After the arrival of my Shenhao game

Chapter 226: Aren’t we alone together? Why are there so many people?

Chapter 226: Aren’t we alone together? Why are there so many people?

(There is a story)

Hearing his answer, Li Ruzhen was stunned.

Because Lidya Su couldn't satisfy herself, so she left?

Li Ruzhen's fair and pretty face suddenly turned red like a late autumn apple, and she spat:

"In your heart, am I like this?"

Although it was indeed crazy when the two of them were together, was it so exaggerated?

Lidya Su raised her eyebrows and asked:
"Is not it?"

These words made Li Ruzhen blush even more. She rolled her eyes at Lidya Su. Then she glanced casually and noticed something. The anger in her eyes turned into coquettishness. Then she leaned back, raised one foot, and pointed her toes. Put it on Lidya Su’s knee.

"What about you now, hubby? Can you do it now?"

In the past, Su Xiao would definitely not be able to tolerate this most excessive provocation.

But now, he looked along Li Ruzhen's feet, finally stopped at her face, and said of course:
"What do you think? You should know best, right?"

Well, after the two were separated again, Su Xiao's changes were earth-shaking. This made Li Ruzhen sometimes wonder if he had taken some genius treasure or practiced the Huangdi Neijing or something, otherwise how could he have made such great progress? ?

Even with her physique developed through years of yoga, she was completely unmatched.

Li Ruzhen was a little discouraged. When he wanted to pull his leg back, Su Xiao reached out and grabbed it.

"Are you tired during this time? Let me squeeze your legs!"

Lidya Su said gently.

When the two were together in the past, Lidya Su often helped her pinch her legs, but now her technique is more skillful.

Hearing this, Li Ruzhen did not refuse, but leaned down to make it easier for Su Xiao to press.

She closed her eyes slightly, with a happy smile on her slightly tipsy face. The picture appeared in her mind, and she once again recalled the scene when the two knew each other and fell in love.

The encounter between the two was not too special. Su Xiao, who had just started working, met her by chance on the subway, and then blushed and asked her for her contact information.

He had just graduated from school and entered a listed company. He was young, sunny and confident, but he was shy when facing her. Li Ruzhen found it interesting and gave him her contact information.

However, she didn't think much about it at that time. She was just an innocent little boy, even though she was only one year older than him.

Later, Lidya Su sent her messages from time to time, but her words were very clumsy.

Li Ruzhen, who was bored alone in Yuncheng, regarded it as a small pleasure in life, and teased him from time to time when chatting with Su Xiao.

Later she learned that Su Xiao had been introverted since childhood due to family reasons. Although she was relatively open with familiar people or classmates, she would shrink into her own world when facing strangers or unfamiliar environments.

Asking her for her contact information was probably the boldest thing he had done in so many years.

Then, she was slowly attracted by his simplicity and purity, and they became boyfriend and girlfriend in a confused way. They lived together directly after being together for three months. Although the progress was not rapid, it was definitely not slow.

After all, many couples sleep in the same bed as soon as they get together and live together the next day.


Su Xiao's massage technique was very skillful. The pressure on her legs made her feel numb and comfortable, and her fatigue seemed to dissipate.

After a while, Li Ruzhen, who felt much more comfortable, retracted his legs, turned around and knelt on the wooden recliner, floating on the back of the recliner, and looked up at the beautiful night view in front of him.

"So beautiful, hubby!"

Her eyes were full of smiles, and her eyes reflected the splendor of the world and the ideals of the world.Su Xiao's eyes were also looking at the beautiful scenery, with a glimmer of light and morning dew in her eyes. He stood up and came behind her, put his arms around her slender waist, and at the same time bowed slightly, his white shirt stuck to her behind, and his voice was gentle. road:

"Yeah, so beautiful!"

Regarding his actions, Li Ruzhen didn't look back, he just felt that the beauty in this world is nothing more than this. Since the past has become the past, let him go. Maybe these years have been wasted and almost missed him.

But as long as the result remains the same, that's fine. Now, the person around him is still him, and he still thinks of himself in his heart, that's enough.

She closed her eyes and enjoyed this most beautiful moment. In front of her was the most prosperous and beautiful scenery of the Magic City. Behind her was the person she loved most. The lights around her were ambiguous, and moving music was echoing at the same time.

How great would it be if we could turn this moment into eternity?

She straightened up, still holding the wooden backrest with both hands, but turned her head slightly, and then put her warm red lips in front of Lidya Su.

The atmosphere of the date is gradually heating up!


At nine o'clock in the evening, Su Xiao and Li Ruzhen, who were slightly drunk, sat back in the back seat of the Rolls-Royce Phantom and then returned to the Grand Yuexi Hotel.

She originally thought that Xi Tianyue and Leng Yiyi hadn't come back yet, or would stay in other rooms, but when Su Xiao carried the soft Li Ruzhen into the presidential suite, and was about to take her to wash up and have an early rest, she saw the sofa in the lobby. On top, there were eight beauties sitting impressively!

Xi Tianyue and Leng Yiyi naturally wouldn't surprise Su Xiao. It was reasonable for Mi Shu to be called. Even Yan Qi came in advance, so Su Xiao felt it was normal.

But why is Ye Fanyan here too?
Besides her, Xi Tianyue's three lieutenants, Mu Jingwan, Xie Yuran and Liu Sujin, were also there?


Didn't you say that you were alone with Li Ruzhen? Why were there so many people?

Seeing his surprised face, Xi Tianyue smiled and said:

"Hehe, brother, are you surprised?"

She went on to explain:

"Sister Zhenzhen, Sister Yiyi and I are leaving for Hangzhou tomorrow. I won't be able to stay with you for a long time, so I called Wanwan, Susu and Yuran. I’m with you!”

"Sister Yan just finished handling the affairs of Yuncheng, so she came over together, and the same goes for Qi Qi!"

"Oh, by the way, sister Ji Yi won't be here for two days!"

"As for why they appear here now..."

Speaking of this, Li Ruzhen took over the conversation and said:

"Of course it's to kill your arrogance!"

"When we played Ludo before, I didn't fully participate. Today I'm going to let you see how powerful we are!"

Su Xiao was happy. Although Li Ruzhen did not fully participate before, there were Luo Yunsheng, Guan Zhiyao and Ji Yi. Even though Li Ruzhen was more powerful, there was not much difference after the two offset each other.

However, since they are so overconfident, Lidya Su doesn't mind teaching them how to behave and letting them see how powerful they are!
Immediately waved his hand and said:
"Okay, let's not waste time then. We won't play flying chess or anything like that, and let's go straight to the topic!"

His arrogant look made several people present itch with hatred, and they immediately said in unison:


...See the episode for details...

(End of this chapter)

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