After the arrival of my Shenhao game

Chapter 311 You are like a fish in my pond

Chapter 311 You are like a fish in my pond
Looking at the photos of her and Shen Chu on Lin Yixing's phone, Sun Lin's pupils were shaking, and her mind was roaring. She didn't know how these photos got into Lin Yixing's hands, and who took these photos?

Shen Chu?

No, my husband loves me so much, it must not be him!
At this time, she was extremely panicked. A quarter of an hour ago, Shen Chu said that it would be more interesting to talk to her later, which was regarded as the last farewell show in this house.

Shen Chu vowed that Lin Yixing would not come back tonight. Who knew that Lin Yixing would come back so soon.

Her originally fair and pink cheeks were now a little red and swollen, and a trace of blood spilled from the corner of her mouth, which was enough to show the force of Lin Yixing's few slaps just now.

Facing Lin Yixing, who looked like a crazy beast, Sun Lin's whole body trembled slightly, and dense goose bumps appeared on her skin. She was very afraid that this madman would stab her if he went crazy.

The fierce desire to survive made her brain spin wildly, but she couldn't think of any good words for a while, so she could only continue to talk harshly:

"Husband, believe me, I love you!"

"Those photos must have been taken by others. They are all fake. I am not sorry for you!"

"I know you will come back tonight, that's why I tied myself up like this, you must believe me!"

At the same time, she was also praying in her heart, praying that Shen Chu would appear quickly and rescue her.

Yes, my husband will definitely come back to save me. Anyway, Lin Yixing’s money has been transferred to my husband by me. As long as my husband shows up and knocks Lin Yixing out, we can fly away to a place where no one can find us!

Hearing that Sun Lin was still arrogant, Lin Yixing was furious. He pulled out some of the photos and showed them in front of Sun Lin and said:
"You said this is a photoshop? Who would photoshop every mole on your body so finely?"

"Even if there is, who else but me can know you so clearly, and even remember every mole on your body so clearly?"

"If you had confessed earlier and told that wild man, I would have considered letting you go, otherwise I would definitely make you regret betraying me!"

"Also, where is my money? If my money is gone, labor and management will drag you to death together!"

Hearing his hysterical roar, Sun Lin's heart trembled wildly. She shook her head wildly. She didn't want to die:

"Husband, your money is still in the card. If you don't believe me, go check it!"

For the time being, she could only lie to stabilize Lin Yixing, but the panic in her heart did not diminish at all.

She shouted in her heart: Husband, come and save me, come and save me!
Until now, she still has not doubted Shen Chu, and now she still firmly believes that Shen Chu loves her. After all, the memories between them during this period of time were too beautiful!

In her opinion, with so many wonderful memories with her, even a hard-hearted person would not be able to abandon her. He must have just been delayed because of something, it must be!
My husband will definitely come to my rescue soon, for sure!

She told herself over and over again in her heart that as long as she delayed, Shen Chu would definitely come to save her, he would!

Hearing her say that the money was still there, Lin Yixing's expression softened slightly. A woman's betrayal might make him uncomfortable, but it wouldn't make him crazy. He was only worried that the money was gone.

Since the money is still there, everything is fine.

He said with a cold face:

"Where's your phone?"

The account for transferring funds was naturally bound to Sun Lin's mobile phone, and he wanted to check it quickly.

Seeing that his expression softened slightly, Sun Lin forced out a smile and said:

"Honey, can you untie it for me first? I'll go find your phone!"

Lin Yixing, whose anger had temporarily subsided, took a few steps back to appreciate her current unbearable posture, and a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth:
"I almost forgot if you didn't tell me. You said this was a surprise you prepared for me, right? Then wouldn't it be a waste if I just help you untie it?"

With that said, with Sun Lin's eyes widening, he started the program that originally belonged to Shen Chu.

Ten minutes later, Lin Yixing, who felt that his anger had been mostly calmed down, stood up and said:
"Tell me, where is the phone? Thinking of our past relationship, I can also leave you a sum of money so that you can have enough food and clothing for the rest of your life!"

Of course, this was just talk. With Lin Yixing's heart, it was impossible for Lin Yixing to let her go, let alone give her money, when dealing with a woman who had betrayed him.

Sun Lin panted and said:
"Honey, can you untie it for me first? I'm going to find your phone. I forgot where I put it."

Being unable to use her hands and feet would make her feel insecure, and in her current state, she was like a piece of meat on a chopping board, unable to run away even if she wanted to.

