It was around seven o'clock in the evening when she was woken up by the ringing of her cell phone.

It was a call from Xi Tianyue:
"Brother, aren't you in the hotel?"

Su Xiao looked at Mi Shu who had woken up and replied with a smile:

"I'm outside, come back now!"

On the other end of the phone, Xi Tianyue said in a sweet voice:
"Okay brother, we are waiting for you to have dinner together!"

After hanging up the phone, Su Xiao gently patted Mi Shu on the shoulder:

"Let's go, Xiaomi, let's change clothes and go back to the hotel!"

Mishu nodded, but did not get up. Instead, he pulled the quilt and wrapped himself up, leaving only his head outside.

"You change first!"

Is this shy?
Su Xiao smiled, got up and got dressed, then walked out of the bedroom.

The living room is a bit messy. It seems that I will have to hire someone to clean it regularly. Anyway, Lidya Su doesn't like to clean up the house. Every time it is messed up, someone else is responsible for cleaning it up.

After waiting in the living room for a few minutes, Mi Shu came out of the bedroom. Her clothes were a little wrinkled, but her change of clothes was all at the hotel, so she had to wear them first.

There was easy traffic jam at night, and the distance to Jinmiao Building was very short, so the two of them simply walked back. At their own speed, they got back to the downstairs of Jinmiao Building in less than 10 minutes.

After having dinner with Xi Tianyue, Li Ruzhen and Leng Yiyi, the three of them went to work again, which made Lidya Su feel a little distressed.

However, before leaving, Xi Tianyue coaxed Su Xiao and said:

"I'm sorry, brother. You came to the Magic City with us, but we were too busy to accompany you. How about I ask Wanwan and the three of them to fly to the Magic City tonight. In this case, someone will accompany you tomorrow!"

Tsk, working for himself, but he is afraid that his boss will be boring, and he will drag his best friend to accompany him to relieve his boredom. Xi Tianyue's love brain is getting more and more terrifying.

Lidya Su rubbed her head and said helplessly:
"Are you trying to drain me dry?"

Is it possible that she also has a system, so she knows that he has such heaven-defying skills as the Golden Kidney Fighter?
Otherwise, according to common sense, no matter how powerful a person is, he cannot withstand such a high-intensity continuous rotation, right?
Unexpectedly, Xi Tianyue chuckled:
"I know you are in great shape, brother, so I won't!"

This is true, Su Xiao's physical strength is noticed by everyone, especially with Leng Yiyi, a medical master, who can clearly know his physical condition even without professional equipment to detect it!

Su Xiao looked at Leng Yiyi, who was standing not far away, and immediately understood that the enemy had obtained information about her. No wonder, except for Li Ruzhen, no one else had ever worried that they would collapse because of that.

Well, once again the importance of information in battle is demonstrated.

He stroked Xi Tianyue's increasingly attractive moist face and smiled:

"You are busy with your business, don't worry about me, I have business to do when I come to the capital!"


Xi Tianyue tilted his head, blinked his big watery eyes twice, and said in an astonishing voice:
"Brother, which pretty girl have you fallen in love with? Do you need our help?"

Su Xiao vomited blood, buddy, in your eyes, is he a man who only indulges in beauty?

Even if it is, then I can't do anything else?When it comes to business, does it have to be about beautiful women?
Well, although it does have something to do with beautiful women, I don't want to collect it, but I want to collect interest, and then consider how to get the principal back several times.

But he didn't plan to tell Xi Tianyue and the others about Sun Lin, so he had no choice but to say:
"What do you think about every day in your little head?"

"Okay, it's really business. Don't you still want to go to Tian Xingjian in the CN area with Zhenzhen? Go quickly!" After hearing this, Xi Tianyue finally remembered the business, leaned his head and kissed Lidya Su for a while. , and then he pulled away.

"Then boss, I'm going to work too!"

Now that he has returned to Jun Yuexi, on his own territory, Su Xiao's safety has an extra layer of protection. In addition, knowing the strength of his boss, Mi Shu can relax and don't have to follow him all the time.

Although Su Xiao said she would follow Sun Lin tomorrow, she still needed to step in early.

As for Su Xiao, she hasn't had time to help her record Tang Chen's first-grade palm prints?

There is no impact at all. With her strength, entering and exiting a community is like walking on flat ground, even if it is a strict community.

emmm...except for certain areas of the imperial capital!
After Mishu left, Su Xiao was the only one left in the suite, which suddenly felt a bit uncomfortable.

Then play a game to entertain yourself!

I picked up my phone and sent a message to Qiqi, my companion I hadn’t contacted for several days:
"Qiqi, are you free? Let's play some games!"

This time, I didn’t reply instantly like before. It took nearly half a minute before I received Qiqi’s message:


"Yes, yes, boss, if you have time, call me immediately!"

One minute ago, in a small apartment in the magical city of Minhang, Wen Qi sent the unkind landlady to the door.

"Qiqi, you said it, one day at most, and we have to move out the day after tomorrow!"

Wen Qi, who was wearing cartoon pajamas, had a flattering look on her face:
"Okay, okay, sister Niu, don't worry, I will definitely find a house tomorrow, and I will move in immediately!"

The landlady, who had made a slight transition to horizontal development, said helplessly:

"That's the best! But according to me, Qiqi, you can really think about it..."

Wen Qi skillfully took two steps back, then waved to the landlady with a smile and closed the door with a click!
In response to this, the landlady who was blocked in the second half of the sentence was not angry, she just muttered angrily:

"Sure enough, he is an arrogant young man. He doesn't know how precious the Magic City household registration is. Wouldn't it be nice for him to find a good family at the same age as Hua and avoid decades of detours?"

After saying that, he shook his head helplessly, as if feeling pity for Wen Qi.

In the room, Wen Qi, who was obviously relieved, raised her hand to stroke the steep curve of her body hidden in her loose pajamas. She subconsciously picked up her phone and scanned it. After seeing clearly the note of the sender, her heart skipped a beat.

The God of Wealth descends to earth again?

He immediately used his 18-year-old hand speed to reply to the message. After a few seconds, he received a message from the boss whom he had noted as the "God of Wealth with lots of money and little work to do":

"OK, I'm still playing Peace Elite today, I'm a little tired of pesticides!"

A few days ago, Su Xiao would call her whenever she played a game. If it was pesticide, then she was the guarantee of victory. She would escort Su Xiao every time with her game understanding and operating skills that surpassed that level.

If she had the advantage, she would let Su Xiao perform to her heart's content. If she had the disadvantage, she could reverse the outcome by herself. Of course, what satisfied Su Xiao the most was her scolding battle, which was almost invincible.

But when it comes to Peace Elite, her marksmanship is actually not as good as Su Xiao, who has precise sniping. Then she changes her path and becomes a mobile logistics soldier. Whether it is a gun, armor or a head, she will search for it as quickly as possible. Then he sent it to Lidya Su thoughtfully!

Today I finally came to life again!

(Because everyone doesn’t like interlude games, I won’t write it in detail, just for the plot)
(End of this chapter)

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