After the arrival of my Shenhao game

Chapter 309 Lin Yixing is beside you

Chapter 309 Lin Yixing is beside you
10 month 29 day.

The sky was gloomy. It was only around six o'clock in the evening, and the entire Demonic City became dark, as if it had entered night early.

However, Lin Yixing was in a good mood today. He originally thought that it would be difficult to sell his shares in Tonghe Group, but who knew that he had just revealed some news through special channels, and several big capitals contacted him.

Among them are not only several large domestic groups, but also giant foreign investment companies.

What surprised Lin Yixing was that Qingchen Venture Capital was among them!

If Qingchen Venture Capital was just an investment company, it would be nothing, but behind it was the Qingcheng Group, the one Lin Yixing had previously regarded as exceeding his goals!
Thinking of his once ambitious self, Lin Yixing smiled bitterly. After all, he was not the son of luck. He could not be like the Qingcheng Group, who rode the wind and jumped ninety thousand miles!

At this moment, he no longer had the spirit of looking around, and felt exhausted physically and mentally. He thought about selling his shares quickly, and then go abroad hand in hand with Sun Lin to recuperate for a few years!
Although Xunli Group is destined to disappear, he does not feel that he has completely failed. After all, he can still get so much money in the end.

He wants to return to the city where he studied abroad and use his money skills to astonish those people who looked down on him at the beginning!

Especially with Sun Lin by his side, just thinking about it made him full of expectations.

"Tomorrow, by the end of tomorrow, you can leave this stinky city!"

On the way back, Lin Yixing thought to himself.

At the same time, in the open kitchen on the 36th floor of Building A of Tomson Yipin, Sun Lin was wearing an apron and preparing stir-fry, but Shen Chu behind her was hugging her tightly, and the two were intimate.

The faucet next to it was not turned off, and the water kept making a hissing sound. Under the water were seafood that had not been cleaned. The fresh and tender abalone was very appetizing, and there were also a variety of other side dishes.

The two of them were halfway through washing the vegetables when Sun Lin's cell phone placed not far away emitted a warning tone.

Hearing this voice, Sun Lin trembled, as if she was frightened, and a layer of white sweat broke out on her back. After a few seconds, she said apologetically:
"Husband, that person is coming back, why don't you go back upstairs first?"

Shen Chu, who had been busy for a long time but didn't get a proper meal, was obviously a little unhappy. He hugged Sun Lin tightly and said something in her ear.

After hearing his proposal, Sun Lin trembled again. Although this proposal was scary and dangerous, she was a little excited in her heart because this plot had appeared in the previous dream series.

This made her heart beat faster and her nerves tremble a little. After hesitating for a second, she nodded:
"Okay, I'll send you a message, my husband, when he gets drunk!"

Seeing that she agreed, Shen Chu kissed her lovingly, then went to the living room to pack his things, put on his clothes and expertly restored everything to their original state, and then went out.

As soon as the elevator door closed, the floor indicator of the other elevator started to move. It was coming from the negative first floor.

Sure enough, after a while, the elevator stopped at the 36th floor. As the elevator door slowly opened, Lin Yixing walked out with a tired look on his face.

The doorbell rang, and soon the sound of footsteps came from inside. He quickly came to the door and paused for two seconds.

Lin Yixing was very satisfied with his beloved wife's vigilance, knowing that she was confirming the visitor.

Sure enough, the door opened the next second. She had a bun, wearing a light purple tight-fitting hip-hugging skirt, and a floral apron on the outside. When she saw him, Sun Lin said with a look of surprise:

"Honey, are you back?"

This is the feeling. Lin Yixing smiled with satisfaction and said:

"Well, I'll be back after finishing my work today. How's it going, baby, do you miss me?"

Sun Lin nodded quickly, put her hands around Lin Yixing's neck naturally and affectionately, kissed him, and then let go and pulled him into the house.

After entering the house, Sun Lin very considerately helped Lin Yixing take off his coat and hang it on the coat rack, and then said happily:

"Husband, please sit down and have a rest first. I'm halfway through cooking. I want to wait until it's done and I'll call you and ask you to go home for dinner!"

Lin Yixing, who was dizzy with so many things, obviously didn't hear the flaw in her words, and nodded with emotion:

"Okay, but you don't have to work too hard, just do some cooking!"

With that said, he walked to the sofa and leaned down. While taking a deep breath, he frowned slightly. Why was there a vague fishy smell?

However, when he saw the abalone that Sun Lin was handling, he dropped his guard. My wife understands me and knows how to help me recuperate.

Thinking of the beautiful night, he was looking forward to it.

