Chapter 102 Hollow Stone Drum
Chapter 1: Hollow Stone Drum
All the students watched and gloated.

Even when they were taking the exam, they were extremely frightened when Teacher Chen looked at them like this, for fear that they would make a mistake, let alone copy the exam paper and check it directly like now.

You must know that although Professor Chen is usually pleasant and cheerful, his attitude towards arithmetic is extremely strict.

Not to mention that I did the question wrong, even if there was a problem with the steps, I would have to complain for a long time.

But, it’s not like I’m looking at my own exam paper, I’m looking at Li Hao’s exam paper!

Li Hao had previously reported Huang Li, but the result was a disaster for Chi Yu. They all restrained themselves and no longer dared to use those bold cheating methods.

The culprit here is none other than Li Hao...

They snickered and looked at Li Hao, and suddenly they found that Li Hao looked very happy and relaxed, without any feeling of nervousness at all.


Many people took a breath, feeling that Li Hao's heart was too big.

Blue Star Ghost Talk Live Room.

[Look, if you look hard, I don’t believe you can still see the mistake! 】

[I am Tang Jiafeng for the postgraduate entrance examination. I have confirmed that Brother Li did it completely correctly. 】

[Yes, I am Qiu Chentong, I have confirmed it. 】

Strange talk world.

Teacher Chen quickly finished reading Li Hao’s test paper, nodded with a smile on his face, and praised:
"Yes, Li Hao, you are very good!

In just a quarter of an hour, I finished all the test questions, and they were absolutely correct! "

Professor Chen raised his head at this time, scanned all the candidates in the classroom, tremblingly raised Li Hao's exam paper, shook it, and said, "You all must learn from Li Hao!"

Suddenly, the candidates in the school were talking a lot.

"What? You did everything right?"

"This is not outrageous. The key is that he finished it all in less than a quarter of an hour!"

"It's kind of scary!"

"No wonder that Huang Li wants to snatch Li Hao's exam papers!"

"Even so, he shouldn't have cut off our life!"

Various opinions emerged one after another, turning the originally quiet school into a mess. Some clever people even took the opportunity to take a look at other students' test papers.

"Quiet!" Professor Chen patted the table slowly, signaling for everyone to quiet down, and then said, "Li Hao, you are very good, you can leave now!"

Li Hao nodded, stood up and walked outside.

When he passed by the Chosen One of Youyuan Realm, the other person gave him a fierce look.

Li Hao glanced at the other party's test paper.

The name is Ghost Starfish. As for the test papers...

I only wrote three questions, and they were all fucking wrong!

There is another one that looks like the numbers were copied wrong!

At your level, you can copy things crookedly, but you can still blame me?
If Mr. Chen has been reading, he can still find opportunities to peek at others. Now the threshold has been greatly raised.

Li Hao smiled at him and continued walking outside.

Watching the other person's retreating figure, Ghost Starfish gritted his teeth.

Youyuan Realm Ghost Talk live broadcast room.

[This Blue Star Chosen One is so abominable! 】

[Damn it, it’s okay for him to mess with the Chosen Ones from the Cangyuan Realm, why should he mess with the Chosen Ones from our Youyuan Realm? 】

[Hmph, wait until Ghost Starfish finishes the exam and kill him! 】

[Yes, this Li Hao just relies on these tricks to please the teacher, and he will kill him after the exam is over! 】

Blue Star Ghost Talk Live Room.

[Hahaha, did you see the expression on that ghost starfish just now? It was really funny. 】

[Maybe you can handle weirdness, but if you can’t do math, you just can’t do it. 】

[Brother Haixing, if that doesn’t work, let’s just copy it. It won’t be embarrassing. 】Li Hao left the school under the complicated eyes of everyone and wandered leisurely in the academy.

In front of the school is a huge courtyard where students can rest after class.

In fact, poetry gatherings and gatherings are often held in this kind of place, so the environment is quite good.

Li Hao walked around and then walked towards the courtyard he entered.

This courtyard is very different from the one in front of the school. All kinds of plants are just planted in a regular manner, which is not interesting at all.

In the center of the courtyard is a huge stone drum, almost as tall as two people.

This stone drum has an ancient appearance and rough texture. At first glance, it feels like a stone that no one pays attention to in the wild.

On both sides of the stone drum, there are strange fist-sized characters engraved on it.

Li Hao pondered for a long time, but still didn't understand what these words meant.

Strange tales of the Xia Kingdom.

Director Yan watched the live broadcast on the big screen, resting his hands on the armchair and tapping his fingers lightly.

"Contact the top epigraphy expert in the country!" He said in a deep and rich voice.

"Yes!" The secretary hurried down to make arrangements.

Fifteen minutes later, the secretary hurried back and reported: "I've been contacted, but the experts said they don't know this word."

"No one knows..." Director Yan nodded.

Strange talk world.

Li Hao frowned and studied for a long time, but finally shook his head.

This thing is similar to mathematics. If you don’t understand it, you don’t understand it.

Rule [-]: There is a stone drum in the academy. If you knock it, you will get XXXX. Please do not knock it.

Thinking of the mysterious seventh rule, Li Hao couldn't help but wonder, what is the secret of this stone drum?

He immediately opened his eyes and observed the stone drum.

Li Hao raised his eyebrows.

This stone drum is actually hollow?
Oh, that's right too!

After all, drums are hollow, so it seems reasonable that this stone drum is hollow.

But... that's all. Li Hao looked at it for a long time and saw nothing except the stone drum being hollow.

Forget it...

He shook his head and was about to put away his eyes. Suddenly, through his eyes, he discovered that Huang Li was kneeling in front of a statue in the Dacheng Hall of the Confucian Temple, kowtowing repeatedly and making "bang bang bang" sounds.

Although there was a futon under his knees, his forehead was actually hitting the stone slab on the ground.

That is to say, Huang Li had toiled his body for many years before he could kowtow on the hard stone slab.

Next to him, stood a serious middle-aged man in plain clothes with a Chinese character face, staring at Huang Li indifferently.

"Kneel down sincerely and repent sincerely, and only then can things turn around." The middle-aged man said, "Let me ask you, do you know you were wrong?"

Cang Yuan Realm Ghost Story Live Room.

[What kind of thing dares to make us kneel down and worship? 】

[We people in the plains only kneel to heaven and earth, never to any saint! 】

Huang Li said repeatedly: "Xie Jianyuan, I know I was wrong!"

You know it’s wrong, you know shit!
Li Hao couldn't help but complain.

This Huang Li kept kowtowing to the saint's statue, but he cursed in his heart:
"It's my damn fault! It was all that Blue Star's Chosen One, Li Hao, who framed me!

I have to kill him when I get back!
Fortunately, the punishment for cheating is just to kneel down and worship the saint, isn’t that shabby!

Just have a snack and don't look into the saint's eyes! "

He kept kowtowing, and his forehead even turned blue.

Considering his physical strength, one can imagine how incredible it is.

(End of this chapter)

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