After the arrival of my Shenhao game

Chapter 259 System upgrade, new store launches

Chapter 259 System upgrade, new store launches

Regarding the shock caused by the Weibo news, Su Xiao paid attention to it at first, but stopped paying attention to it later.

But one thing is for sure, SSG is popular. Although it may not be positive, it is indeed popular.

First, the star player TheShy joined, which surprised everyone. Although his performance in WBG was not ideal, if TheShy thought about it, there are many more suitable teams than WBG. But when they think of who the boss of the SSG club is, everyone can bear it. I can’t help feeling sorry.

Sure enough, if you have money, you can do whatever you want. The former top laner in the world had to bow to money. Are you planning to find a team to retire?

Then there is the matter of Northeastern Big Partridge serving as the head coach of the SSG League division. In everyone's eyes, this operation is simply ridiculous. Let a host who can only play bronze and silver games be the head coach. Su Shen is really... ...what a unique idea!

However, many people are still looking forward to Wen Qi's return to the team. Of course, they only expect her to play in the game, and they don't dare to expect anything like results.

After all, except for TheShy, the other three teammates are simply...

There is an AD who is the leader, a support who has been on the bench for a long time and has barely played a game, plus a mid laner who was promoted from the second team. This configuration is simply a serious polarization.

One god... can barely be regarded as two gods leading three pits. Are you sure such a team can achieve results?

Moreover, the head coach is one of the Three Great Silver Players of the Northeastern Partridge.

Although SSG's official WeChat account continues to recruit ADs, assistants, analysts, psychological counselors, etc., the current strange configuration is really hard to complain about...

But it is precisely because of these topics that the SSG club is becoming more and more popular, even rivaling the popularity of the upcoming S-Class World Championship.

However, Su Xiao, the creator of these topics, had no intention of paying attention to these.

Su Xiao, who was enjoying Ji Yijia's energy buff, suddenly heard a system prompt in her mind:
[Ding, congratulations to the host for unlocking more than [-] billion actual assets, which meets the system upgrade conditions. The system is being upgraded...]

The long-awaited moment finally arrived, days sooner than expected.

Originally, Su Xiao expected that the upgrade conditions would be met in about a week.

Tianqing Technology, which was drawn in the previous lottery, has an industry valuation of 470 billion. A few days ago, a total of about 300 billion was returned in the mission with a lot of people and money. Although more than 120 billion was returned on the first day, a big company like Xue Qing The injustice is really the only one to bear, so even if Mu Jingwan and others worked hard later, they could only return more than 180 billion in nearly seven days.

Although Mu Jingwan and others received a large reward, the three of them were not stupid. After consulting Yan Qi, they used her connections to find a reliable trust and invested their money.

Counting these two parts, the total assets are close to 800 billion. According to the speed at which Xi Tianyue and others took over the industry, it seems that it is almost the same.

Su Xiao exhaled a long breath, as if she wanted to let out all the frustration and depression in her chest, and what followed was an intoxicating general feeling of relief.

The buff has been filled up, and now we are waiting for the system upgrade to be completed.

Lovingly touching Ji Yi who was resting on her body, Su Xiao said warmly:

"Let's take a bath together!"


An hour later, after taking a shower, Su Xiao had a bath towel wrapped around her waist. After putting Ji Yi on the bed to rest, Su Xiao changed into a set of casual clothes and came to the living room.

Several messages from Xi Tianyue were displayed on the phone:

"Brother, we are meeting with Sister Yan in the Imperial Capital!"

"[Photo of four people.jpg]"

"Brother, we had a chat and wanted to link up Jun Yuexi, Tian Xingjian, Qingyan Beauty and Tianshi Catering..." Then there were the countermeasures and results discussed by them, which were quite detailed. The general meaning was , link these brands, such as the gym, beauty salon and restaurant in Junyue Xi, and cooperate with Tianxingjian, Qingyan Beauty and Tianshi Catering respectively, so as to attract traffic to each other and enhance each other's brands. value.

Lidya Su nodded, raised the corners of her mouth slightly, and then replied:
"Okay, you can do whatever you want, I will definitely support you!"

Less than five seconds after the message was sent back, Xi Tianyue sent back another message:

"Brother, are you done?"

Uh, Lidya Su touched her nose, and then replied:
"Well, I'm done!"

It was really busy just now!
Swish swish!
Xi Tianyue sent several pictures in succession, pictures of her wearing pajamas.

The design of the lake blue pajamas is very beautiful and bold. It has a special sense of contrast when worn on Xi Tianyue. Without Su Xiao around, Xi Tianyue has always been in pure white mode, so the whole person's temperament looks extremely pure.

But paired with the pajamas on her body, it shows a sense of contrast.

Especially the last few shots were more creative, which made Su Xiao a little helpless. Isn't this remotely fanning the flames?

His fingers flew and he replied:

"After you finish your business in the imperial capital, come back quickly. I miss you!"

Xi Tianyue replied instantly:
"[Close mouth and cry.jpg], I want to care too, brother!"

"I've lost all my thoughts..."

Su Xiao secretly said "little devil" and dialed the video directly. The two chatted for more than an hour before hanging up the phone.


The next day, Su Xiao got up on time. Ji Yi took two showers last night and had no intention of getting up early. However, Mi Shu got up early and had already left the hotel.

The task that Su Xiao assigned her last night was to keep an eye on Sun Lin's movements again.

After working out in the hotel gym for a while, Su Xiao was about to walk back when the system's crisp notification sound finally sounded in her mind again:
[Ding, the system upgrade has been completed, and the new items have been put on the shelves in the system mall. Please check it out yourself! 】

Su Xiao regained her energy, casually wiped the sweat on her forehead with a towel, and walked back.

Returning to the suite and sitting on the large sofa in the living room, Su Xiao sank directly into the system space.

I saw that the system space that was originally chaotic became much clearer at this time, and the sky was twinkling with stars, but it seemed that it was not the same as the starry sky I had seen before.

For example, Polaris, Big Dipper, and Sirius cannot be found.

But Su Xiao didn't care about this, he started browsing in the system mall.

Soon he saw the system item he wanted most:
[Disposable Detection Bead]: As long as the detection target is within three meters, you can obtain the target attribute panel and detailed information, regardless of favorability!Price: 74 wealth points! (Note: This item is a one-time consumable, please confirm carefully before use)
It also comes with instructions for use, which are actually very simple. As long as the target is within the range of use, just lock on and detect the target directly.

After looking at the other newly added mall items again, a cold light rose in Su Xiao's eyes:

"Sun Lin, I'm sorry for keeping you waiting..."

(End of this chapter)

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