However, in order to prevent his poor condition from affecting his output, he decided to take a good rest first, wait until he was full of energy, and then continue the second half after eating.

Behind the open kitchen, Sun Lin breathed a sigh of relief when she saw Lin Yixing closing his eyes and concentrating. Her two straight and slender thighs trembled slightly, not because of fear, but because she had been standing for too long.

She took a step back slightly and saw a puddle of water stains where she was standing. It should have been splashed when washing vegetables. She casually pulled two kitchen towels from the side, squatted down and wiped them, and then threw the paper towels in. Trash can, the trace of uneasiness in my heart disappeared.

She slowed down her cooking speed a lot, and it was almost eight o'clock before everything was ready.

After all the meals were served, she took out two bottles of fine-vintage red wine from the wine cabinet, poured them into the decanter to let them wake up, then arranged the goblets and candlesticks, lit the candles, and the candlelight dinner was ready.

In order to mix the sleep-promoting medicine more thoroughly, she shook the decanter before she was satisfied.

After doing all this, she took off her apron, came to Lin Yixing and said warmly:
"Husband, husband!"

"It's time to eat!"

It seemed that he was too tired in the past two days, and Lin Yi fell asleep a little. Sun Lin shook him several times before waking him up.

Opening his sleepy eyes, Lin Yixing was a little confused, but when he saw the familiar scenes and familiar people in front of him, he realized that he was back home.

Looking at Sun Lin with a gentle face, Lin Yixing yawned, turned his head again, and saw the candlelight dinner carefully prepared by his beloved wife!

He couldn't help laughing:
"Baby, why can't I just let you do something simple? Why do you go to so much trouble?"

But a rare warmth arose in my heart. Sure enough, I didn't believe the wrong person.

Sun Lin reached out and pulled him up, walking towards the dining table and saying:

"Husband, you are so tired outside. It's not easy for you to have a meal with me. Of course, you have to prepare more. This is called a sense of ritual!"

"Besides, I've been at home all day, so what's the point of feeling tired?"

Lin Yixing looked touched. He patted Sun Lin's hand and sighed:

"If you have a good wife at home, what more can a husband ask for?"

"With you here, it doesn't matter no matter how busy I am outside!"

Seeing that his words were becoming more and more sensational, Sun Lin quickly changed the topic and said:
"Okay, let's not talk about this between husband and wife. Let's eat first!"

"I'm sober. Let's drink some tonight, preferably until we're tipsy. Then we'll play some soothing music..."

Needless to say, Lin Yixing also knew what the process was. This was what he said when he captured Sun Lin.

Dim and ambiguous lights, a table of exquisite wine and food, two people who care about each other sitting across from each other, playing soothing and beautiful music, and then drinking until they are tipsy, then everything will happen naturally and naturally!
Thinking of this, he suddenly lost all sleepiness and came to sit down at the dining table.

Sun Lin picked up the chopsticks and handed them to him, poured the wine and put it in front of him. Then she also poured herself a glass. She raised the goblet and said:
"Husband, I respect you, you have worked hard!"

Next, the two of them ate and drank, talking about the past and the future, and dreaming about the happy time abroad.

Lin Yixing knew that Sun Lin liked to travel, but he didn't like to travel alone. He was too busy with work in the past two years, and he could barely spare two or three days to take Sun Lin out for a trip every year.So far, I have only traveled twice!
Speaking of this, Lin Yixing looked ashamed, but Sun Lin smiled and said she didn't care, and kept clinking glasses with him.

Lin Yixing said, next we will travel around the world, go to Switzerland to ski, go to Vienna to listen to the symphony, go to Finland, Norway, and Iceland to see the difference in the aurora in the three places...

There are many, many places!

The more Lin Yixing talked about it, the more he looked forward to the next journey, and he drank one glass after another.

By nine o'clock in the evening, the lights of the magical city outside the window were becoming more and more blurry, and Lin Yixing on the table was drunk and sleepy, his eyes gradually blurred, and finally he looked at his charming wife and threw himself on the table with a smile on his face. fell into a deep sleep.

Looking back at Sun Lin, the amount of wine in her glass was still the same amount now. In the time just now, she would lightly wet her lips every time.

The reason why her pretty face was slightly red was not because she was drunk, but because she couldn't help but turn red with excitement when thinking about what was going to happen next.

Seeing Lin Yixing finally passed out drunk on the table, she stood up and came to his side for further confirmation. First, she shook Lin Yixing's shoulders and shouted softly:

"Honey, let's keep drinking, don't try to pretend to be drunk!"

After shaking and screaming several times, Lin Yixing still made no movement, only the sound of steady breathing.

