After the arrival of my Shenhao game

Chapter 236: Good looks, but not good character?

Chapter 236: Good looks, but not good character?

[Ding, congratulations to the host for activating the side mission: Stupid people have more money! 】

Hearing the name of this mission, Su Xiao's head immediately ran into black threads. Was she trying to make herself the victim of that stupid and wealthy person?

However, after seeing the content of the mission, his expression improved a lot.

[Foolish people have too much money: The host’s reward money spent on the live broadcast platform will be returned 10 to 100 times through various channels!Limited time of seven days! (Note: No rewards are allowed at will. In the case of non-host PK, the reward amount cannot exceed 1000 million. In the case of PK, there is no limit, but the opponent’s PK value must not be less than 1/5 of the host, otherwise no refund will be obtained!)]

You are the one who is being taken advantage of if you co-author others, so that’s okay!
Ten times the return, Su Xiao looked at the amount, then looked at the task restrictions, and nodded, it was interesting!
The amount of random rewards cannot exceed 1000 million, and even if it is the highest return of 1000 times, it is only one billion. For Su Xiao now, this is basically a sprinkle of water, which is better than nothing.

But the PK between anchors is much more interesting. As long as the other party's PK value is not less than one-fifth of your own, there is no limit. In other words, if you earn one billion, you may return 100 to 1000 billion. , but such an opponent is hard to find, right?

After all, although there are people who are really stupid and have a lot of money, they are not many, so this requires a little bit of skill.

Let’s start with Wen Qi’s live broadcast room!

At this time, Wen Qi had already rejected the other party's PK invitation. She was used to playing games quietly during live broadcasts and never competed with others. First, she knew her own situation and few fans would give her gifts. PK must lose!

The second is that even if there is support from fans, she does not want to cheat fans' money. She knows that the so-called PK is to induce and encourage fans to spend money, so there are various misfortunes and various emotions when anchors PK. .

Even most of the time, the anchors of the two parties will cooperate with each other and belittle each other in order to excite the fans of the other party. As long as their heads are heated, they will easily consume.

At this time, the audience who had been leading the rhythm in the live broadcast room began to continue to be weird:

"Tsk tsk, I have to say that the team leader sister is really cowardly. Every time she is invited by other anchors to PK, she refuses without hesitation!"

"I think it's pretty good, at least I'm self-aware!"

"Isn't it the tradition of lone wolves? I didn't get along with others when I was in the FG team, and it's the same when I become a host..."

At this time, the previous anchor sent a PK invitation again, and this time Su Xiao finally saw the other party's ID: Qingdi!
Well, it looks like a very popular name, and he seems to be a big anchor?

Su Xiao immediately sent a barrage:
Su Qinggu: Anchor, fight him!

However, his level 3 mark is very conspicuous, and he is basically just a white number, without any title or title.

The little black guys in the live broadcast room naturally ignored it and pretended not to see it, but Wen Qi's sharp eyes showed surprise when he saw this familiar nickname?
This ID couldn't be the boss, right?
Immediately, her mobile phone WeChat also received a message from Lidya Su:
"You are live broadcasting, right? Accept the PK invitation, or I will ask you to move out of the hotel and live on the overpass!"

PK is just PK, why do you bring someone threatening?
She pouted and read out Su Xiao's barrage just now:
"Anchor, fight him?"

"Okay, since the brothers asked me to do it, let me PK it once. Playing games every day happens to be quite boring!"

With that said, he answered Qingdi's PK invitation!
The next moment, the live broadcast screen was divided into two. A man sitting in the boss's chair appeared on the left, and Wen Qi's desktop appeared on the right. In addition to a brand-new keyboard and mouse, there was also a pair of fair and slender hands.

"Haha, Miss Qiqi, right? You're very assertive. I invited you several times before you agreed!"

The anchor opposite looked young, probably in his twenties, with a slicked back hair, shiny with hairspray, and a burgundy suit. He looked very coquettish.

However, compared to Li Yiping, his figure is much better, he can barely stand up, and with the blessing of beautiful face, he also looks somewhat handsome.

The place where he live broadcasts is an atmospheric office, with a sign hanging behind him that says "magnanimous" written in cursive, but he is often regarded as a "slut".

After hearing this, Wen Qi said calmly:

"How dare you, Qingshen, I'm just a bad gamer. I've never done PK before. I don't have that kind of strength. Today, a brother from the live broadcast room asked me to PK, so I just wanted to fight, but I couldn't beat Qingshen anyway." God, just think of it as bringing joy to everyone!" These words were quite right, leaving Qingdi with nothing to refute, but because she did not show her face, Qingdi said again:

"I've long heard that FG's Qiqi is as beautiful as a flower, but I've never had the chance to see her. Why are you PKing with me and showing only one hand? Is it because you don't have the face to see people or do you look down on my brothers in the live broadcast room?"

He didn't say he looked down on him, but instead mentioned the fans in his live broadcast room.

Sure enough, the next moment, a large number of viewers poured into Wen Qi's live broadcast room, and as soon as they entered, they started to swipe the screen:
"PK uses a keyboard to broadcast? Who are you looking down on?"

"My hands are pretty, but it's a pity that I don't have the face to see anyone!"

"The hot chick anchor has no education at all. Go back and have a baby..."

"Is this kind of person worthy of being a host? Not only is he ugly, but his character is also bad..."


Wen Qi was okay, she was used to it after all, but Lidya Su frowned.

Sure enough, it is the Internet. There are all kinds of monsters and monsters, and they are basically the kind of people who are submissive in reality and attack hard on the Internet. Su Xiao hates this kind of people from the bottom of his heart.

Immediately sent a WeChat message to Wen Qi:
"Show your face and live broadcast, there will be rewards for good performance!"


Wen Qi blinked cutely when she saw the news. Thinking of Su Xiao's generosity, this reward should not be bad, right?
Thinking of this, she said:

"Okay, since Qingshen asked, I will show my face on the live broadcast. Although Qiqi looks ordinary, she won't be embarrassed!"

After saying that, he stretched out his hand and started to adjust the camera.

Soon, the youthful Wen Qi appeared in the camera.

The barrage paused for a second, and then began to refresh the screen like crazy:
"Beautiful beauty..."

However, it was soon covered by trolls’ barrage:

"She is indeed good-looking, but her character is not that good..."

"It's true that my appearance is not bad, but it's a pity that my character is questionable!"


The Qing Emperor opposite was obviously slightly surprised by Wen Qi's appearance, and as an anchor, he could tell that Wen Qi basically didn't use beauty. After getting used to seeing all kinds of beauties with complex compositions on the Internet, Wen Qi An original young beauty like Qi is particularly precious.

This caused the lsp gene in Qingdi's body to start beating.

"Haha, sister Qiqi, let's start PK!"

After the PK bar appeared and the two sides started PK, Qingdi continued:

"Sister Qiqi, let's decide on a punishment. If you lose, I'll win ten carnivals for you. If you lose, I'll leave you my contact information. How about we have a meal together if we have a chance?"

(End of this chapter)

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