After the arrival of my Shenhao game

Chapter 283 Xi Tianyue: Let’s play a game

Chapter 283 Xi Tianyue: Let’s play a game

A group of friends who followed Xue Qing saw that Mr. Xue, who was in need of flattery, suddenly went "crazy" and provoked several young men and women. Not only did he lose a hand, but he was also scolded by his own father.

At this time, everyone looked at "Master Xue" leaving in embarrassment, and everyone looked at each other. What happened just now was too short, and many people didn't react.

It wasn't until Su Xiao dialed Xue Jingshan's number that they realized, Ma De, Mr. Xue had kicked the iron plate!

Then he didn't dare to speak out.

Xue Jingshan is a flattering person, how can they dare to offend him?
At the same time, they also knew that Mr. field.

In this regard, they could only express their full resentment on Xue Qing, who was [-]% disabled, but they were in awe of Su Xiao and others who had already boarded the super yacht.

I also remembered the faces of Su Xiao and his group in my heart. I will never provoke these people in the future. It is best to curry favor with them if I have the opportunity.

Logically speaking, people who exist like that should not pay attention to themselves, right?

Probably, they themselves are not sure.

The big anchor Na'er, who originally accompanied Xue Qing to play and enjoyed the admiration of the crowd, looked confused.

She paid her own money to fly from Jiangcheng to Momo. In order to accompany Xue Qing, she even asked for leave in the live broadcast room in advance, saying that something happened to her family and she might need to stop broadcasting for three to five days to deal with it.

Who knows, the journey to make money will be over before it even begins!
At the same time, she also recalled in her mind the tall and handsome figure just now, with that aloof temperament...

She shook her head, she couldn't think about it anymore, it would be obscene if she thought about it again!

At this time, among the people who had gathered because of Xue Qing, a man wearing glasses stood up:
"Well, since Mr. Xue has something to do at home, why don't we play by ourselves?"

Before anyone else could respond, he looked at the anchor Na'er again:

"Um, Miss Na'er, do you want to come with me?"

His eyes scanned Na'er up and down without concealment. This figure was simply perfect for him. Although he didn't know if that face had any technology, but just for fun, why should it be so serious?
Na'er's heart skipped a beat. She naturally knew what the other person was thinking, and to be able to follow Xue Qing, he must be a second-generation rich man with a rich family. Even if it wasn't for a long time, it seemed good?
Thinking of this, she smiled sweetly:

With others agreeing, the group rented a new yacht and continued to have fun.

Ever since, only Xue Qing's injury was achieved!


On the other side, the 112-meter-long "Qing No. [-]" sailed steadily out of the pier. Everyone on the shore couldn't help but look up at this futuristic-looking superyacht.

It is said to be a yacht, but its length is almost comparable to that of a smaller cruise ship.

Sure enough, the life of rich people is really fun!
At this time, the second deck of the yacht was surrounded by a glass-inlaid fence, and a row of nearly 8-meter sofas was placed on the right side. Even if Su Xiao and his party were large, it was enough to sit down.

Xi Tianyue and Wen Qi held hands and ran forward with bare feet and joy, exclaiming from time to time:

Su Xiao sat down in the center of the sofa, leaned back very comfortably, and looked to the opposite side, where she could see the scenery of the shore through the glass.

This yacht is very good. Whether it is the appearance or the interior, the design is in line with his aesthetics.The other people following him also sat down one after another. Su Xiao looked left and right, it was very eye-catching!

The number of people is a bit large. Su Xiao herself is fine, but she is afraid that readers may not remember them all.

After Xi Tianyue sat on Su Xiao's lap, Wen Qi shyly sat on Su Xiao's right side. The beauties sitting on Su Xiao's left side were:

Li Ruzhen, Leng Yiyi, Mi Shu, Yan Qi, Luo Yunsheng, Guan Zhiyao and Shen Lingxi, a total of 7 people!
On the right side, plus Xi Tianyue in his arms, the rest are Wen Qi, Ye Fanyan, Mu Jingwan, Liu Sujin and Xie Yuran, a total of 6 people!
Including Su Xiao himself, there are a total of 14 people present!
Just after sitting down for a while, two women in maid outfits walked in, one with blond hair and one with brown hair, and they turned out to be Western-looking.

Although they are foreigners, the two of them introduced them in pure Chinese. They probably introduced the branches on the third deck, where to go for entertainment and where to rest.

On "Qingyihao", everything is available, whether it is a gym, bar, swimming pool, KTV or private cinema. Of course, restaurants, bedrooms, bathrooms, etc. are also equipped according to the standards of luxury homes.

Each yacht is basically customized, so the design areas will be different.

After a brief introduction, Su Xiao let the two of them go down first. They were crew members on the yacht. Including the captain, there were a total of 12 crew members on the "Qing One", who were responsible for the maintenance and upkeep of the yacht, as well as some daily tasks. Clean up and more.

Wen Qi, who was next to Su Xiao, looked at Xi Tianyue who was held in his arms with envy in her eyes. Sure enough, the more people there were, the less love she would get.

Wen Qi said to Xi Tianyue:
"Sister Yueyue, didn't you say you were tired before? Do you want to take a rest first?"

When she was on the phone before, she heard Xi Tianyue panting and his voice was very tired.

Hearing this, Xi Tianyue, who was holding Su Xiao's neck with her hands, suddenly felt a little warm on her pretty face. She coughed lightly and said:

"It's okay, I won't feel so tired now, I'll go rest later!"

In order to have a good time today, she went to bed early last night and caught up on her sleep on the plane. How could she be tired?

Furthermore, her current yoga skills have almost reached the master level, and with the presence of the three deputy generals Mu Jingwan, even if she is very tired, her recovery power is very good, so her current condition is unprecedentedly good. .

However, her unhappiness was all due to her own situation. After all, the reason why she was tired when she made the phone call before was all due to external forces.

The initiator was Lidya Su under her body!
Hearing her answer, Wen Qi nodded innocently, and leaned closer to Lidya Su involuntarily, feeling the warmth from his body, and suddenly felt full of security!

The scene on the dock was still vivid in her mind. What would happen to her if Su Xiao and the others were not around?

She immediately recognized that Xue Qing was the anchor Qingdi who had played PK with her. However, due to the protection of Xi Tianyue and Mi Shu, and the presence of Su Xiao, besides being frightened at first, she was later frightened. Not afraid at all!
She knows that Lidya Su will protect her!
Seeing that no one else spoke, the atmosphere was a bit dull. After Xi Tianyue thought for a while, his eyes lit up and he said:

"Brother, let's play a game. Not only will it take a while to go out to sea!"

Lidya Su looked at her curiously, and others also cast their eyes over.

It is indeed easy to be embarrassed when so many people are together, especially Shen Lingxi. She is sitting on the edge at this moment, not daring to look at the boss and the boss ladies at all!

Xi Tianyue's big and smart eyes blinked and he said innocently:
"The passing game is to pass on the actions that the previous person did to you to the next person, just like this..."

(End of this chapter)

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