After the arrival of my Shenhao game

Chapter 256: Only one strong top laner is needed

Chapter 256 All you need is a strong top laner
In the FG Club meeting room, after meeting with members of several divisions, only members of the first and second teams of the league division were left in the meeting room.

Of course, the club manager, the mid laner of the first team, and the support are not there.

After looking around with insight, Su Xiao secretly shook his head. Except for Alu, who has relatively high attributes, the second team is average. The same is true for the first team. The main top laner and jungler are only a little better than the second team. The shooter It's not bad, but the offense is insufficient and self-protection is insufficient, so it needs a good support.

Also, the team’s coach is seriously lacking in ability. It seems that he needs to be replaced altogether!

At this time, FG's players and coaches were very nervous. They never expected that their boss would package and sell the club, and also sell it to Wen Qi's top brother.

When they heard that the new boss's surname was Su and that he was bringing Wen Qi with him, they guessed that this tall and handsome new boss must be Su Qinggu, who has been honored as Su God by major live broadcast platforms in the past two days.

Therefore, they were not surprised at all that this guy could buy FG.

I just didn't expect that the other party would be so generous for Wen Qi.

The coach, top laner and jungler of the team who had targeted Wen Qi before felt a dead silence in their hearts. Wen Qi, who had made enemies before, became the proprietress of the club. She could no longer stay in this club...

Therefore, several people took the initiative to resign. By taking the initiative, they could save some face and find a new job as soon as possible.

They even secretly thought that if so many people left at once, the team would be panicked...

(I don’t know much about this aspect. If you have any questions about what you wrote, you can ask them and I will revise them in time!)
Su Xiao didn't stop him, and he didn't even have a contract. But after these people left, whether they could find another home would be a big "?"

For a time, in the conference room, apart from the members of the second team, the first team only had AD and a substitute assistant. It is said that there was a Korean player in the top lane before, but because the team's performance was too poor and the treatment was very average, so He left after the contract expired.

Seeing this, the AD who stayed behind had a look of confusion and confusion in his eyes. He was the only one who had never targeted Wen Qi. When they played together before, their poor performance was just because the support did not protect him.

He was eager for results and knew that Wen Qi was very strong, but he had no choice. The boss, coach, manager and other teammates were all targeting Wen Qi, so he could only pretend not to know.

But now, those people are gone, but the team is also falling apart. Can Wen Qi still create miracles?

He was not sure, but apart from the FG team, he seemed to have no better choice. He could only wait and see how the new boss would solve the problem.

The remaining substitute assistant showed joy. Because of He Sai, he could only sit on the bench all year round, but now he finally has a chance to play.

The members of the second team thought the same way. Three positions were suddenly vacated in the first team, and the jungler was replaced by their very admired captain Qiqi. Is there any more dreamy start than this?
After scanning the attributes and expressions of everyone present, Su Xiao, who was sitting at the front, said:
"Little fat boy, you stay here. The other members of the second team can go back to training first!"

Hearing this, the four young men from the second team nodded immediately and silently retreated.

Su Xiao looked at Li Yiping again:

"Mr. Li, are you planning to stay and spy on our secrets?"

Li Yiping was stunned, good fellow, are you so straightforward in chasing people away?He smiled, then stood up and said:
"Haha, I just remembered that I have something else to do, so I won't disturb Mr. Su and you guys to discuss important matters..."

After saying that, he left in despair.

After Li Yiping left, only Su Xiao, Wen Qi, a team of ADs and assistants, and little fat guy A Lu were left in the conference room. "Qiqi, do you have any suggestions for the coach and the positions on the team?"

Although he has the ability to make money, Su Xiao is not familiar with the e-sports circle after all, and still wants to hear Wen Qi's thoughts.

Hearing his words, Wen Qi blinked her big eyes:

"Can I poach anyone I want?"

Lidya Su thought for a while and said:

“As long as money can solve the problem, that’s fine!”

Hearing this, everyone's eyes lit up, especially the AD of the team whose real name was Zhou Ziang. Hearing the tone of the new boss, he sounded very arrogant!

Wen Qi chuckled, feeling very sweet in her heart, but after thinking about it she still said:
"There is no need to waste too much money. As for the mid laner, Alu can actually do the job. As an AD, Zi'ang is also very good. He just needs to be more stable and paired with a support with strong protection ability!"

Hearing this, substitute assistant Sun Huamao quickly expressed his stance:
"Captain, I can do it. I am very capable of protecting the back row. I have been watching Brother Zhou's games for a long time. I am confident that I can protect him. If you want to kill my AD in the next games, you must first step over my body. !”

The opportunity was earned by himself, and he hoped to seize it.

Wen Qi did not confirm immediately, but nodded and said:
"Then we'll see how you perform later!"

After saying that, she looked at Lidya Su, the affection that had been suppressed for several days was undisguised in her eyes, she smiled sweetly and said:
"We only need to sign a strong top laner, but a stronger top laner may not be easy to find!"

When he talked about the latter part, a mischievous look appeared on his face.

Are there people who are rich and can’t be poached?That must be because they didn’t give enough money!

However, looking at Wen Qi's expression, she must have an idea, so Su Xiao asked:

"Then who do you think is more suitable?"

Wen Qi blinked and then said matter-of-factly:
"Of course it's TheShy. He is recognized as the number one top laner in the world. Although his strength has dropped a lot in the past two years, I think it is more due to hand injuries and teammates. As long as we can dig him out, I am confident that I can help the club achieve good results next year!”

Shameful man, although he doesn’t often watch games, he still knows about the IG team that won the first championship trophy for LPL. At that time, he often watched various famous scenes of the IG team world championships when he was watching videos, including TheShy has the most famous scenes.

The most exaggerated one was the third game between the top four and G2, where the Sword Demon God came down to earth and struck four. Even Su Xiao, who didn't play much in the league, felt it was shocking at the time.

Just then Yan Qi walked in. Su Xiao called her to her side and asked a few questions. Yan Qi took out his mobile phone to check, and then whispered in his ear for a while. Su Xiao nodded:
"Then contact WBG and TheShy himself. By the way, tell TheShy that I can help him cure his hand injury!"

TheShy signed a 1+1 contract with the WBG team, which means that after the first year of the contract expires, WBG has the priority to renew the contract with TheShy.But if other teams make a higher offer for TheShy during the transfer period, TheShy can choose to leave.

There are still nearly two months left before the transfer period, and Su Xiao doesn't want to wait that long. The worst thing he can do is pay an extra transfer fee.

(End of this chapter)

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