After the arrival of my Shenhao game

Chapter 228 Su Xiao’s enemy, a force exceeding one trillion

Chapter 228 Su Xiao’s enemy, a force exceeding one trillion
Gently rubbing Yan Qi's head, Su Xiao heard and said:
"Okay, you go to work first!"

Yan Qi grunted, nodded and retreated.

After taking a final glance at the information, I found a person’s detailed information:
Li Yiping, the major shareholder of FG Club, is also the half-brother of Lin Yixing, the current leader of Xunli Group.

Lin Yixing was one of the three people Su Xiao had circled before. Su Xiao had already met the first two, and they were all famous characters. This Lin Yixing must be similar.

Behind the Xunli Group is the Li family, a senior business family that made its fortune in the 70s and 4000s. However, the real breakthrough period for the Li family came after Lin Yixing took over the Xunli Group. In less than ten years, it was A group with total assets of less than [-] billion has developed into a behemoth with total assets of more than [-] billion, which shows its ability.

Strictly speaking, Lin Yixing was just the illegitimate son of the Li family. Even so, he relied on his own ability to win the heir struggle. In the end, even Li Yinian, who was also one of the heir candidates, had to be willing to become his deputy. .

As for Li Yiping, he was still young at the time and was unable to participate in the fight for the successor. By the time he came of age, Lin Yixing was already in power, and no one in the entire family dared to raise an objection.

Even if he wants to change his surname to his mother's, Lin!
After accepting the reality, Li Yiping simply settled down to be his rich second-generation playboy. Since his family had a lot of money to spend and he liked to play games, he directly purchased a game club and asked the team members to help him score points whenever he had something to do.

Therefore, when he saw Wen Qi, who was top-notch in gaming skills and good-looking, he was immediately attracted.

The subsequent development of things was exciting to see. After being rejected time and time again by Wen Qi, he became angry and wanted to suppress Wen Qi through the club and let her know his energy.

It's a pity that Wen Qi is the kind of character who takes advantage of the weak and refuses to accept the strong, and she really dislikes Li Yiping's appearance. She is so powerful and unyielding that even if she is banned, she will not bow down at all!
But Li Yiping was also a fool. The more Wen Qi refused to agree, the more he wanted her to surrender. He began to suppress Wen Qi through various contracts. In the end, even the money earned from the companionship platform was confiscated. If it weren't for Su Xiao, she is probably going to live on the street.

Of course, this is what Li Yiping wants to see.

However, during this period, Li Yiping seemed to have found a new partner and was pursuing her fiercely. For a while, he neglected Wen Qi's situation, so much so that he didn't even know that his home had been stolen.

"Li Yiping, Lin Yixing..."

Su Xiao wrote these two names on the white paper, and then added Li Yinian, Lu Yao and Xue Jingshan.

A line was drawn between Li Yiping and Li Yinian, which said "brother", and then both of them connected to Lin Yixing, and the line was marked "brother", but the difference is that Lin Yixing's name was marked with the word "brother" for an illegitimate child. The word "private".

Finally, based on the information collected by Yan Qi's subordinates in the past few days, a dotted line was drawn between Lin Yixing, Lu Yao and Xue Jingshan, with the names of several companies written in small letters on it, "Yinyu Live Broadcast" , "Xinju Energy", "Shaobo Group", "Hanyu Technology"...

The common feature of these companies is that they are backed by tripartite forces represented by Lin Yixing, Lu Yao and Xue Jingshan, and they have cross-shareholdings.

If it weren't for the strong ability of Yan Qi's men, or if it weren't for the powerful information network of the Qingcheng Group, it would be difficult to find out these things. After all, these companies and the holders of their shares are basically at odds with the three people identified by Su Xiao. It doesn't matter.

Su Xiao held the pen in her hand and tapped her fingers lightly on the table, making a tapping sound.

After thinking for a few seconds, Su Xiao added Sun Lin's name at the bottom.

It is still unclear who among these three people is standing behind Sun Lin, but no matter who it is, it seems that Su Xiao will face these three forces head-on.

According to the current valuation, Xunli Group represented by Lin Yixing has a comprehensive valuation of 100 billion, Dongneng Group represented by Lu Yao has a comprehensive valuation of 300 billion, plus Tonghe Group represented by Xue Jingshan, the comprehensive valuation 600 billion. The total of these three parties is a terrifying 7000 trillion!You know, as a state-owned enterprise, ICBC only has a market value of 1.72 trillion!

But now, Su Xiao has not even reached the threshold of [-] billion.

Of course, if Ye Xinyi or the Four Secretaries take action, let alone these three forces, even if they increase their power ten times more, they will be easily crushed.

But unfortunately, this mission is limited!

However, Su Xiao did not have any thoughts of retreat, but instead felt a fighting spirit.

"Before the system is upgraded, let's fight this little shrimp first!"

Su Xiao murmured to herself, but her eyes were focused on Li Yiping's name.

It just so happened that Wen Qi's side mission was also related to him, so he simply handled it together.

However, during this period, Li Yiping seemed to be licking the new goddess he met. What was her name?Su Xiao turned to the last page of the information and saw a woman's name: Yu Ziqing!

It seems that he is an [-]th-tier starlet. With his superb appearance and unique temperament, he became famous as soon as he signed a contract with an agency a few years ago, but then he gradually disappeared from the news.

After glancing at the reason, well, it's very bullshit. She's another female star who doesn't want to accept the unspoken rules and is hidden in the snow.

Why do you think there are always some people in these companies who think from the bottom of their bodies?Can't we make full use of resources and let her help the company make money?
Lidya Su shook her head. Although she knew that the entertainment industry was in such chaos, she still felt a little speechless.

Of course, this may also be because there are too many beauties around him, and each one of them has looks and figures that are no worse than those of female celebrities.

He sent a message to Yan Qi:
"Yan Yan, check Yu Ziqing's address for me. Oh, she is the [-]th-tier female star that Li Yiping is pursuing!"

"Good boss!"

Less than 2 minutes later, Su Xiao received a location on her mobile phone. She opened the map and saw that it was not far away, so she immediately got up and went out.

At the same time, somewhere far away in the outskirts of Yuncheng, the wretched young man Muchuan Kusha of Sakura, who had been kicked unconscious by Mu Jingwan's small leather shoe, ran out of a secluded path in ragged clothes, his body and face His skin was bruised and purple, and dirty, and there were obvious marks on his wrists and ankles.

He looked behind him with a panic look on his face, and was relieved when he found that no one was chasing him. He quickly came to the road and waved for a taxi, but he looked like a beggar, who would be willing to take him?

In the end, a slaughterhouse pig truck "kindly" took him to the city, but he did not dare to contact the Qi Group, which came specifically to discuss cooperation this time.

There was only one thought in his mind, and that was to quickly return to Sakura Country and report the "insider story" he discovered to the president!
(End of this chapter)

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