Seeing this, she raised her voice and shouted several more times. Only then did she confirm that Lin Yixing had fallen asleep and was unstoppable.

She immediately took out her mobile phone and sent a message to Shen Chu:

"Honey, you can come up now!"

After sending the message, Shen Chu replied instantly:
"Okay, then you change your clothes first, I'll be there soon!"

Seeing this, Sun Lin rolled her throat and said concisely:
"it is good!"

After finishing her hair, she quickly returned to the bedroom, changed out of her tight hip-hugging skirt that smelled of alcohol, and put on a set of light silk nightgown.

She had just changed her clothes when the doorbell rang.

Hearing the doorbell, Sun Lin felt her face heat up and her heart became more and more excited!

She quickly came out and opened the door, and Shen Chu, who had changed into a tall white shirt and a pair of slim suit pants, appeared in front of her. Sun Lin couldn't help but throw herself into his arms and kiss him wildly.

After a while, Shen Chu patted her and said:
"Okay, let's go inside first!"

Sun Lin blushed and nodded. The two of them entered the room and naturally sat down at the half-eaten dining table.

Sun Lin took out another decanter from the corner. Inside was the same red wine that she and Lin Yixing drank just now, but Lin Yixing's was spiked.

Sun Lin sat next to Lin Yixing, and Shen Chu sat next to him. The two raised their wine glasses.

The goblets filled with fine wine clinked together, making a crisp sound.

Then, the two looked at each other affectionately, and then took a big sip of wine.

Sun Lin feels that you have to drink with the right person, otherwise no matter how expensive the wine is, it will have no taste.

When she was drinking with Lin Yixing just now, she felt that the wine was bitter and it was difficult to swallow even a little bit of it.

But unlike Shen Chu, as long as you are with him, you are already half drunk before you even drink!
Perhaps, this is because everyone gets drunk even if the wine is not drunk!

After a glass of wine, Sun Lin's eyes gradually blurred. She felt like she was drunk!

She looked at Shen Chu and murmured softly.


Hearing her voice, Lin Yixing, who was sleeping soundly, suddenly responded, which startled Sun Lin and turned her head to the right with a look of horror.

Seeing that Lin Yixing was still lying down, he screamed a few more times and tested it, then he stroked his chest and breathed a sigh of relief.

She slapped Lin Yixing on the cheek and said angrily:
"Smelly man, scare me!"

As soon as the words came out of her mouth, she felt that she had made a mistake and cursed, and couldn't help but said shyly:
"Husband, I'm sorry, was I too rude?"

She naturally said this to Shen Chu.

Hearing this, Shen Chu laughed dumbly, then shook his head:

"No, this is the real you, and I like you best!"

"Besides, he should have been beaten if he scared you!"

Sun Lin covered her mouth and smiled:
"Husband, you are so kind!"

Shen Chu raised his eyebrows, looked at Lin Yixing, who was sleeping like a dead pig, and then looked at Sun Lin, who was as charming as silk:

"Really? How good is it?"

Sun Lin's eyes twinkled, and she couldn't help but lean forward, breathing on Shen Chu's face, and then kissed him passionately, and then said softly:
"I don't know how to describe it in words. Can I prove it with actual actions?"

Listening to the tone of her words and the charm in her voice, Shen Chu raised the corner of his mouth:
"Okay, I'm looking forward to it!"

Ten minutes later, Sun Lin was a little tired. She looked at Lin Yixing, who was still sleeping soundly next to her, and suggested:

"Husband, do you want to help move him into the bedroom? Otherwise I can't move him alone!"

Shen Chu had restraint and patience on his face, so he nodded and said:

"it is good!"

With his strength, wouldn't it be easy to lift Lin Yixing?
However, he did not choose to lift him. Instead, he grabbed his back collar with one hand and walked directly to the bedroom.

When he got to the bed, with a strong force on his hand, Lin Yixing was thrown onto the bed like a rag.

Seeing this, Sun Lin showed admiration:
"Husband, you are so strong!"

Shen Chu approached her and said in a low and magnetic voice:

"Really? Do you still want to try my stronger side?"

Sun Lin nodded quickly:
"Yeah, I want to!"


Early the next morning, Lin Yixing woke up in a daze. Looking at Sun Lin, who was sleeping contentedly in his arms, he suddenly became confused. Was I so drunk last night?
But that wasn't important anymore. There were more important things to do today. He carefully moved Sun Lin's head away, then got up, took a shower and went out directly.

The moment the bedroom door closed, Sun Lin, who was sleeping soundly, opened her eyes, her eyes full of smiles and satisfaction.

However, only she knew who she was thinking about.

(End of this chapter)

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