After the arrival of my Shenhao game

Chapter 250 Departure, FG Club

Chapter 250 Departure, FG Club

In the next two days, Wen Qi did not dare to meet Lidya Su.

In the past two days, Mu Jingwan, Liu Sujin and Xie Yuran were very busy. The three of them were responsible for "Wanwan of the Susu family", "Susu of the Susu family", and "Ranran of the Susu family". Three IDs, on major live broadcast platforms, follow Su Xiao's "Su Qinggu" to watch people PK everywhere, and then support whichever side is behind, and strictly control the PK bar, never exceeding the opponent five times. .

For a time, the PK trend was prevalent on major live broadcast platforms, including Yinyu Live. Every viewer who entered the live broadcast room would find that the major anchors were either PKing or on the way to PK.

Some anchors who thought they had figured out the reward rules of the powerful "Su Qinggu" were miserable when they competed with others. One or two anchors succeeded at first, but then it didn't work anymore, as long as they deliberately failed The anchor, Su Qinggu, even if he entered the live broadcast room, would just take one look and leave.

Moreover, it will never happen again, so some anchors who wanted to learn this gave up and started playing PK in a decent manner.

Although Mu Jingwan and the others worked hard, there was only one anchor like Qingdi, and the remaining major anchors would not be exaggerated even when playing PK.

Therefore, after two days, Su Xiao and the four of them spent more than 2 million, which was a bit disappointing to Su Xiao.

However, the 36 million returned was pretty good, with a return multiple of 50 times. In addition to the shares worth [-] billion in each live broadcast platform, there was also a game club, which happened to be the Magic City FG Game Club.

In recent years, the e-sports industry has developed rapidly. Especially in 2020, the e-sports industry has ushered in a true "golden age", showing explosive growth.

In this year, its industry revenue reached an astonishing 1584.87 billion yuan, with a year-on-year growth rate of 43.8%. This data is enough to prove its strong growth momentum and huge market potential.

China has also surpassed other countries in one fell swoop and become the world's largest e-sports market.

Although there has been a temporary slight recession in the past two years, this is also caused by the general environment. With the gradual relaxation of official epidemic prevention policies and the improvement of the market environment, the e-sports market is gradually recovering.

Although FG Game Club is not the leader in the industry, it is still at the top of the industry. Its brand value is quite good. The valuation given by the system is 7 million Huaxia coins.

As for how the system got FG from Li Yiping, it is not a question that Su Xiao needs to think about. For Qingcheng Group, such a small club is no different from an ant under the feet of an elephant.

Su Xiao, who was originally hesitant to ask Li Yiping to discuss Wen Qi's contract issue, immediately became happy when she saw the settlement reward.

Tongbao is indeed a Tongbao, so considerate!

After hanging up the phone from the FG Club manager, Su Xiao rubbed Mu Jingwan's head, got dressed, stood up and said to several girls:

"Yanyan, go change your clothes and follow me out!"

"Wanwan, Susu and Yuran, you three continue the task I gave you, but don't work too hard, don't get exhausted!"

Hearing this, Yan Qi hurriedly responded, then got up and went downstairs to change clothes.

Mu Jingwan, Liu Sujin and Xie Yuran nodded, but still shuttled between major live broadcast platforms with their mobile phones in hand, generously giving gifts to major anchors.

For the anchors of the live broadcast platform, Su Qinggu and his "trumpets" are like living gods of wealth. As long as they come, they will definitely not be in vain.

To this end, major live broadcast platforms have secretly set up special brush teams, and strange "gods" have emerged one after another, and every time they appear, they are on the opposite side, as if they are deliberately trying to compete with "Shen Hao".

For this, Su Xiao and others were naturally happy to see the results, and they just did it without saying a word!

For a time, the officials of the live broadcast platform who organized these "magnificent" people, the PK anchors who became the battlefield, and Su Xiao, the winner of the battle, were all satisfied.

Of course, it is unknown who will have the last laugh. Anyway, Su Xiao will not be the loser.

Before going out, Su Xiao sent a message to Wen Qi, asking her to quickly change clothes and go out with him. Thinking of the speed of girls changing clothes, Su Xiao waited for a while, and took advantage of this free time to drag the girl with her for two days. Liu Sujin, who worked the hardest, rewarded him before going out.

The elevator stopped at the 82nd floor. I wanted to wait for the two of them in the elevator. When the elevator door opened, I saw Yan Qi and Wen Qi standing in front of the elevator.

Yan Qi wore a light pink shirt and an off-white A-line skirt today. She looked both professional and gentle.Wen Qi, on the other hand, is wearing a goose-yellow sweatshirt, a pair of black shorts, a high ponytail and white headphones. She looks very cute with her milky breasts.

"Hi boss!"

Wen Qi did not dare to look at Lidya Su and lowered her head to say hello.

Lidya Su smiled:
"Well, come in, let's go!"

Yan Qi pulled Wen Qi into the elevator and stood obediently behind Su Xiao.

Wen Qi didn't dare to speak, only Yan Qi asked obediently:

"Boss, where are we going?"

Su Xiao turned around and looked at Wen Qi, who looked like a little quail, and then smiled mysteriously:
"You'll know in a while!"

When they arrived at the parking lot, the car specially prepared for Su Xiao was already waiting. It was still the same Rolls-Royce Phantom, but with a different driver. The driver had a tall hairline and was wearing a crisp suit and white gloves. Stand respectfully in front of the car.

Yan Qi had the foresight to sit in the passenger seat, leaving the back seat for his boss and Wen Qi.

Wen Qi, the little quail who was walking with his head down, didn't notice that Su Xiao stopped and hit his head directly on Su Xiao's back.

"Huh? I'm sorry, boss!"

She apologized hastily.

Su Xiao was a little funny, turned sideways and pointed at the door opened by the driver:

"What are you apologizing for? Get in the car quickly!"

"Ah? Oh oh..."

She has always been lively and alert, but she doesn't know why her mind has always been in a blur these past two days. Her mind wanders from time to time, and her thinking seems much slower.

When she got into the car, she realized belatedly that Lidya Su was the boss and he should get in the car first.

But when he reacted, Su Xiao had already got on the bus from the other side.

Blinking his big eyes, he turned to look at Lidya Su, then at the driver who opened the door and got in the driver's seat, opened his mouth, but still didn't speak.

Then he continued to bury his head in his chest and continued to be that little quail.

Seeing her appearance through the rearview mirror in the car, Yan Qi smiled, then met Su Xiao's eyes, and then stuck out his red and dexterous tongue.

"lets go!"

Su Xiao said to the driver.

He sent the driver the location he wanted to go to before going downstairs. Although this driver was not the previous one, the driver the hotel prepared for him was on call 24 hours a day, so there were three rotations in total, and there was also a small group among them.

"Good boss!"

The driver responded respectfully, then started the car and set off.

(End of this chapter)

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