After the arrival of my Shenhao game

Chapter 294 Hengda enters the scene and the situation reverses

Chapter 294 Hengda enters the scene and the situation reverses
Lin Yixing still doesn't know that the canary he raised in Tomson's first-grade canary has begun to transform into the third stage, but he doesn't know how long this transformation will take.

At this time, he was looking at the green stock market with a gloomy expression.

Because after Tonghe fell to the limit for the first time, Lingmu invested nearly 35 billion in the next two days. Although it slightly stopped the decline of the stock market, Tonghe still fell by [-]% in two days. !

If this continues, without Xue Jingshan making the next move, the stock market alone will be able to directly penetrate Ling Mu's holding costs. Ling Mu will be liquidated in two to three days at most!
He rubbed his temples, closed his eyes and thought for a long time, but decided to use his last trump card.

Originally, he did not intend to use this trump card, but he did not expect that Xue Jingshan could find allies so quickly, and after Tonghe fell out with Huatie Group, he failed to win over him.

He took out his cell phone, found a number with the note Xu Jiaying and dialed it. Half an hour later, Lin Yixing hung up the phone and smiled.

Although using this kind of trump card will mean that the cake of Tonghe will be divided up, it is not completely without benefits. At least it can completely win over a powerful ally.

After sorting out all the details, Lin Yixing breathed a sigh of relief, exhausted both physically and mentally.

"Do you want to go back to Tomson Yipin?"

This idea was rejected by him as soon as it came up. Thinking of his poor state last night, he didn't want to face the beautiful Sun Lin.

Sun Lin is good at everything, but her needs are too strong!
It was okay at first, but recently he has become increasingly unable to do what he wants. He can only console himself that it is because of his recent busy work that he is in "poor condition".

Thinking of this, he called Sun Lin and said that there was something going on with the Li family that he had to go back to handle, and he would not go to Tomson Yipin in the past few days.

Unexpectedly, Sun Lin readily agreed and told him to pay attention to his health.

This made Lin Yixing very happy. Sure enough, this woman was still very sensible.

On the other end of the phone, after saying "hmm" twice, Sun Lin hung up the phone, still looking lazy on her face.

She was a little hungry after not eating much all day, so after thinking about it she decided to order takeout.

The takeout was delivered by the property manager. Seeing the pimple-faced property manager, Sun Lin, who had been expecting a little bit, was disappointed. She took the takeout with a cold expression and closed the door with a bang.

The property manager, who had been looking at her in cool silk pajamas, was confused, cursed secretly, and returned to the elevator.

"Damn it, you're wearing something so hot, why don't you show it to others?"

Back in the room, thinking about the face just now, Sun Lin lost her appetite.

It's not that the property manager is ugly, but compared to "Shen Chu", the gap is too big.

In fact, even she herself didn't know why she was so sure in the dream that the man was called Shen Chu, but she naturally connected the name with that face.

After reviewing the plot of the dream several times in her mind, she felt much better. After eating, she felt sleepy again.

In the past, this was her time to exercise, but today she didn't want to do exercise. After washing, she couldn't wait to go back to bed and continue to explore more plots in her dreams.

The next morning, while Sun Lin was sleeping in, a piece of heavy news spread in the stock market:

"Hengda, a real estate tycoon in the Shenzhen market, is buying Tonghe's shares frantically in the secondary market!"

And not only that, as this news spread, another piece of news from a long time ago was also dug up, that is, Xu Jiaying of Hengda once expressed to Du Qiu of Huatie that he wanted to eat Huatie’s Tonghe shares, but did not receive a positive reply.

There is even news that Boss Xu has a good personal relationship with the wealthy businessmen of the Hong Kong Dadi Association. When the Hong Kong stock market Tonghe's stock plummets, Dadi will take the opportunity to buy it!
When these news are combined, Xu Jiaying's intention to carry the sedan chair in the A-share market has become clear. When Tonghe's stock rises, he can make a fortune by buying low and selling high. If it doesn't, it would be good to control Tonghe.

As soon as these pieces of news came out, within an hour, Tonghe A shares went up to the daily limit!
Xu Jiaying's unexpected change made the calm Xue Jingshan uneasy. He paced back and forth in his office, taking out his mobile phone to call Su Xiao from time to time, but the result was that the user was not in the service area. "well……"

This was the first time Xue Jingshan sighed today.

He really didn't expect that the situation had only improved for a few days before it would return to the uncontrollable situation before.

dong dong!

There was a knock on the office door, and he hurriedly said:
"Come in!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the plump secretary Xiao Ya opened the door and walked in.

Before she could speak, Xue Jingshan asked first:

"How's it going? What did Jun Yuexi say?"

There was expectation on his face, hoping to hear good news. After all, although Su Xiao was not here, Jun Yuexi still had other management.

But unfortunately, he was disappointed. Xiao Ya shook her head and said:

"Jun Yuexi responded that not only Director Su is not here, but also the other person in charge of the company, Director Xi, so no one can make the final decision on all matters in the company. We have to wait until Director Su or Director Xi comes back!"

Xue Jingshan's heart thumped, but he still refused to give up:
"What about Qingyan, Tianxingjian or Tianshi Catering?"

He hoped to contact Qingcheng Group through the heads of these companies. After all, he had a cooperative relationship with Su Xiao, and there might be a chance through this relationship.

However, Xiao Ya still shook her head:

"Similarly, the heads of these three companies also went to sea with Director Su!"

Hearing this, Xue Jingshan's face turned earth-colored, what should he do?
He waved his hand, and Xiao Ya retreated sensibly without disturbing him.

In the next few days, Hengda continued to frantically scan the secondary market for goods, holding two placards in succession, with its shareholding ratio reaching 10%. Lingmu was also close to raising placards for the fifth time.

Xue Jingshan had no choice about this. He tried to contact Xu Jiaying, but the other party said that he was very optimistic about Tonghe's prospects and that the acquisition of Tonghong's stocks was purely based on profit and had no other ideas.

Faced with the rising stock momentum, Xue Jingshan's hair turned gray.

When the situation reversed, another person in the game, Lin Yisang... Bah, it was Lin Yixing. Lin Yixing was very proud at this time. Although he did not continue to vigorously acquire Tonghe's stocks, he made new moves.

"Continue to enable revolving equity pledges, and at the same time carry out margin financing and securities lending, stock income swaps, and asset management plans to vigorously raise funds!"

Upon hearing this, the secretary said doubtfully:

"Chairman, do we want to continue to acquire Tonghe's shares?"

This operation can raise a lot of funds. If it is just a Tonghe, it will not be used at all.

Lin Yixing looked up at her with an unpredictable smile:

"Of course not, the previously shelved plan can be restarted!"

(End of this chapter)

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