Lin Yixing also knew this, so he had no intention of helping her untie her bonds. He sneered:
"You won't tell me, right? Then I'll find it myself!"

With that said, he got up and looked for it himself, but after searching the entire bedroom, there was still no mobile phone anywhere.

This made Lin Yixing feel more and more uneasy. After he forced himself to calm down, he suddenly thought, didn't he have a mobile phone? Then he would know if he made a call.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but slap his forehead. How could he be so stupid at this critical moment?

He immediately took out his cell phone and dialed Sun Lin's number.

Soon, the familiar ringtone of the mobile phone rang, coming from outside.

This made him happy. He was about to walk out of the bedroom to get his cell phone, but he heard the ringtone of the cell phone getting closer and closer, accompanied by the sound of footsteps.

Is that wild man back?
Lin Yixing was shocked, looked around, picked up the glass ashtray on the bedside table, and then slowly walked behind the door.

Seeing this, Sun Lin looked horrified. If Shen Chu was attacked by a sneak attack, both she and him would be doomed!
When she heard the ringtone of her cell phone and the footsteps getting closer and closer, she couldn't care so much anymore and shouted loudly:
"Honey, be careful, that person is behind the door and is preparing to attack you!"

This sudden sound made Lin Yixing furious. If he hadn't wanted to deal with the wild man first, he would have turned around and come to the bed and opened the ashtray for this bitch!
But at the critical moment, he couldn't care about so much anymore, so he could only transfer his anger to the wild man first. He opened the bedroom door suddenly, trying to strike first.

The next moment, there was a bang, and Lin Yixing flew backwards from the door as if he was hit by a truck. He hit the end of the bed, and the glass ashtray in his hand fell down with the sound.

Not one person came in, but two!

One man and one woman!
When she saw these two people, Sun Lin's pupils were shocked.

"How could it be you, my husband?"

She never expected that the man she once abandoned as a waste would actually appear here, and he would also be with Shen Chu's wife Mi Shu.

All this made her confused. At this moment, she just wanted to know where Shen Chu was.

Seeing that this stupid woman hadn't figured out the situation yet, Su Xiao, who had returned to her original appearance, couldn't help laughing and said:
"Why, you can't recognize me now that you've changed your appearance, baby?"

The voice he spoke at this time was Shen Chu's voice before.

This familiar voice made Sun Lin feel like she was struck by lightning, her eyes widened, and the scenes during this period resurfaced in her mind.

How could it be possible? How could Shen Chu be Su Xiao?
Su Xiao is a complete waste, just a loser. How could he be the Shen Chu who makes him obsessed with dreams and wants to die?

There was anger in her eyes:

"You loser, why do you want to imitate my husband's speech? Where is my husband? Where is my husband?"

She looked at Mishu again:

"You bitch, it's all in vain that my husband is so kind to you, and you steal a man behind his back!" "If my husband finds out, he will definitely kill you all!"

Both sides of her cheeks were swollen, blood spilled from the corners of her mouth, and her body was in a terrible condition. In addition, her hands and feet were restrained. She looked like a bound beast, with a hideous and hateful face.

Mi Shu's eyes were cold, full of ridicule, and he uttered two words in disgust:


" that you?"

Lin Yixing, who was kicked away, finally regained his breath and looked at Su Xiao with eyes full of surprise and uncertainty.

Combining the information he had found before, he vaguely guessed some possibilities, but this possibility was so amazing that he couldn't believe it.

How could that loser who was so poor that he had to rely on credit cards and online loans to pay for hundreds of thousands of medical expenses turn into a boss with assets valued at tens of billions, Jun Yuexi, in just two years?

Moreover, he can also sign a memorandum of cooperation with Xue Jingshan!

Could it be that he was also the mastermind behind his failure?

This guess was too shocking. Even though it was the only possibility at the moment, he still couldn't believe it.

Even if he wanted to rise after returning from abroad, he had to rely on the original Xunli Group. How could Su Xiao, a person with no foundation and average abilities, rise so quickly under such circumstances?

Su Xiao watched him leaning feebly on the end of the bed. On the bed was the ferocious-looking Sun Lin. This picture made him feel happy.

These two people who had caused him to fall into a low point in his life were finally in front of him in this attitude, and all the planning these days had been worth it.

"Director Lin, how are you? How does it feel to have nothing?"

"Does it feel good to be cuckolded and betrayed by your own woman?"

