After the arrival of my Shenhao game

Chapter 245 Are you going to lose because you are so weak?Shocking reversal

Chapter 245 Are you going to lose because you are so weak?Shocking reversal
"Su Qinggu gives away Carnival ×32460!"

"Su Qinggu gives away Carnival ×32480!"

"Su Qinggu gives away Carnival ×32500!"

"Su Qinggu..."

In Wen Qi's live broadcast room, although Su Qinggu's gifts never stopped floating on the screen, there were too many celebrities in Qingdi's live broadcast room, and the value of the gifts soon exceeded it again. At this time, Wen Qi's gifts came To more than 700 million, Qingdi's has just exceeded [-] million, and the gap between the two sides is about to widen.

In order to ensure the victory, Qing Emperor kept shouting to encourage his allies in the live broadcast room to keep up their efforts. The barrage in the live broadcast room also read "Qing Emperor goes to war, not even a blade of grass will grow!"

And the situation seems to be gradually becoming clearer. Although the big guys on Qingdi's side are not like Su Qinggu, who can continuously clear three groups of 20 carnivals in one second, they are better because there are more people, so they are still slightly better!
When there were 40 seconds left in the PK time, Qingdi's gift had surpassed Wen Qi's by more than 900 million, and was about to exceed 1000 million.

Seeing this, Emperor Qing was very excited. No matter how he won, as long as he won in the end, everything would be decided by him. After all, only the winner has the right to speak.

Dare you step on me and get the upper hand?
After the PK is over, I'll ask Yinyu to check your information and see if I don't kill you?

If you make me lose so much money and don't let you pay it back with interest, I don't believe Xue!
On the other side, in Jun Yuexi's presidential suite, Yan Qi, who had regained his strength, approached Xie Yuran to check the situation. Seeing that there was only a little more than half a minute left in the PK, Wen Qi was actually lagging behind, and he suddenly became anxious!
"Boss, we are lagging behind, what should we do?"

In her eyes, no matter what her boss does, she must win. If she loses, it means she is incompetent!

But now it's too late to recharge, so she can only worry!
Su Xiao, who was busy on the other side, said indifferently:

"Phew, it's okay. If you lose, you lose. Just call back next time!"

The task of being stupid and rich has seven days, so it doesn't matter if you lose once. Besides, he is really out of time. Didn't you see that he is playing Landlord with Mu Jingwan and Liu Sujin?
There are hundreds of millions and billions of Happy Beans involved, and the PK between Wen Qi and Qing Emperor is only over 1 million Chinese coins. There is no comparison at all!

Yan Qi opened his mouth, but finally sighed helplessly, only blaming himself for not living up to expectations.

At the same time, the audience in Wen Qi's live broadcast room also felt a little pity:
"Oh, Su Shen's firepower is fierce, but unfortunately the time is not enough. There are only thirty seconds left, and the gap is almost 1000 million. How can we fight like this?"

"The Shenhao Support Team is indeed worthy of its reputation!"

"There are too many people on the other side and there's nothing we can do..."

"It's a pity. It would be great if Su Shen could have one or two reinforcements..."

"Where are the reinforcements coming from? Besides Su Shen, who in Yinyu dares to compete with Qingshen's Shenhao support group?"

"After all, we are weak and weak..."

"As I say, defeat is still an honor!"

"Defeated is glorious!"

"Defeated is glorious!"

"Defeated is glorious!"


Just when everyone thought that the battle of the century was over, Qingdi and his Shenhao support group continued to crush their opponents, but something unexpected happened again!

First, two super emperors entered the scene:

Welcome [杦桎] to the live broadcast room!Welcome [Sorrow at the End of Love] to the live broadcast room!

As soon as you enter, three groups of 20 carnivals will appear in one second!
Almost at the same time, four prompts for activating the Super Emperor appeared:

"Yueyue loves Susu and opens the super emperor!"

"Yiyiai's husband passed on to the super emperor!"

"This heart is really a super emperor!"

"Xiao Yanyan activates the Super Emperor!"

The moment the four of them activated the Super Emperor, a carnival rain began to fall!
"Yueyue loves Susu and gives away Carnival ×20!"

"Yiyi loves her husband and gives away Carnival ×20!"

"Shinichi Shinichi gives away Carnival ×20!"

"Xiao Yanyan gives away Carnival ×20!"

"杝桎 Send out Carnival ×80!"

"Sorrowing for the end of love, I send you Carnival × 60!"


Not only were the two Super Emperors, Gao Jue and Ai Yuqingmo, who had just entered the scene, a carnival of three groups x 20 per second, but the same was true for the four newly activated Super Emperors later. For a time, Wen Qi’s live broadcast room plus those who had been While Su Qinggu was doing the painting, a total of seven super emperor gifts kept floating on the screen!
One person earns 18 per second, and seven equals 126 million. The gift gap that was originally close to tens of millions was overtaken in just 12 seconds!

Moreover, Wen Qi's gift bars continue to increase sharply!
Seeing the PK that originally ended in only half a minute, his side's steady winning situation reversed in just ten seconds, Qingdi was confused, and the wealthy people who came to his live broadcast room were also confused.

Of course, the same goes for the viewers in the live broadcast rooms on both sides!
This somewhat fantasy scene was something that no one expected, and because the floating screen was too intense and frequent, the website was somewhat laggy, and the barrage crashed directly.

The tycoons in Qingdi's live broadcast room want to continue chasing, but no matter how they click, the phone is still very laggy. The gift that could have been delivered three times in one second has become once every three seconds, as if it has entered slow motion. Will be able to react.

On the other hand, the seven super emperors on Wen Qi's side were not affected at all. Although the website was still stuck, the rhythm of gift delivery was not disturbed at all.

Countdown: 3, 2, 1!

The PK is over!

I don’t know why, although Yinyu’s website is extremely laggy, the PK bars of both parties are clearly displayed in front of everyone:
Qingdi VS Qiqi, be happy!
109 billion: 4267 billion!
The remaining fractions have nothing to do with the overall situation and are simply erased. This is converted into Chinese currency, which is 1.09 million: 1.41 million!
Qingdi and Qiqi should be happy that this 10-minute PK, which was comparable to the battle of the century, ushered in a shocking reversal in the last 30 seconds!

After falling behind by nearly 1000 million, he directly surpassed 200 million. The most amazing thing among them is naturally Su Qinggu who was fierce from the beginning to the last second!
In 10 minutes, except for a ten-second pause in the middle, he fought from the beginning to the end. Of the 1.4 million gift value, he alone made [-] million, which was outrageous!
This is no longer a big spend, this is a big spend of [-] million!
I can’t imagine how rich he is in reality!

After all, just because he can spread [-] million doesn’t mean he only has [-] million!

Of course, the six heroes who popped up in the last 30 seconds of this battle are also worth talking about!

Some people who often watch Yinyu live broadcasts have heard that they are two rich and handsome men. They often spend money in beautiful women's live broadcast rooms, and it is also two people to let beautiful anchors airborne. People's daily life.

But they rarely participate in this kind of PK battle, and even Yinyu's year doesn't want to participate. How could they get involved in the battle between Qingshen and Sushen?
And there are the four newly activated Super Emperors. How come their names are all girls?

(End of this chapter)

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