Su Xiaoshi came to Lin Yixing and spoke condescendingly.

Lin Yixing struggled to get up, but found a heartbreaking pain in his chest, which made him unable to muster any strength, so he could only continue to lean on the bed legs behind him.

"Hey, so what? Even if I was cheated on, it was someone else, not you, but I was the one who cheated on you in the first place!"

"Haha, this woman was so naive back then, she really thought she had met the Mr. Right..."

He also wanted to take advantage verbally, but Su Xiao interrupted him and continued:
"Actually, even Sun Lin's mother's car accident was your fault, right?"

"Then, when this stupid woman was in despair, you happened to show up, you casually showed off your financial resources, and after a few casual PUAs, she believed in you without reservation!"

Hearing this, Sun Lin trembled and said in disbelief:
"How is it possible? Wasn't my mother's car accident an accident?"

"You're talking nonsense, you're talking nonsense!"

Lin Yixing was also stunned, then laughed loudly and said:
"Haha, he is indeed a smart man. He is worthy of being able to achieve such achievements in two years!"

"Yes, I designed that old woman's car accident. I just wanted her daughter to be my lucky buff, but you were really cheated!"

Lidya Su smiled nonchalantly:

"Sorry, from the moment she decided to betray me, she is no longer my woman. Does it matter whether she is green or not?"

"Besides, who says the person who loves you these days can't be me?"

As he spoke, he snapped his fingers, and several curtains suddenly fell down on several walls in the bedroom. The next moment, videos began to appear on the curtains.

The content in the video is naturally the scenes of "Shen Chu" and Sun Lin playing and having fun in the previous period, including warm and routine ones, as well as hot and wild ones, covering various occasions and plots.

In line with Sun Lin's current appearance, she is very suitable for the occasion.

And not only that, under the horrified gazes of the two people, it took Mi Shu less than a minute to turn half of Su Xiao's face and hair into what Shen Chu looked like before.

Half young, half vicissitudes of life, but combined with his figure and voice, Sun Lin finally believed that the person with whom she was passionately passionate and crazy about these days was the man she once despised.

The man she fell in love with in the first place, her first love!
But how is it possible?

Sun Lin finally collapsed under the impact of the scene on the curtain in the bedroom and the impact of Su Xiao and Mi Shu:

"How could it be, how could it be?"

She twisted her body crazily, trying to open the restraints, but the knots on her hands and feet were tied by Su Xiao herself. How could it be so easy to break free?
Su Xiao admired her performance with joy on her face, and then looked at Lin Yixing, who had a dull face:

"Director Lin, are you satisfied with my performance?"

"I think that just now, such a song should have sounded in Sun Lin's heart..."

As soon as his voice fell, a melodious singing voice sounded from somewhere:

"You are like a fish in my lotus pond..."

Comparing the two, it really makes sense!
Especially when I thought back to Sun Lin's expression and her loose feeling just now, I felt extremely ashamed and angry.

This wave, shrimp and pig heart belong to yes!

Sun Lin, who had struggled for a long time but to no avail, looked at the scenes on the surrounding curtains and couldn't help but recall the time she spent with Shen Chu, no, the time she spent with Su Xiao, and her body felt inexplicably hot.

Wave after wave of shocks in her mind made her thoughts become confused, and a strange thought arose:

"If Su Xiao becomes as strong as Shen Chu, it seems that I can't accept the new him. At least he is more handsome than Shen Chu!"

"Moreover, the reason why he spent so much energy on revenge must be because he still has himself in his heart..."

"I am so happy during this period, so he must be equally happy. After all, that feeling cannot be acted out!"

"Yes, that's right, that's definitely the case..."

Thinking of this, the vicious look on her face began to change, turning into another kind of madness.

And Su Xiao naturally noticed that her two favorability points, one black and one red, began to merge into one. The favorability degree that originally reached -60 was still declining. After the 100 points representing the favorability towards Shen Chu dissipated, it began to skyrocket. !
In just a few seconds, it went from -60 back to 0, then to 50, 60, 70, and finally back to 100 before stopping.

Seeing this, he shook his head in disgust, this woman was really hopeless.

But Sun Lin's voice sounded again:

"Brother Su Xiao, husband Su Xiao, you must still love me in your heart, right? Don't worry, I will only love you from now on. Aren't we very happy these days? It will be the same in the future. From now on, I will only love you." You are alone..."

(End of this chapter)

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